Skill & Courage


Tribal Warlord
Verified Defense Pro
ya i know the transportation unit in Tibet military region is the most effective amoung PLA, but a few soldiers still dies each year navigating these difficult terrain. China could use a few more black hawks or Mi-17 to reduce the risk on truck transportation.


Banned Member
Many of the Himalayan countires do face this problem. India, China, Nepal, Bhutan. We should be proud of our forces that operate is such a tdifficult terrain.


Banned Member
No one did. Karakorams are as tough as Himalayas. Which is why I included Pakistan in that list. But initially I was thinking of the himalayas only, thus I missed out Pakistan. Chill!



Banned Member
Like ofcourse post on these forums.

I would consider it my good fortune to be on those roads, and if its with the Indian Army then its even greater an honour for me.. I like adventures.. :)


New Member
That is 'no' adventure. Its a serious task which involves risking one's life. I wouldn't do that for all the money unless I was a soldier doing my duty to protect my motherland (which is why these guys in the pictures are doing it). :smokingc:


Banned Member
It is adventure, being in such a remote ihospitable place is adventure. I won't do it for money.

I'm a nature freak and I'ld love being in tough terrain so close to nature like that. Let's hope my trek in Sikkim next month will be somewhat similar.


Tribal Warlord
Verified Defense Pro
i saw some indian troops navigation those difficult terrain as well, it takes alot of guts to go through these narrow paths along the mountains. one little mistake and you can say bye bye to your family and friends. personally i think this kind of transportation is better left to army aviation corps.


Banned Member
Recently I read a report that Indian supplies were now being made thru the air and not roads any more. HAL was asked to design a unique chopper that could fly in those regions where the atmosphere is so thin. They came up with the HAL Dhruv (ALH) which worked perfectly for that terrain and air pressure.


New Member
those pictures are frigin scary man. why don't they just build cheap roads along that path to make it safer?