USS O'Kane DDG-77 cruises - US Navy Arleigh Burke guided missile destroyer


USS O'Kane DDG-77 cruises - US Navy Arleigh Burke guided missile destroyer

The US Navy Arleigh Burke guided missile destroyer USS O'Kane DDG-77 cruises Wednesday afternoon in the Gulf of Alaska south of Resurrection Bay near Seward Alaska during a mission part of Operation Northern Edge 2006. The 504 feet-long O'Kane is homeported in Pearl Harbor, displaces 9000 tons, has a top speed in excess of 32 knots and she is manned by approximately 330 men and women officers and crew. O'Kane features the advanced Aegis weapons systems and is armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles, Harpoon antiship missiles, ASROC anti submarine rockets, the latest versions of the Standard antiaircraft and anti missile missiles, torpedoes and a 5 inch cannon.
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