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Active Member
The interesting part of all of this is that a large element of the US population sees nothing amiss. Depending on how things go, this may continue for a long time. Where it ends is anyone's guess. I suspect in a disaster, but we'll see.



Well-Known Member
The interesting part of all of this is that a large element of the US population sees nothing amiss. Depending on how things go, this may continue for a long time. Where it ends is anyone's guess. I suspect in a disaster, but we'll see.

It really is quite bizarre (and disturbing) looking from the outside in. Perhaps it is also a case of the stars aligning/"right place right time" as there seems to be a wave of anti-globalisation/nationalist sentiment sweeping much of the west at the moment. It also seems like the war weariness of a decade or more ago has given way to frustration/insecurity at the lack of a decisive response to (and control over?) the spate of terror attacks that have occurred since (ISIS et al). Perhaps the perfect storm needed for a Govt like this?

Horrible timing geopolitically though - the west surely needs a calm and steady hand at the helm in places like the West Pacific, ME and the Baltics...
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The interesting part of all of this is that a large element of the US population sees nothing amiss. Depending on how things go, this may continue for a long time. Where it ends is anyone's guess. I suspect in a disaster, but we'll see.

He appeals to the lizard in them I guess. Will they turn against him if the economy tanks or some other disaster of his making befalls them? One would like to think so but reasoned thinking seems to be in short supply nowadays.

Basic ‘lizard brain’ psychology can explain the rise of Trump - NY Daily News


Grumpy Old Man
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If it wasn't so serious you would laugh at the antics and the alternate facts going thru the white house

Five Australian 'terrorism acts' on White House list 'ignored by media' -

It's looking like a version of the comedy company.
well, I woke up this morning to find out that Australia had become a Republic (President Trunble)

then I discovered that MH17 had no Russian involvement and was fake news (George Christensen)

and now this....

I must be in a temporal flux

maybe Trump should spend more time watching international news feeds instead of wearing his fingers to a stub on Twitter.


Well-Known Member
well, I woke up this morning to find out that Australia had become a Republic (President Trunble)

then I discovered that MH17 had no Russian involvement and was fake news (George Christensen)

and now this....

I must be in a temporal flux

maybe Trump should spend more time watching international news feeds instead of wearing his fingers to a stub on Twitter.

It defies belief, how can any goverment across the globe take this administration serious, I don't think he has to weary about isolationist policy, he just has to keep going and nobody will want to deal with them.

At first I bought it was all an act for the electorate, but have come to the conclusion that's the real him

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
It defies belief, how can any goverment across the globe take this administration serious, I don't think he has to weary about isolationist policy, he just has to keep going and nobody will want to deal with them.

At first I bought it was all an act for the electorate, but have come to the conclusion that's the real him
Never have visited the WH. Maybe I should before the slot machines and brass poles get installed.:dance


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
It's looking like a version of the comedy company.
For Germany the list isn't that different from Australia.

Simply list all known terrorist attacks in the country committed by people with muslim background and resulting in injured or dead (conveniently omitting any such attacks done by others, which cuts down up to several dozen incidents of similar scale since 2014 to... four).
Also, for flavour, add some random murder "by an unknown attacker" that's probably in there because ISIL claimed responsibility (... two weeks later, citing a wrong number of victims (!) among other things).

There's one attack in the list for Germany though (the bombing of a Sikh temple) that is generally considered under-reported - in German media - and even had media reporting about the under-reporting. That incident pretty much wasn't reported at all in mainstream media in the US outside a Reuters article and some op-ed in the Wall Street Journal. Breitbart carried it pretty widely, along with other alt-right media, hence why it's probably on the list.


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Iranian potential launch removed

Gents, the sky is not falling in the US.

The electorate was faced with two slim choices in many Americans opinions. A life long Bureaucratic insider with self serving desires, or a complete outsider who seemed like a clown at times. Neither of which was overly appealing but after 8 years of Obama that very electorate chose against the life long politician. (Remember the negative Press is nearly overwhelming here since the media lost its Queen in the last election)

Trump clearly made a mistake with Turnbull. He should have a clear view of the deep history of the special Bilateral relationship Australia and the US have shared for over a century. Both are Free nations sharing common culture and much more.

We're two weeks in, again the sky is not falling. The US SecDef has traveled to reassure allies in the Pacific the US is with them and they no longer stand on thin ice ( my opinion on how Obama treated many allies) Mattis has made the point many times our Allies should rest easier in the face of aggression and our enemies should no longer feel safe to do as they please without and checks.


Well-Known Member
Gents, the sky is not falling in the US.

The electorate was faced with two slim choices in many Americans opinions. A life long Bureaucratic insider with self serving desires, or a complete outsider who seemed like a clown at times. Neither of which was overly appealing but after 8 years of Obama that very electorate chose against the life long politician. (Remember the negative Press is nearly overwhelming here since the media lost its Queen in the last election)

Trump clearly made a mistake with Turnbull. He should have a clear view of the deep history of the special Bilateral relationship Australia and the US have shared for over a century. Both are Free nations sharing common culture and much more.

We're two weeks in, again the sky is not falling. The US SecDef has traveled to reassure allies in the Pacific the US is with them and they no longer stand on thin ice ( my opinion on how Obama treated many allies) Mattis has made the point many times our Allies should rest easier in the face of aggression and our enemies should no longer feel safe to do as they please without and checks.
I wish I could share your confidence, but bad people seldom do good, and having a textbook narcisitic sociopath in charge of the worlds largest military does not bode well. Not being able to tell the difference between fact and fiction doesn't help either. Pissing off your allies won't help the USA, the strength and depth of US power is because of alliances. These are things Russia and China don't have and spent a lot of effort trying to break. Mr trump looks like he's going to do it himself.

Ranger, you seem to be learning your Boss's habit of alternative facts. The start of the administration has been disastrous and shambolic. Right from the inauguration, the idiocy about the crowd size. No amount of spin can make it seem otherwise. Mr Mattis is travelling around the Pacific to undo the damage done to your alliances by Mr Trumps words, not to shore up alliances after Mr Obama. BTW I think most of your allies were happy with Mr Obama.

There is the additional, and very real concern that Mr Trump may drag us into a unnecessary war, because of his impulsiveness and ego, or possibly to shore up domestic support. It's a popular move for despots through the ages.

BTW I am going to suggest to our President Turnball that he appoint Jennifer Hawkins our new ambassador, Mr Trump much more likely to give her a helping hand than our current appointee.


Active Member
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I wish I could share your confidence, but bad people seldom do good, and having a textbook narcisitic sociopath in charge of the worlds largest military does not bode well. Not being able to tell the difference between fact and fiction doesn't help either. Pissing off your allies won't help the USA, the strength and depth of US power is because of alliances. These are things Russia and China don't have and spent a lot of effort trying to break. Mr trump looks like he's going to do it himself.

Ranger, you seem to be learning your Boss's habit of alternative facts. The start of the administration has been disastrous and shambolic. Right from the inauguration, the idiocy about the crowd size. No amount of spin can make it seem otherwise. Mr Mattis is travelling around the Pacific to undo the damage done to your alliances by Mr Trumps words, not to shore up alliances after Mr Obama. BTW I think most of your allies were happy with Mr Obama.

There is the additional, and very real concern that Mr Trump may drag us into a unnecessary war, because of his impulsiveness and ego, or possibly to shore up domestic support. It's a popular move for despots through the ages.

BTW I am going to suggest to our President Turnball that he appoint Jennifer Hawkins our new ambassador, Mr Trump much more likely to give her a helping hand than our current appointee.
Vitriol duly noted bow, I prefer to continue thinking this forum is above that.

Let's circle back in 100/180 days when there are some facts to discuss instead of conjecture and hypothesis


Super Moderator
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Verified Defense Pro
Vitriol duly noted bow, I prefer to continue thinking this forum is above that.

Let's circle back in 100/180 days when there are some facts to discuss instead of conjecture and hypothesis
Not directed at anyone in particular, if people feel the necessity that honour must be assuaged by pistols or swords at dawn, please do it elsewhere because that can get noisy, messy and the Mods have grown bored with of the sounds of people shrieking as they are stuck or shot, so lets keep it civilised. Yes I know that the Black Knight said that it was only a flesh wound and that he could still bite the Kings ankles.

I think vitriol is an overly sensitive term. cdxbow has expressed some very valid concerns for those outside of the US and whilst his term of "narcissistic sociopath" is not necessarily polite, that is how President Trump is viewed by more than just a few outside of the US.


In an interesting event, Iran pulled a prepped Safir missile back off the pad days after US comments pertaining to violation of UN Sanctions. May be completely non related but interesting

EXCLUSIVE: Iran pulls missile from launchpad after apparent prep for launch, US officials say | Fox News

Satellite evidence of Iran pulling missile from launchpad | Fox News
Well if the Great Satan elects a government that says it wants* to invade you, I think you tend to take them at their word. Iran's been justifiably worried about an invasion since W's Iraq adventure and with Trump insisting that Obama's deal with Iran wasn't one-sided enough (for me it's hard to see how it could have been more lopsided in America's favour but there you go) I'd be preparing whatever defences I had in their place, that's for sure.

*I originally wrote 'plans' but that assumes facts not in evidence, namely that the Trump administration can form coherent strategies to turn their desires into reality. Not that I'm complaining.


Grumpy Old Man
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IMO reinforces what I've said prev that in effect they have managed to exhaust and abandon prev goodwill where the chinese had basically driven SEA back into the arms of the US due to their belligerence

the irony being that Trump by his behaviour has disrupted all those gains and made China look like an innocent bystander

job well done - not


Well-Known Member
Interesting article but the writer has got it wrong with Malaysia. Indeed Malaysia has good ties with China but this is nothing new. It's not as if Malaysia is taking its relationship with China to new levels whilst scaling back its relationship with the U.S. The fact remains that Malaysia conducts more exercises with the U.S. than with any other country [apart from Australia] and USN ships visits Malaysia on a much more regular basis than Chinese ones. Yes a PLAN SSK and its tender docked at a Malaysian naval base last month but that base has seen dozens of visits by the USN over the years.

[Malaysia Is Not Pivoting To China With Najib’s Visit]

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
Interesting read and given Trump's desire to cozy up to Russia with no apparent benefits and against the advice of many, one has to be somewhat sceptical of his motives.:confused:
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