If Iran executes.....

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New Member
The British Sailors being held captive, then how should the British retaliate?

I propose a strike against their nuclear facilities, not only would the west be able to strike at the heart of the Iran but also eliminate its nuclear capabilities.

And for the skeptics who I know will say that the facilities have large portions that are underground. Well the method for eliminating those are to destroy the top layer which is the actual building itself. And then continue to bombard the exposed bunker levels with as many bombs as you can spare. And for any resistance, take out as many AA weapons as you can.


Ship Watcher
Verified Defense Pro
The British Sailors being held captive, then how should the British retaliate?

I propose a strike against their nuclear facilities, not only would the west be able to strike at the heart of the Iran but also eliminate its nuclear capabilities.

And for the skeptics who I know will say that the facilities have large portions that are underground. Well the method for eliminating those are to destroy the top layer which is the actual building itself. And then continue to bombard the exposed bunker levels with as many bombs as you can spare. And for any resistance, take out as many AA weapons as you can.
I think there would be an outcry from the British people even greater than when the Falklands were taken by Argentina and we saw how that galvanised the country into action. Unlike the Falklands, though, on this occasion Britain would almost certainly be joined by allies like the USA. Execution of the sailors would even stir the old Commonwealth allegiances and I am certain that countries like Australia would join in.

Such an action by Iran would play right into the hands of the ‘hawks’ calling for extreme action against its nuclear program as even the ‘doves’ would probably support major strikes. I think Britain would give its military an ‘open cheque book’ to take appropriate retaliatory action and support from its allies would be all but guaranteed.

Consequently Iran will take no such action. Their leadership is not that stupid.



New Member
Yes you are right, their leadership is not that stupid. If they execute any of those soldiers, there will be hell to pay, and America will be more than happy to help out, I am sure we are very eager to try out the new F-22s, no better way to break them in and see what they can really do ;). Australia and Canada will probably be there too with Italy and possibly Spain in tow. France, however will find a way to wuss out by talking about some diplomatic nonsense that needs to be tried out first. Russia would ofcourse be secretly selling them arms with the Chinese not too far behind, while ofcourse publicly condemning Iran for their actions.

But like the man said it ain't gonna happen, but then, stranger things HAVE happened before :/.


Verified Defense Pro
Iran has nothing to gain and everything to lose by executing the Brits. Any leverage they might have would evaporate immediately. The US embassy hostages were held 444 days.

This wasn't an armed attack on Iran or something that might remotely warrant execution. Executing the sailors involved would provoke outrage on a global scale. The EU considers the death penalty to be barbaric. Amnesty Int'l regularly condemns the US for executing murderers, in spite of the fact that few convicted murderers get the death penalty and mostof those executed were convicted of particularly heinous crimes.

Granted, it is unwise to believe that different cultures will react or behave as most "western" cultures, but this would be the ultimate act of stupidity.

If it failed to provoke a strong military response, including the likely elimination of their nuclear facilities, I'd be amazed. To do that before they've had a chance to develop any weapons grade material, that would be f'n lunacy.

Whether they might use hostages as human shields for their nuclear facilities might be worth discussing, but this, not so much.


Banned Member
History about to repeat?

Interestingly the Israely campaign against Hisbullah to rescue its two hostages came to naught, but was exemplified by massed use of missile weapons and the dismal achievement of infantry

Given Iran has been stockpiling missiles, and the paucity of Allied infantry assets for an intervention, I see a repeat of the above...


Banned Member
This is the scuttlebutt aboard Stennis as all the monitors are glued to it's coverage. We have been talking about having a little accidental release of a JSOW targeted at the Iranian national oil refinery at Abadan. That would destroy 400,000-bbl/d capacity. If Iran goes through with it I think the RAF should start basing out of Saudi. With RAF and 3 carrier strike groups I think we will make short work of IRIAF. Even if USN stands by RAF would mop them up with their Typhoons... time to induct them into the world of combat ops. The Royal Marines can sieze the coastal oil fields and occupy Iran like the Brits used to... just like the good old days. :uk


New Member
Some how I feel this thread is just an excuse for mastrabatory war fantasies...

Iran is'ent going to excute any British Sailors, period.


New Member
This is the scuttlebutt aboard Stennis as all the monitors are glued to it's coverage. We have been talking about having a little accidental release of a JSOW targeted at the Iranian national oil refinery at Abadan. That would destroy 400,000-bbl/d capacity. If Iran goes through with it I think the RAF should start basing out of Saudi. With RAF and 3 carrier strike groups I think we will make short work of IRIAF. Even if USN stands by RAF would mop them up with their Typhoons... time to induct them into the world of combat ops. The Royal Marines can sieze the coastal oil fields and occupy Iran like the Brits used to... just like the good old days. :uk

Heh.. It doesn't matter to occupy some place, will you be able to hold it...Neither UK nor USA have the power to hold territory in Iran unless they go into massive scale war efforts. I don't think either country wants that now.. Iran does have power to cripple the oil exports and refineries of Gulf Arab nations and its the last thing the west would want..

I think Iran will not execute the soldiers but will keep mocking west and showing them on tv for many more days to come.. Nasty situation but they are a good card in hands of Iranians which will not be wasted.. at one point like said above they might be trialled and sentenced to prison in nuclear facilities of Iran tho..

Systems Adict

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Speculation of the "What if..." scenario have been growing across the web since the begining of the week.

MSN did an online survey of their UK users to the news page on Wednesday.

According to the figures, approx. 70% said they would back the use of military forces, if such an event happened to warrant it.

HOWEVER, we must remember the bigger picture at this moment. While this event revolves around the illegal kidnapping of a soverign states citizens, by another state, we are still only talking about 15 souls.

As this situation currently stands with all 15 still alive (albeit being held against their will), do WE believe that we should really raise the stakes on this still unfolding incident , so that they warrant such a response at this time ??

Personally, NO.

...but, if the "What if..." scenario became a reality, the shoe would be on the other foot.....


Verified Defense Pro
Let me make it clear that for the time being, I'm in favor of seeking a diplomatic solution to the secure release of the prisoners.

However, if Iran commences a trial or tribunal, then it's time to increase the pressure and consider military options. The lessons of Carter & Reagan in Iran should not be forgotten.

It also seems like you're suggesting that 15 souls isn't significant enough to merit any response. History teaches that 15 is just a start. :duel


New Member
The way i see it is Iran can either let them British fullas go or they can keep them, where they will either execute them or keep em hostage.
I doubt they will let them go, they probably like having something against the British, although that could be their downfall cause Britan or the US might get so fustrated that they snap, and bang we have Iran getting bombed withen a few hours, which will set-off the tension in the entire middle east resulting in one big huge war with the west vs. east. If that happened then Britan would call in the commonwealth and the UN for help. In the pacific things would go like this:

1.Australia jumps in with what they have.

2. New Zealand is told, jump in or we cut you off. That would be when they realise they should have kept the combat wings of the RNZAF going. But now its too late, so in fear of getting cut-off from the commonwealth and being exposed they jump in too.

3. This bit i am not quite sure about, but i think because NZ has jumped in Fiji, Samoa and the Cook Islands would also jump in.

So bang, just like that the southern pacific is in, then the rest of Britans and the US allies would jump in until we got ourselves something close to WWIII.

Or it could happen that Iran plays like idiots and kills said British fullas and we have the above happening quicker. But, this could happen as the terrosit cells of the Middle East must be putting pressure on Iran to jump in against Britan and that. If this pressure overwhelmed Iran while they had the British fullas we would have a problem.

Then we have the situation where Britan sends in a special ops unit to get said fullas. If they succeeded we have peace again, but more tension, if they fail more prisoners for Iran, posibility of British blood spilled (giving Britan and the US a reason to bomb the heck out of Iran) and bang, we are back where we started.

I know my explination sounds far-fetched, i don't know much about the political and military stability of the world. But from me, thats how i see it as it could go down.
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New Member

I'm not sure a miltary answer is the right one. Think about it, if UK and USA initiate punitive actions (i.e. military) against Iran, imagine the backlash in the Shia community (of which, as you are all aware, Iraq has a majority of). As if we don't have our hands full already. In fact, if North Korea were smart, they would strike now...sorry, going on a tangent...the bottom line is, the Middle East USED to be the leader in science, art, engineering, etc...but their irrational adherence to literal interpretations of ancient texts and the unwillingness to adapt to a modern, science-based outlook has hamstrung the entire region...ironic when you consider they were the world leaders at one point...anyway, despite the rhetoric from both sides, realpolitik will eventually reign...if not, there's always Armageddon...


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro

Were do the Aussies and NZ jump in? There is no mission in the pacific or are you talking about them sending troops for a possible invasion of Iran (Which is the last possible situation in my eyes)?

And how does a bombing of Iran would cause World War III? Niether Russia nor China is going to defend it.


New Member
Pfft China and Russia only give hollow threats. They wont do anything so call their bluff.

This might get interesting... I have heard a rumour that April 6th at 4am will be the time of the strike.


New Member
Am I wrong to think that the Iranian ruler(s) need something to keep their peoples' minds off the state of the economy in Iran? Reports seem to say that the average iranian is losing buying power every day and are really very unhappy about it. Are they unhappy to the point of revolt?I don't know but I think those in control must keep the people thinking that there are meanies out there trying to hurt Iran rather tha thinking how much better their lives were prior to the past five years.


New Member
If Iran demands a written commitment from the UK to leave Iranian waters , would that guarantee that the UK would never be involved in an attack on the nuclear plants?(That assumes that the polants really exist.)
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