Russia tests new missiles


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Driving me Nuts

According to various sources and analysts the RS-24 is a heavily modified and upgraded Topol-M (SS-27). Yes the P-500 is the second newest missile tested by the Russians the first is the RS-24. The P-500 is a modernized Iskander-M hence notice the M means -Modernizoveney.
Duz anyone see that we are downsizing our nuclear stockpile which already consist of relatively small yield nukes compared to the Russians and while we unilaterally hollow out our nuclear weapons, retiring the MX etc. Russia is building more with 10+ mirvs and we're just bending over for them and China. What do we need to do fight with 4 F/A 22's, 1 1/2 minuteman and a B52 bomber because the'y're retiring the F117. We are screwed! Hutch:lul


New Member
US and Russia have signed few treates whitch regulate equal amount of nukes and delivery systems for each country.


Banned Member
Yes, it's what we do. We do the R & D for China and send over our tech. in a gift wrapped box. H
They are paying for it anyway!:eek:nfloorl:

Russia modernizes missiles in response to US plans

Modernization and life extension of their ICBMs will go hand in hand for a long time.
That's their philosophy: don't discard anything that can still be useful.
I agree that overall ICBMs are not as costly as SLBMs, but the latter are the most survivable and act as an ultimate deterrant- that is enough to justify having them. BTW, the recent Sineva test proved that any spot of significance in Northern Hemishphere can be reached from the Arctic and/or the Russian home waters. Also, all 5 Pac.Fleet SSBNs will soon be reassigned to the Northern Fleet- I guess for both economic and military reasons.
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New Member
START-1 treaty ends in the end of 2009 and there are no reasons for us to and re-enroll it. so in fact fact there no real limitations of building more sub-marines but the program is to build 8 sub-marines Borei type.
4 sub-marines Delta IV are now in docks on capital repair.
and 1 sub-marine Typhoon type is also been equiping with Bulava missiles and if everythin will be al right during testing then 2 more will be modernized and equiped with new missiles.
and we have reasons to do that because there three radars (Alaska, Norway, Israel), another will be built in Poland. mobile radar is near japan. and there are plans to built a stationary radar in Japan. and all of this around RF. Russia military budget is near 50-60 billions $ and can you tell me about US millitary budget??
modernizing our strategical forces is the question of survival of our country. Because there are US with "world sheriff mission" and we have 1.5 billion of chinese with their tries to occupy our FarEast territories(may be not right now but they look in future).


Banned Member
Agreed. I said as much on Georgia-Russia tread (please see my edited last post there).
Can those new Boreys be adopted to carry the Sineva SLBMs, in the event the Bulava missile isn't fixed?


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1 sub-marine Typhoon type is also been equiping with Bulava missiles and if everythin will be al right during testing then 2 more will be modernized and equiped with new missiles.
As far as I know the Donskoy is a test-bed platform. Whether it will remain in service is unclear. The other two are mothballed and iirc the plans for modernizing are rumors.


New Member
Yes Donskoi is a laboratory for Bulava but if it will be successfully equiped with them it will stay on service and other 2 sub-marines (which are now really out of fleet) woulbe be modernized instead of Delta III or Delta IV


Super Moderator
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Do you have a source? (no offense but this is the third thread in which you make claims that don't match what I have found in open sources, so please provide us with sources)


New Member
Do you have a source? (no offense but this is the third thread in which you make claims that don't match what I have found in open sources, so please provide us with sources)
I'll repeat here also I'll save links. And about this I'll find it again and publish.

here they are but in russian =)

В 1996 г. из-за нехватки средств были выведены из боевого состава ТК-12 и ТК-202, в 1997 г. - ТК-13. В то же время дополнительное финансирование ВМФ в 1999 году позволило значительно ускорить затянувшийся капитальный ремонт головного ракетоносца 941-го проекта - К-208. За десять лет, в течение которых корабль находился в Государственном центре атомного подводного судостроения, проведена замена и модернизация (в соответствии с проектом 941 У) основных комплексов вооружения. Ожидается, что в третьем квартале 2000 г. работы будут полностью завершены, и после окончания заводских и ходовых приемно-сдаточных испытаний, в начале 2001 года, обновленный атомоход вновь вступит в строй.

В ноябре 1999 г. из акватории Баренцева моря с борта одной из ТАПКР 941-го проекта были выполнены стрельбы двумя ракетами РСМ-52. Интервал между пусками составил два часа. Головные части ракет с высокой точностью поразили цели на Камчатском полигоне.

По сообщениям отечественной печати, существующие планы развития стратегических ядерных сил России предусматривают проведение модернизации кораблей пр. 941 с заменой ракетного комплекса Д-19 на новый. Если это соответствует действительности, “Акулы” имеют все шансы сохраниться в строю и в 2010-х годах.

В дальнейшем возможно переоборудование части атомоходов 941-го проекта в транспортные атомные подводные лодки (ТАПЛ), предназначенные для перевозок грузов по трансполярным и кроссполярным подледным маршрутам, кратчайшим путем связывающим Европу, Северную Америку и страны АТР. Встроенный вместо ракетного отсека грузовой отсек будет способен принимать до 10.000 т груза.


New Member
В августе 2007 главком ВМС адмирал флота Владимир Масорин сообщил, что до 2015 года не предусматривается модернизация АПЛ «Акула» под ракетный комплекс «Булава-М»


Super Moderator
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This is not evidence of any concrete plans or programs. Simply someone's speculation that this is indeed possible. I'm sure it's possible (it was done to the Donskoy, why not the other two?) but I don't know that it will be done, or is cost-effective. So when you say it will be done I have to say that that's not necessarily the case. We'll have to wait and see. Until then it's speculation.


New Member
Feanor in russia it is very difficult to get real documents =))) in SU it was impossible and still it is very difficult. So don't ask to show links to official documents. rumours are often more real then real docs. That's the special feature of Russia =)))))
May be some military have info and access to it but not simple guys like me.
As for example. In russia coordinates with accuracy more then 30 meters (it was told by our teacher 2 years ago, he is developing GeoInformationalSystems) are qualified as "for service use"
For service use -> secret-> top secret =) so if FSB catch me with more accurate GPS using - they theoritically put into prison =) and as I know in US and EU there are no such strict limitations.


Super Moderator
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I understand what you're talking about but the point remains that you stated speculation as fact. That was my objection. Please keep the distinction between the two very very clear. As for the example you cited, iirc they are trying to loosen up that particular restriction to allow GLONASS commercial usage. And it's not top secret, the military already uses GLONASS devices that are more accurate (presumably) then that. Not to mention the thousands of commercially available GPS systems from the west that are more accurate then 30 meters.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
I know it's OT but in Rusia it is not allowed to use GPS systems as a civilian which are more accurate than 30m?
Hell if I'm not wrong my mobile phone gives me more accurate GPS data than that.

And for what reason?
So that nobody is able to build an accurate GPS system into his selfmade PGM?


New Member
Feanor I know that military CAN and many others who have access "ДСП" (для служебного пользования) - For service use - they also can, but they are restricted for a commercial use (officially). And if look attintively to my post i said THEORITICALLY because this restriction is foolish and everybody knows it. and FSU is not SECRET type, it is a bit lower.
And about another sources - the main sources of the interviews of officials and high ranked NAVY and quotes from some docs what else do you surppose to see??


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I suppose to see a concrete announcement regarding intent to modernize those subs, rather then retirement. Until then I treat it as a questionable rumor. After intent has been stated, I treat it as an intent but not as reality, until I see concrete steps being taken towards it. For example the aircraft carrier plans. I originally ridiculed them. But when 1) Sevmash started buiding a new drydock specifically for the carriers and 2) more statements followed giving official intent to build either new aircraft carriers or aircraft carrying cruisers, I now give the program a measure of credibility.

Waylander in Russia there is a large discrepancy between laws and real life. ;)