My son and I started playing
World of Tanks last week and I am hooked.
As a tanker myself, I can appreciate the effort involved to create a 10 tier tank game that is accurate and balanced. It works the way it should with LOS, armor, AP, HEAT, etc behaving well.
Best feature of all; as a Free to Play (FTP) type of game, they did not restrict the best tanks to only paid customers. Paid customers will gain experience faster, be able to build bigger squads, have a bigger garage, and have some nice toys. However, FTP customers will still be able to get to Tier 10, use all the classes of vehicles, build a squad of three, etc.
The servers do a good job of balancing the game too. The normal way to play is to pick a tank from your garage and join a random battle. The server looks at everyone in the lobby and puts together two teams of tanks (up to ~15 players each). Each team will have a balanced load of each of the 5 types of vehicles (L/M/H Tanks, AT Guns, & Artillery) and will balance the Tiers (a two Tier spread). The spread means that in a random game you will not see a vehicle more than 1-2 Tiers above and a 1-2 Tiers below your own Tier (at least at the lower Tiers). However, if you join a game with a Platoon of mixed Tiers, you are graded on your group's highest Tier.
Overall, it’s a fun, addicting game that is accurate and free.
Funniest thing I see…. Noobs who charge headlong into battle….. with an artillery piece because they saw the HUGE damage index for a low Tier.
Word of advice… if you like to snipe, get a small (low) AT gun and stay back. Let the tanks find the badguys and snipe when they appear.