Ukranian Crisis

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A "full scale" operation against the terrorists has been announced by the Ukrainian government.

Íîâîñòè :: Òóð÷èíîâ: íà÷èíàåòñÿ "ïîëíîìàñøòàáíàÿ" îïåðàöèÿ ïðîòèâ òåððîðèñòîâ íà âîñòîêå Óêðàèíû

At the emergency UN Security Council meeting, Russia was left completely alone, when it attempted to assert the popular nature of the uprisings in eastern Ukraine.

Íîâîñòè :: Íà ñðî÷íî ñîçâàííîì çàñåäàíèè Ñîâáåçà ÎÎÍ íèêòî íå ïîääåðæàë ÐÔ, çàÿâèâøóþ î "íàðîäíîì" õàðàêòåðå ïðîòåñòîâ íà âîñòîêå Óêðàèíû

Meanwhile, this gentleman is back. We saw him earlier in Crimea. Now he's in Slavyansk. The optics on his rifle has changed, but otherwise he seems to be the same.

Берлога Бронемедведа - Тот Ñамый вездеÑущий товарищ

This is a set of photos out of Slavyansk, where the government forces attempt to bring BTRs and soldiers into the city has failed.


A unit of fighters from Lugansk has been dispatched to Slavyansk to help the locals fight off the government forces.

Colonel Cassad -

The SBU has published conversations on radio between alleged GRU officers, in eastern Ukraine. They discuss the fighting against government forces, and talk about the reinforcement of Slavyansk with experienced fighters from Lugansk. Personally I'd like to note something. There are a lot of ex-military, and ex-MVD (as well as current MVD) service members among the militias. It's likely they form the backbone of their fighting force.

Íîâîñòè :: ÑÁÓ îïóáëèêîâàëà ïðîñëóøêó ðàçãîâîðîâ ñîòðóäíèêîâ ðîññèéñêîãî ÃÐÓ â Ñëàâÿíñêå, îáâèíèâ Ðîññèþ â òåððîðèçìå

Here's a video where Lugansk militia are confiscating military equipment. The crowd does not sound happy at all, but the militia representative states that the service members will get back on their bus and leave, without their weapons. Their trucks (Kamaz military trucks) and weapons will be confiscated as trophy's by the militia.

[nomedia=""]ДьÑковÑкий перекрёÑток первые трофеи 13 04 2014 Украина ДонбаÑÑ - YouTube[/nomedia]

In Donetsk, a DOSAAF airfield has been captured by local militia.

Russian sources claim that either members of, or the whole, 25th Air Mobile brigade have sided with the anti-Maydan forces. However no real info on it so far.

Meanwhile the Kiev government has mentioned the possibility of a referendum on federalization, but I think it's too little too late. The east is up in arms, and at a point where government forces are no longer able to contain the situation.

Íîâîñòè :: Òóð÷èíîâ ïðåäëîæèë â äåíü âûáîðîâ ïðåçèäåíòà Óêðàèíû ïðîâåñòè è ðåôåðåíäóì î ôåäåðàëèçàöèè. Íî âûáîðû ìîãóò ïåðåíåñòè íà îñåíü 2014 ãîäà

EDIT: Update, the trucks with soldiers stopped and disarmed, have not been released. A senior military officer has dispatched there to negotiate. The Ukrainian soldiers are asking to be released, and promise to leave, but the locals will only do so if they surrender their weapons.

Also in Slavyansk, the locals have captured 3 truckloads of rockets to Grad MLRS and Igla SAMs. These are Ukrainian army rockets.
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Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Are there any huge denonstrations in eastern Ukraine so far? I haven't seen any in the news.

Lot's of nice gentlemen mixed with some civilians running around, occupying government buildings and police stations but no large masses on the streets. Makes one wonder about how deep the seperatistic tendencies are rooted in the population.

Look at the middle east, Thailand, Rumania or Eastern Germany for what it looks like when a notable percentage of the population rises against a government it can't stand any longer.

Look at Crimea to see how it will end up in Eastern Ukraine...


Active Member
Are there any huge denonstrations in eastern Ukraine so far? I haven't seen any in the news.

Lot's of nice gentlemen mixed with some civilians running around, occupying government buildings and police stations but no large masses on the streets. Makes one wonder about how deep the seperatistic tendencies are rooted in the population.

Look at the middle east, Thailand, Rumania or Eastern Germany for what it looks like when a notable percentage of the population rises against a government it can't stand any longer.

Look at Crimea to see how it will end up in Eastern Ukraine...
you really think they will try a crimea? It looks to me like it is exerting pressure or firing across the bow, rather than fully seeking to absorb eastern Ukraine. You may be right, but it just hadn't occurred to me based on what I understand to be going on.


Active Member
The latest news is that Russian jets have flown fairly close to US Warships in the black Sea and the US has protested this behavior. This has all the makings of the start of a major war. All it would take is a mistake by one side. I hope that doesn't occur.



The latest news is that Russian jets have flown fairly close to US Warships in the black Sea and the US has protested this behavior. This has all the makings of the start of a major war. All it would take is a mistake by one side. I hope that doesn't occur.

The jet was unarmed. Posturing, being assertive, reminding US of their presence, yes. Starting a shooting match with the US, no.


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Are there any huge denonstrations in eastern Ukraine so far? I haven't seen any in the news.

Lot's of nice gentlemen mixed with some civilians running around, occupying government buildings and police stations but no large masses on the streets. Makes one wonder about how deep the seperatistic tendencies are rooted in the population.
Your news are wrong then. There have been huge demonstrations, in the tens of thousands, in major cities, and in the thousands, in smaller cities. The giant human shield in Slavyansk, that stopped the BTRs from entering the city, is a prime example. The giant crowd that gathered around a few trucks of soldiers in Rovenek, in a matter of less then an hour is another one. In Kharkov massive demonstrations have ranged from 20 000 to 80 000.

I apologized if I have not made this clear, but in Kharkov, Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Nikolaev, and Odessa, there have been pro-Russian demonstrations on a huge scale. Quite a few of the links I posted link to photographs and videos from such demonstrations. In a few places the demonstrations were so massive that the local police simply declared neutrality, or even sided with the demonstrators.

With regards to separatism however, don't fall into the trap of believing the Ukrainian narrative. These are not separatists. These are ordinary people who want to live normal, stable, and moderately prosperous lives. If they could do that as part of Ukraine, they would do so. The problem is that they believe they can't, and the past 20 years are fairly solid proof of this. They have been led to believe that their salvation lies in Russia. Not all of them have a good idea of what life in Russia is like today. However those that do can see that despite the deep problems, and problematic government, it's still in many ways a better life then what they have in Ukraine. Many have powerful complexes of Soviet nostalgia. They associate Russia with a glorious past, when they weren't ruled by a clique of corrupt officials and oligarchs looking to line their own pockets in the short term, and leave the country. They look at Putin and suffer from misrecognition, equating him with a strong Soviet-style leader who will lead the country to greatness. The USSR has become, to many, the great before time, the long-long ago when trees were taller, and things were better. Especially to the younger generation the USSR is at best a dim childhood memory, and often simply a fairy tale. Their grandparents stories about the old days when the factories were working, and their country could make the world quiver and shake.

Also the handling of the crisis by the Ukrainian government has led to this escalation in many ways. They labeled the protesters as separatists, even though initially Russian flags were not a sign of pro-independece sentiment, but merely a sign of opposition to the blatantly anti-Russian course of the Kiev government. If you work at a plant that produces goods for Russia, it's unlikely you'd welcome a government that's going to take away your livelihood by picking a fight with them. The absolute refusal, by Kiev, to recognize these people's concerns, and their problems, has led to this state of affairs. However the Kiev government in many ways has no choice. Making friends with Russia would destroy their existing support base, without winning the support of the east, which would see them as weak turncoats. So they're stuck with an unsustainable anti-Russia position, a deepening internal crisis, and a weak lifeline to a whimsical and indecisive west.

Look at Crimea to see how it will end up in Eastern Ukraine...
I doubt it. Crimea was very easy to annex, and swallow, and is relatively small, which means Russia will be able to invest and bring it up to the level of at least a relatively prosperous Russian province. Also the local government of Crimea was autonomous, and was essentially bought wholesale by Russia. Eastern Ukraine is very large, heavily impoverished, and not nearly as pro-Russian. It will be much harder to swallow. Not to mention there are pro-Ukrainian forces there, as events in Nikolaev and Kherson have demonstrated. And the local governments have a lot at stake, which means they are less likely to switch sides.


Active Member
The jet was unarmed. Posturing, being assertive, reminding US of their presence, yes. Starting a shooting match with the US, no.
Irrevelant. It only takes one mistake. We shoot them down, they fire back. Too many ways for a mistake to occur.



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Irrevelant. It only takes one mistake. We shoot them down, they fire back. Too many ways for a mistake to occur.

Nonsense. One accidental shootdown does not necessarily lead to war, even in much more dangerous situations. Look at shootdown of a Turkish jet by Syria, or of Syrian aircraft by Turkey. Yet still no war. If an accidental shootdown of a Russian jet does occur, it will be embarrassing to America, and certainly not helpful internationally, but it won't lead to war.


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Another militia will be created by Yuliya Timoshenko, personally.

Тимошенко хочет Ñоздать народное движение ÑÐ¾Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¸Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ -

The handover of BTR-4s to the National Guard has begun. It appears some of them already have to be towed...

bmpd -

In Rodinskoe village, near Donetsk, a T-64B tank has been captured by locals, using a Niva SUV to block the tank. You can see other cars blocking the road. The locals seem quite upset, yelling "Who are you going to shoot at b*tch? Put away your weapon. It won't help you." etc. They keep telling the crew to turn off the engine, which they finally do. The locals seem convinced that the tank is headed to Slavyansk, to kill their friends and relatives there.

bmpd -

There are reports of fighting near Slavyansk, BTRs have been sighted moving towards the city. The government building in nearby Andreevka village is on fire.

Блог ÐлекÑандра Шакуна - СлавÑнÑк. Турчинов - военный преÑтупник.

BTRs near Slavyansk. The city has held out the first 24 hours against government forces. In Gorlovka, a small town, a local police major threw a young protester out the window. But the police building was captured anyway. Gorlovka now seems to be under the control of the Donetsk militias.

ЛОГОВО ÐЕТОЛЕÐ*ÐÐТÐОГО СÐ*ЕДÐЕВЕКОВОГО ÐœÐ*ÐКОБЕСР- СлавÑнÑк, день второй. Горловка день первый!

Russian correspondents shot a video of troops near Mariupol'. They seem to interact fairly normally with locals. No attempts to capture armored vehicles here, but there are attempts to engage the soldiers in discussion, and 5 BMPs were allegedly blocked by locals. The soldiers are reservists who were called up for 10 days, have been serving for 45, and are unhappy about it. When local activists confronted a high ranking Ukrainian army officer, he stated that his troops will not fire on separatists, and he himself remembers the USSR, and can't forgive those who dissolved it.

Meanwhile in Mariupol' local activists have captured government buildings. The local SBU no longer flies the Ukrainian flag, but has also taken down the Donetsk Independent Republic flag, which was briefly raised. The police and SBU are sitting quietly, seemingly hoping this will blow over. The local police had participated in actions against the euro-Maydan in Kiev.

УкраинÑкие военные: мы не будем ÑтрелÑÑ‚ÑŒ в Ñвой народ // KOMPRAVDA.EU КомÑомольÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð´Ð° в Северной Европе

Photos of demonstrations.

Lugansk. Note the video where they sing the Russian hymn. The lights are locals with cellphones, lighting. The person filming says "we're not 100 or 200, we're thousands, and this is our anthem, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, please make us part of Russia".
[nomedia=""]Вечерний гимн РоÑÑии в ЛуганÑке 08 04 2014 - YouTube[/nomedia]

Donetsk. Note the photo of the old ladies sitting in, in front of the police that apparently is on the side of the pro-Russian forces.



EDIT: An Ural truck with weapons has been stopped and disarmed by militias.

[nomedia=""]Разоруженный Урал - YouTube[/nomedia]
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Nonsense. One accidental shootdown does not necessarily lead to war, even in much more dangerous situations. Look at shootdown of a Turkish jet by Syria, or of Syrian aircraft by Turkey. Yet still no war. If an accidental shootdown of a Russian jet does occur, it will be embarrassing to America, and certainly not helpful internationally, but it won't lead to war.
Was about to add that Rules of Engagement also exist on both sides, so firing a live munition will not be something done rashly. ROEs aren't foolproof, but they reduce the chances of such things happening greatly i.e. radio the aircraft for identification first, send out warnings etc.

In the rare event of an accidental shootdown, there are always diplomatic channels available for both parties to de-escalate the situation.


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Material on Ukrainian government forces and anti-government forces in and near Donetsk.

In this link the top half of the photos are the pro-Russian militias and protesters. The bottom are Ukrainian force wielders.


This is Ukrainian government troops.


This is more material of the protesters.


In Donetsk Ukrainian state symbols are being removed from buildings.

In Kramatorsk government troops took the airfield. 4 to 11 resistance fighters are reported dead in Kramatorsk airfield. 500 Ukrainian soldiers were seen entering Slavyansk, riding 20 BTRs, buses, and trucks.

A fighter jet, most likely Su-27, shot at some ground targets, then left.

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Ð”ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÐœÐ¾ÐºÑ€ÑƒÑˆÐ¸Ð½ - Бои на Юго-ВоÑтоке

Partial mobilization in Ukraine is complete. However the called up reservists report that the situation on the inside is absurd and farcical.

Íîâîñòè :: Íà Óêðàèíå çàâåðøåíà ÷àñòè÷íàÿ ìîáèëèçàöèÿ. Ìîáèëèçîâàííûå ãîâîðÿò î ïðîôàíàöèè è "÷åõàðäå"

In the light of high unrealiability of the MVD forces, and even the SBU, it has been decided to use the army against the "separatists" in Eastern Ukraine. I'm not sure how well this will go, given the info that's been coming out of the armed forces.

Meanwhile the UN finds significant problems with the Russian referendum in Crimea, including confiscation of documents by Crimean militias, from various people, preventing them from voting, and alleged voting by non-Crimeans.

Íîâîñòè :: ÎÎÍ óëè÷èëà ÐÔ â ïðîïàãàíäå íåíàâèñòè è ìàõèíàöèÿõ ñ ðåôåðåíäóìîì â Êðûìó, à òàêæå ëèøèëà Ìîñêâó ãëàâíîãî äîâîäà äëÿ "àííåêñèè"

And ~9200 Ukrainian service members in Crimea have joined the Russian military.

Íîâîñòè ::  Âîîðóæåííûå ñèëû ÐÔ ïî êîíòðàêòó ïðèíÿëè áîëåå 9,2 òûñÿ÷è áûâøèõ óêðàèíñêèõ âîåííûõ

The 4 largest Ukrainian chemical factories have shut down because of this crisis. There are also problems with Ukrainian automobile production.


Active Member
First of Feanor thank you for your updates. I always consider you to be very balanced. And your updates tell us so much more than regular or mainstream news sources. So thanks.

How do you see this situation (assault?) developing over the next few days? What's the status of the Ukranian forces? Who are they? I heard special forces where involved. Are these interior forces or military special forces?

Finally, is it likely that international actors will get involved if or when the violence escalates?


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I'd like to echo that sentiment, thanks for all the info you're putting together on here Feanor. I'm finding your updates far more comprehensive and informative than anything I'm seeing on local or national news.


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I'm glad this is helping you guys. That was my intent. I'm familiar with the kind of garbage that general news spit out on the subject, so I figured I'd provide a detailed and fact-focused alternative.

How do you see this situation (assault?) developing over the next few days?
I think there will be a gradual escalation of violence. The critical question will be whether Ukrainian force wielders are competent and willing enough to openly fight their own people. It also remains to be seen how willing the population is to stand up to Kievs guns.

What's the status of the Ukranian forces? Who are they? I heard special forces where involved. Are these interior forces or military special forces?
Involved so far.

Air Force (fighters and helos)
Army (mech infantry, tanks, and airborne)
MVD SpetzNaz
MVD National Guard
MVD Internal Troops
SBU SpetzNaz
SBU agents
Right Sector Activists - unconfirmed

Finally, is it likely that international actors will get involved if or when the violence escalates?
Russia will likely get involved if there is a sufficiently violent and messy crackdown. Large numbers of dead civilians would be ideal for a Russian intervention, and would likely cost Kiev their western support. In the long run UN peacekeepers are possible, as a way of freezing the conflict, and establishing internationally, that Ukraine is a conflict zone and that there are two sides in the conflict, not just Ukraine cleaning up their internal affairs.


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More info.

Images of government forces. You can see MVD Internal Troops, and military.

More photos from Kramatorsk airport.

Local sources claim the death toll at Kramatorsk airport is 4 dead 2 wounded, from the resistance.


More photos from the airport battle, the top two are of the anti-government forces. The rest are Ukrainian troops. The equipment on them looks positively ancient.


There is a report out of Kramatorsk, that after the airport was taken, a large crowd of locals (several hundred) approached the airport peacefully (although some people were armed) and tried to talk the Ukrainian troops into joining their side. They were fired upon.

This is a very brief video showing Ukrainian soldiers near Slavyansk. These are army, airborne most likely, not MVD or SBU.

[nomedia=""]Под СлавÑнÑком ÑобралиÑÑŒ украинÑкие войÑка - YouTube[/nomedia]

This is a video of protesters near Kramatorsk airport, probably before the shooting incident. They certainly don't look like militia. Note, like earlier, smaller organized and armed militias, large unorganized, and unarmed crowds.

[nomedia=""]КраматорÑк. ÐÑродром. 15.04.2014 - YouTube[/nomedia]

This is a long article about the Iraqi BTR-4s going to the National Guard. That's not news. The news are at the end. Russia is halting transfer of military equipment from Crimea, because it could be used against civilians in eastern Ukraine.


Active Member
Your news are wrong then. There have been huge demonstrations, in the tens of thousands, in major cities, and in the thousands, in smaller cities. The giant human shield in Slavyansk, that stopped the BTRs from entering the city, is a prime example. The giant crowd that gathered around a few trucks of soldiers in Rovenek, in a matter of less then an hour is another one. In Kharkov massive demonstrations have ranged from 20 000 to 80 000.
I don't doubt that there are large demonstrations but the independent polls (not ukranian) have shown that they are more likely a highly motivated minority. Even in heavily russian speaking regions there is only about 1 in 4 supporting the russian actions in Crimea or in declaring independence and being annexed by russia. Most are not even in favor of Putins federaliztion scheme. Additionally the ones in favor of such actions are mainly older. Younger generations are much more in favor of moving west than east. That doesn't bode well in the long term for Russia.

One thing all of them do have in common as you pointed out is a wish to end the never ending corruption, unfortunately neither side has shown any ability to put an end to instutionalized corruption.


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I don't doubt that there are large demonstrations but the independent polls (not ukranian) have shown that they are more likely a highly motivated minority. Even in heavily russian speaking regions there is only about 1 in 4 supporting the russian actions in Crimea or in declaring independence and being annexed by russia. Most are not even in favor of Putins federaliztion scheme. Additionally the ones in favor of such actions are mainly older. Younger generations are much more in favor of moving west than east. That doesn't bode well in the long term for Russia.

One thing all of them do have in common as you pointed out is a wish to end the never ending corruption, unfortunately neither side has shown any ability to put an end to instutionalized corruption.
If you have the polls please share. I think there is a lot of truth to what you say. That having been said, the photo and video material gathered so far shows a lot of younger people involved, and the use of social media sites to coordinate these actions between people, and even cities, also speaks against your theory that this is an aging and small minority. I do think that the people protesting are a motivated minority, but they are a very large minority and they cannot be ignored. I think the majority of the population is politically inert, and while it has some opinion on things, it's not motivated or polarized enough to take to the streets to fight for their views, which is what it has come to (and not just in the East, let us not forget that the government in Kiev was brought to power by a determined, well organized, and armed minority).

Like I wrote earlier, Ukraine is not a democracy, and the mind set of the population there is not that of a democratic nation. In the East, the politically active element of the population (and not a small one either) is heavily pro-Russian. It has tacit support of a lot of locals who support them not so much in favor of Russia, as against Kiev.

As for federalization, remember Russian didn't suggest a referendum on it. Russia suggested Ukraine federalize. ;) The point of the federalization is to weaken the central government, and make it forever impossible for Ukraine to join NATO, or even the EU, under some particularly active pro-Western leader. It's an intelligent move on Russia's part, and had the west grabbed on to it, it could have been used to de-escalate the current tensions, but it might be too late now regardless.

Also remember, the more urbanized an area is, the higher the percentage of Russian population, and Russian speakers. And it's been the cities that have become centers of resistance, Lugansk and Donetsk, sending out groups of activists and fighters to locales. In a few cases villages and small towns have also played their part, but their overall impact is significantly less. This will not be decided at the election polls. It will either be decided between closed doors using international diplomacy, or on the field of battle.

After all the majority may not be for independence, but they are certainly not willing to take to the streets to stop those who are from making it happen. So far it's been the opposite. Those who disagree in the east mostly sit home, and those who are for it take to the streets in massive numbers. The pro-Ukrainian protests that did take place usually involved bussed in activists from Kiev, or elsewhere.


New Member
Are there more details on the use of Su-27s by the Ukrainian armed forces?
Don't they have any Su-25s left to engage ground targets, or was the main purpose simply a show of force? The latter seems more likely as this aircraft doesn't have significant air-to-ground capabilities.


Are there more details on the use of Su-27s by the Ukrainian armed forces?
Don't they have any Su-25s left to engage ground targets, or was the main purpose simply a show of force? The latter seems more likely as this aircraft doesn't have significant air-to-ground capabilities.
Looks more like air-policing, show-of-force, or recce. I don't think there were any SU-25s being employed - would be overkill if a ground attack aircraft was used.

Anyway I saw pics on BBC of pro-Russian seperatists on armoured vehicles. Were there defections of Ukrainian armoured units?


New Member
Looks more like air-policing, show-of-force, or recce. I don't think there were any SU-25s being employed - would be overkill if a ground attack aircraft was used.

Anyway I saw pics on BBC of pro-Russian seperatists on armoured vehicles. Were there defections of Ukrainian armoured units?
It's been confirmed on RT that they were Ukrainian units who defected. Though the exact size and unit is yet to be known. It can be gathered, that they had to be really close to the operation area, probably a front line unit.
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