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Get Paid to Write About

  1. World Militaries
  2. World Military Weapons
  3. Defense News and Current Military Events

[pagelist 2]Write for DefenceTalk.com – World Military Info/Weapons Database/Defense News sections and you’ll be rewarded for it. Not only will you have the satisfaction of educating people worldwide about military equipment and advance weapon systems that are being used globally, but you’ll get paid doing it! Find out how our revenue sharing works.

Get Paid to Write Guide
The DefenceTalk aims to build weapons database and provide updated information on various military and defense issues that is factual and relevant. This guide will help those who want to participate in DefenceTalk.com get paid to write program. The authors must follow these guidelines to fulfill DefenceTalk user’s interesting content needs while asserting yourself as expect in your field.

What do you want to write? Pick your Section

You have the opportunity to write for two sections of DefenceTalk:

  1. News and Current events in Military/Defense field. You have the opportunity to write about current military and defense issues related to world armed forces. Criticize or expand on reports published in other defense and military publications.
  2. Weapons & World Military info Database , help us build our weapons database by writing technical document on a particular weapon system.

What are the readers looking for?
Please keep the readers in mind, who may use the information:
• That the information about strategic defense issues and military weapons is clearly explained
• That the information is current and up-to-date, provide official sources when available
• Thorough examination and explanation of technical aspects of the weapon system. Provide official technical specification.

Part 1: Submission Requirements
Voluntary submissions to DefenceTalk.com must:
News section articles be at least 1000 words in length, in these categories:

  • Defence & Security
  • War & Conflict
  • Analysis & Opinion
  • Land Forces
  • Military Aviation
  • Naval Forces
  • Missiles & Bombs
  • Nuclear Weapons
  • Defence Tech
  • Politics & Current Events

Weapons Database technical documents on weapon systems may vary from 600-1200 words depending on type of weapon system and information that is required to cover these areas:

  • Introduction
  • Features and Capabilities
  • History and Background Info
  • Technical Details / Specs (follow the guidelines below as much as possible, no numbering, copy the format below and fillt he blanks)
    • For Air Weapon Systems
      • Primary Function:
      • Builder/Contractor:
      • Power Plant/Engine:
      • Thrust:
      • Length:
      • Height:
      • Wingspan:
      • Speed:
      • Ceiling:
      • Maximum Takeoff Weight:
      • Range:
      • Armament:
      • Unit cost:
      • Crew:
      • Date Deployed:
      • Inventory:
      • Countries: (Optional)
    • For Naval Weapon Systems
      • Primary Function
      • Builder
      • Power Plant:
      • Date Deployed:
      • Propulsion:
      • Length:
      • Beam:
      • Displacement:
      • Speed:
      • Crew
      • Aircraft:
      • Weapon/Combat Systems:
      • Cost
      • Units
      • Countries: (Optional)
    • For Army/Land Weapon Systems
      • Primary Function:
      • Contractor
      • Crew:
      • Length:
      • Width:
      • Height:
      • Weight:
      • Speed:
      • Range:
      • Engine:
      • Armament:
      • Inventory:
      • Cost:
      • Countries: (Optional)
    • For Missile Weapons Systems
      • Primary Function:
      • Contractor:
      • Power Plant:
      • Thrust:
      • Speed:
      • Range:
      • Length:
      • Diameter:
      • Finspan:
      • Warhead:
      • Launch Weight:
      • Guidance System:
      • Deployed Date:
      • Unit Cost:
      • Inventory:
      • Countries:
  • Reference Information / links (books, DoD/MoD sites, other links subject to approval)

• avoid rehashing articles/content that has already been covered on the site
• be submitted in Microsoft Word or plain text format—our CMS allows text only, so HTML submissions are not advisable
• avoid the use of HTML tags to indicate the formatting of text
• exemplify a reasonable amount of skill with communication in the English language
• be your original work/in your words/written by you, and give full credit for any passages quoted from other sources. Please do not copy paste from other websites.
• Not contain link/s or reference/s to the authors own business, unless in very rare cases
• be submitted to Defensetalk at gmail.com along with an author bio of no more than 40 words (including link/s to your site/s).

Submitting to DefenceTalk
Once we receive your submission, DefenceTalk will review it to make sure it meets the requirements above and get back to you. If we haven’t contacted you in timely fashion (7-14 days), you can assume that article will not be published. If you decide within that timeframe that you no longer wish to publish your article with DefenceTalk, simply email
Defensetalk at gmail.com to let us know.

Part 2: Acceptance, Publication and Rights

coming soon…

Publication and Rights
In exchange for payment, we request that you give DefenceTalk.com unlimited, exclusive rights to the article. DefenceTalk.com requires complete exclusivity over the article for 90 days from its date of publication, after that time you may publish the article on your own site. Any other reproductions of the article, in any form, in part or whole, must be approved by DefenceTalk.com in writing before the reproduction is published.

Upon the acceptance of your article, we’ll send you an agreement that specifies these terms, which you must sign and return to us before we are able to publish your work.

DefenceTalk.com is unable to publish content over which it does not hold unlimited, exclusive rights in this get paid to write program.

Part 3: DefenceTalk Styles

Links and URLs
• Include links as appropriate. If you refer to another person’s work, a book, an online resource, or any topic on which the reader might want more information, include an appropriate link.
• Don’t encode links into a Word document. Instead, simply paste the URL immediately before the text from which you’d like it linked.
• Do not include links to your own sites, or the sites of your clients (unless in very rare cases) in your article – articles that include these will not be published.
• Do not include affiliate links in your article – articles that include these will not be published.

• Images associated with your article should be submitted as separate .jpg/.png files.
• Images should be no larger than 525 pixels wide. DefenceTalk gallery is good place to find pictures for this size in addition to larger sized images.

Downloadable Files
• You are encouraged to include files for download by readers of your article. These files include official reports (mostly large PDF files from DoD/MoD or defense companies)

Consistent Spellings
• DO NOT ABBREVIATE, if you must, use equipment name fully and abbreviation in parenthesis (Example: EF-2000, should be “EuroFighter 2000 Typhoon (EF-2000)” or SAM, should be “Surface to Air Missile (SAM)”. Please write name of the weapon system or military entity fully rather than its shorter version. If you must, insert the shorter version in parenthesis as shown above. Example: USAF should be written > US Air Force (USAF) or Israeli Air Force (IAF).
• Words such as Air Force, Land Forces, Army, and Naval Forces must be fully written in the document.
• Make sure you know what you are doing. If article does not meet our guidelines and is sloppy, it will be turned down and will not be published. So, don’t waste time if you are unable to do so fully and completely.

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