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The hole in the dike is now a breach as more extensive contacts between the Trump campaign and Moscow. Trump was informed of the Flynn concerns early on but did not take any action and appointed Flynn as his NSA. Trump is in a tight fix. If he tries to muzzle the spooks he'll only spur more damaging leaks. Who knows? A copy of his tax returns could show up in the NYT mailroom.:)


New Member
I wonder if Russia anticipated that the dominoes would fall so fast. Assuming Trump survives the fall out of this Flynn fiasco, he has a powerful incentive to now crackdown on Russia. He can't be seen as a stooge. If he doesn't survive this because he is actually compromised by Moscow, any administration that follows him would be virulently anti-Russian.


Well-Known Member
You know on here or I read it somewhere else there was a post along the lines that their could be a watergate type takedown of Trump, all this seems to have happened before he became president, can he be impeached for something done out of office, from what I gather from the below website it seems the reason for impeachment was done within their time in office.

The Constitution sets specific grounds for impeachment. They are “treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.” To be impeached and removed from office, the House and Senate must find that the official committed one of these acts.
The Constitution defines treason in Article 3, Section 3, Clause 1:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Could talking to the Russians prior to becoming President and having a plan, contrary to the sitting President, could that be considered treason?

High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation


Grumpy Old Man
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Sometimes you get lucky

I think Mike Pence could well be the luckiest pollie in the world, ever. Bookmakers are currently offering 2 to 1 odds on the chance of Mr Trumps impeachment. This to me seems a realistic figure after these chaotic first weeks, so Mr Pence has about 50% chance of becoming President as long he keeps his nose clean. There have been a few headlines about 'Pence out of the loop" and he does not seem to have the same baggage wrt Mr Putin, please correct me if I'm wrong. He also seems be budding up to the more traditional players rather than Trump people.

The GOP may lead the impeachment, in which case they should do it as early as possible for a few reasons. If the Democrats push it, they would want to do it as late as possible to keep the stench around at the next election. If only someone would give Mr Trump an impressively shiny box, with bright flashing buttons and labelled 'NUCLEAR CODES' I could sleep more soundly.


What a pitiful and embarrassing performance by Trump during the press conference with PM Netanyahu for the whole world to witness. So obvious he had no clue as to the complexities of the issue and did not play any leadership qualities that would be needed to find any resolution to the deadlock.When asked about the growing anti-semitism in the US, all he could babble was something about a lot of "love" in his administration prompting Netanyahu to do some spin to help him out.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
This is one "one liner" that even the most pedantic MoD should allow:

Given that Mickey Pence is the VP and Donald Trump POTUS...not even Walt Disney could ever believe that the USA was being run by Mickey and Donald. :)


Well-Known Member
This is one "one liner" that even the most pedantic MoD should allow:

Given that Mickey Pence is the VP and Donald Trump POTUS...not even Walt Disney could ever believe that the USA was being run by Mickey and Donald. :)
Where the like button when you need one

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
I think Mike Pence could well be the luckiest pollie in the world, ever. Bookmakers are currently offering 2 to 1 odds on the chance of Mr Trumps impeachment. This to me seems a realistic figure after these chaotic first weeks, so Mr Pence has about 50% chance of becoming President as long he keeps his nose clean. There have been a few headlines about 'Pence out of the loop" and he does not seem to have the same baggage wrt Mr Putin, please correct me if I'm wrong. He also seems be budding up to the more traditional players rather than Trump people.
The best thing Pence can do now is minimize his exposure to the WH. Any contact should be with his lawyer present. If any of these affairs stick to him then Paul Ryan could be the luckiest guy in town. If that were to happen, the few tea party types left will learn all about payback.


Super Moderator
It's being suggested elsewhere that Trump's pre-empted SNL by self-parody so extreme that satire has become pointless. Just re-run his latest press conference.

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
It's being suggested elsewhere that Trump's pre-empted SNL by self-parody so extreme that satire has become pointless. Just re-run his latest press conference.
Indeed, I saw some of it. Just can't see this situation ending well. Perhaps there is a John Dean clone in Trump's WH who will come forth and bring this gong show to an end.


Well-Known Member
It is being reported by the Financial Times that retired Vice Admiral Robert Harward has turned down Mr Trumps offer to become National Security Advisor.


Can't blame him. He wants to hire people who will have his back. So smart of him to stick with his cushy LM job.

Vice Admiral Robert Harward declines Trump NSA Director offer - CBS News

Vice Admiral Robert Harward turns down national security adviser job

Two sources close to the situation confirm Harward Harward demanded his own team, and the White House resisted.

Specifically, Mr. Trump told Deputy National Security Adviser K. T. McFarland that she could retain her post, even after the ouster of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Harward refused to keep McFarland as his deputy, and after a day of negotiations over this and other staffing matters, Harward declined to serve as Flynn’s replacement.


Banned Member
I just saw Trump's press speech, I believe he scored again against the old media and is climbing back up in the poll ratings. The Flynn situation is not a "fiasco" and nothing will come of it. Whether you like him or not, the media are making the same mistakes as during the election campaigning, unsubstantiated accusations and predictable allegiance to the previous status quo.

Say what you want about him, I laugh sometimes too, he is quite the performer and enigma but I believe he won this round, too. And this truth hurts many people, as it often does. Welcome to the death of the media establishment. :coffee


New Member
If the US media doesn't understand Trump, what makes you think foreign diplomats and leaders will? Why is playing games with the media a good thing, how does it advanced his own domestic goals, keep America safe, and maintain US hegemony?

Also, the situation with Flynn doesn't look good. It is a fiasco. Pressuring a person to resign within the first month is a sign of a big problem. Either it's a sign of something ethically/legally bad or it's a sign of a fickle and incompetent boss. Either way, looks like it will make it hard to get good talent (See: Harwood)


I just saw Trump's press speech, I believe he scored again against the old media and is climbing back up in the poll ratings. The Flynn situation is not a "fiasco" and nothing will come of it. Whether you like him or not, the media are making the same mistakes as during the election campaigning, unsubstantiated accusations and predictable allegiance to the previous status quo.

Say what you want about him, I laugh sometimes too, he is quite the performer and enigma but I believe he won this round, too. And this truth hurts many people, as it often does. Welcome to the death of the media establishment. :coffee
Hang on, a major world leader going off on an incoherent rant on live television is a good thing? That's going to need some unpacking for me. That's not the 'media establishment' trying to make him look bad, that's him just talking to the nation and this ill-informed word salad is what's coming out.

Also, he has noticed that he's president right? Because he's still talking about Hillary Clinton like he has to compete with her. Surely he's not so insecure about the whole 'lost the popular vote' thing that he's going to keep fighting the election he won?

Maybe you enjoy it but I don't like waking up in a world where my first thought is 'what act of rampant stupidity has the most powerful man in the world performed while I was asleep?'. I suppose it's good that he's already had highly sensitive discussions right there in public with onlookers snapping pics on their mobile phones because short of actually being a Russian stooge hes not really going to top that one.

Is he? :eek


Grumpy Old Man
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Maybe you enjoy it but I don't like waking up in a world where my first thought is 'what act of rampant stupidity has the most powerful man in the world performed while I was asleep?'. I suppose it's good that he's already had highly sensitive discussions right there in public with onlookers snapping pics on their mobile phones because short of actually being a Russian stooge hes not really going to top that one.

Is he? :eek
I just about wake up every morning and wonder whether that muppet has become offended at some random comment and reaches for the football instead of his phone

there is an underlying philosophy of mine which says that I should avoid commentating on another countries leader as much as possible as its not a useful contribution in the long run

but geez that man reminds me of narcissistic sociapaths that I have interviewed. I'm somewhat in a legitimate position to comment as I also hold a current license that is federally recognised to deal with vulnerable people. (in addition to my day job)

his irrational logic, his hypersensitivity, his body language, his mannerisms - he's a walking billboard of collective behaviours of someone who would we would refer to a specialised agency

if I ran an INT shop I'd withold sensitive information from trump as well. he is borderline if not actually unhinged.

like all sociopaths, he's unable to recognise or separate fact from fiction
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