Future Weapons

The scenario was discuss about using non-nuclear warheads on Minuteman land-based BM or Trident D5 SLBMs if a terrorist group acquired nuclear weapons and was getting ready leave with it to a unknown location. Either missiles can hit a target almost anywhere on the globe in less than 1 hour.

A big concern is that no early-warning radar could discern between conventional and nuclear weapons which might trigger an irreversible reaction in countries with nuclear weapons because they will be unable to identify the type of warhead on a ballistic missile and its target.


New Member

Have there been any new developments in THEL technology?I onow it is in its infant stage and is very expensive but it did look good on paper.


New Member
Now in this age russians has just developed their own UCAV.
THe US and the israel are developping their own.
Do you thing in the future around 2020 all fighter aircraft will be unmaned?


New Member
Now in this age russians has just developed their own UCAV.
THe US and the israel are developping their own.
Do you thing in the future around 2020 all fighter aircraft will be unmaned?
Certainly not all, but the trend is very clear.


New Member
Depends what you mean about AI and Unmanned - does a Cyborg count?
See >>>


(sorry about the trail but under 15 post members cannot URL)
Depends on what you think about cybrog - is it a human brain in mashine? Or just mashine with bio elements?

I count as "manned" anything what realize itself and is uniquie. I.e. human mind copied into computer might relaize itself and be otherwise just equivalent to bio brain, but is not uniquie - if it die it can be just reloaded again.

A "cloned" bio human brain might not realise itself and be overall dumber than current computer - but if it cant be fully copied after death it will be counted as "manned".


New Member
That's exactly what the US is thinking about despite the fact that they want to use explosives and not concrete for the warhead.

I am not sure if this project is still in the pipe.
"Projects in the pipeline," [in america speak] usually means it's a "idea" which has been put in the "circular file." Every now and again, somebody pulls the/a file, reads it over, and if he/she thinks it could be ingenious and maybe even presents it to the higher-ups (people with the dollars or EUROS) Most often, the person is usually told to place it back in the "Black Hole or Projects in the 'Pipeline'." Gov't at work!;)


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Because of that I said "thinking about".
Such a system is for sure not revolutionary and gold plated enough to pass the US senate... ;) :D


New Member
mind weapons

Do any country has such a weapon which will just harm the thinking capability of the enemy solders?
Even take control of there brain?
Is such a weapon possible?


New Member
Depends on what you think about cybrog - is it a human brain in mashine? Or just mashine with bio elements?

I count as "manned" anything what realize itself and is uniquie. I.e. human mind copied into computer might relaize itself and be otherwise just equivalent to bio brain, but is not uniquie - if it die it can be just reloaded again.

A "cloned" bio human brain might not realise itself and be overall dumber than current computer - but if it cant be fully copied after death it will be counted as "manned".
I'm guessing (along with many others) this is where a trend is heading.
Assuming a downloadable brain: one can "back up the brain infinite and/or any time." With "file sharing" how fast can anyone hooked up to the net "upgrade" a copy of their brain?!?! Then you have "corrupted files" (discard), losing a "Back up copy" vs. "Upgrading Brain/File security." And on and on...

Say goodbye to intellectual property (lawyers);)


New Member
Because of that I said "thinking about".
Such a system is for sure not revolutionary and gold plated enough to pass the US senate... ;) :D
Exactly (lol)! Cement? Which state would get the lucrative contract to make such a difficult and rare substance?;) Not that the mentioned items aren't being developed...

"Spinners" for warheads which are diamond tipped/encrusted would be a much easier sell (Pimp the 'BM'). If "Diamonds are Forever," it may be worth it if there is a good recovery team (Reusable Bling=Green and/or Environmental Friendly). Sold?:D


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Naaah, are these Diamons stealthy and highly networked?
If not I don't see any use for them... :D


New Member
The JIN looks preety cool and its supposed to be in testing phase. Its an electrolaser that designed to remotely detonate IEDs. But electrolasers should be able to be turned into weapons that can have stun or kill settings. They also should be able to render anything electronic useless, kinda like a portable EMP.


New Member
Naaah, are these Diamons stealthy and highly networked?
If not I don't see any use for them... :D
Clearly there's no transparent answer to an in depth question like this. While idrive home, my cell stays connected but iirc, I heard that minor problems, can lead to major problems, so I generally stick to the straight forward policy of "don't ask don't tell"... just protecting the bottom line, of mine. Alright... enough of that:D

No, I don't see how diamonds could really help either... but, it doesn't mean that someone in congress couldn't convince some able and willing buyers how beneficial it would be for them, "everyone else would need to close the status gap... and if 'you' buy enough, 'you'll' be the envy of the world for the foreseeable future"! ;) :D

Alright, I've got to go vote... I mean, I get to go vote... Even though, half of the candidates "boycotted" the primary election in Michigan!?!? They have no clue on how much they're missing out, not seeing Detroit and everything:rolleyes: Well, I guess one party really wants to make the decision easy for people here!



New Member

Boeing Fires New Thin-Disk Laser, Achieving Solid-State Laser Milestone

ST. LOUIS, June 03, 2008 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] fired its new thin-disk laser system repeatedly in recent tests, achieving the highest known simultaneous power, beam quality and run time for any solid-state laser to date.
In each laser firing at Boeing's facility in West Hills, Calif., the high-energy laser achieved power levels of over 25 kilowatts for multi-second durations, with a measured beam quality suitable for a tactical weapon system. The Boeing laser integrates multiple thin-disk lasers into a single system. Through these successful tests, the Boeing team has proven the concept of scalability to a 100-kilowatt-class system based on the same architecture and technology.
"Solid-state lasers will revolutionize the battlefield by giving the warfighter an ultra-precision engagement capability that can dramatically reduce collateral damage," said Scott Fancher, vice president and general manager of Boeing Missile Defense Systems. "These successful tests show that Boeing has made solid progress toward making this revolutionary capability a reality."
The thin-disk laser is an initiative to demonstrate that solid-state laser technologies are now ready to move out of the laboratory and into full development as weapon systems. Solid-state lasers are powered by electricity, making them highly mobile and supportable on the battlefield. The Boeing laser represents the most electrically efficient solid-state laser technology known. The system is designed to meet the rapid-fire, rapid-retargeting requirements of area-defense, anti-missile and anti-mortar tactical high-energy laser systems. It is also ideal for non-lethal, ultra-precision strike missions urgently needed by warfighters in war zones.
"This accomplishment demonstrates Boeing's commitment to advancing the state of the art in directed energy technology," said Gary Fitzmire, vice president and program director of Boeing Directed Energy Systems. "These successful tests are a significant milestone toward providing reliable and supportable lasers to U.S. warfighters."
Boeing's approach incorporates a series of commercial-off-the-shelf, state-of-the-art lasers used in the automotive industry. These industrial lasers have demonstrated exceedingly high reliability, supportability and maintainability.
A high-power solid-state laser will damage, disable or destroy targets at the speed of light, with little to no collateral damage, supporting missions on the battlefield and in urban operations


New Member
us are using pain ray which is highly concentrated microwave beam used to hurt or kill aperson or group they are also using laser weapon such as mthel or thel mobile(tactical high energy laser )which was devolped to destroy moving projectile in air .. were used on iraqi's :lul


Super Moderator
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Verified Defense Pro
us are using pain ray which is highly concentrated microwave beam used to hurt or kill aperson or group they are also using laser weapon such as mthel or thel mobile(tactical high energy laser )which was devolped to destroy moving projectile in air .. were used on iraqi's :lul
Provide proof and for gods sake use correct spelling and grammar!


New Member
MTHEL on personnel

What a tremendous waste of taxpayer money. That thing is a convoy of like 6 trucks, and to be lighting up insurgents with it, might be a bit of a stretch.