Vietnamese Army


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This thread is for all topics discussing the Vietnamese Army.

I'll start us off with a couple of interesting vehicles. Here's a D-44 cannon in the back of an Ural truck serving as an SP Howitzer, though a very light one (85mm). While it's clearly inferior to any modern system of the type, it can still do some damage. It's also part of a trend continuing to find creative ways to use old equipment.

And here we have a strange BMP-1 upgrade. I have a poor opinion of this set up because the Grom cannon it retains is badly outdated. Replacing it with an autocannon would be far wiser. This strongly suggests that the BMP-1 will remain in service for some time to come.

The Vietnamese military remains a very interesting organization.


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Vietnam's home-brewn XCB-01 upgrade up close. Frankly it looks pretty goofy. The BMP-1 has poor protection, an obsolete combat module, but excellent mobility. Russia's BMP-1AM is a better option then this because it at least addresses one of the issues. In principle Russia's up-armor kit for BMP-1/2s and the Berezhok module offer the best combination, but are nothing particularly amazing and it's certainly possible for Vietnam to develop something similar (presumably they would have to import the FCS and comms upgrades). Instead we have an attempt to graft extra weapons on a BMP-1 turret. I think this variant looks like it has extra armor, but its hard to tell from this angle.



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An interesting look at a Vietnamese SP Howitzer that married an American M101 to a Russian Ural truck. This is, in principle, not the worst idea. It's obviously inferior to modern howitzers but gives you good mobility, and increases the relevance of what is otherwise a badly outdated weapon system. I can't help but wonder if they added modern comms and issued tablets with software to help calculate firing information faster.

Another variant, a Soviet 130mm M-46 howitzer with a KrAZ chassis. This project is likely dead, since KrAZ can't exactly produce the chassis. The pattern is however the same, using a truck chassis to bring relevance to otherwise outdated howitzers.

A look at Vietnamese technicals using UAZ and M151 jeeps.

And some guntrucks, using both wheeled and tracked platforms.



The Bunker Group

Vietcong+offensive FB pages, seems some Vietnamese Enthusiasts put picture on TEL for Locally developed SSM. The missile seems base on Russian Kh-35, however with enough Vietnam own development done by Viettell.

In case for those who don't have FB account, put the picture of that TEL from that FB pages. Seems still a prototype, however shown Vietnam effort for independent missiles development.


Either way, after meeting with Kim, Putin goes to Hanoi and also sign defense co-op agreement. Vietnam already big users of Russian armament, seems Russia now try to make sure the long term customer still with them. Thus potentially this kind of development using Russian tech as base will be evolving.


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Vietcong+offensive FB pages, seems some Vietnamese Enthusiasts put picture on TEL for Locally developed SSM. The missile seems base on Russian Kh-35, however with enough Vietnam own development done by Viettell.

In case for those who don't have FB account, put the picture of that TEL from that FB pages. Seems still a prototype, however shown Vietnam effort for independent missiles development.

View attachment 51415

Either way, after meeting with Kim, Putin goes to Hanoi and also sign defense co-op agreement. Vietnam already big users of Russian armament, seems Russia now try to make sure the long term customer still with them. Thus potentially this kind of development using Russian tech as base will be evolving.
It would make sense. With the current war Russia can't sell munitions or launchers, they're needed at the front. So selling technology and working on a joint project would be logical, especially when we're talking about something relatively old like the Kh-35.