Serbia vs Croatia. Hypothetical war.

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Hypothetically right now tensions escalated between the two historical enemies and Croatia invaded Serbia. Serbia was aware invasion was a strong possibility and have set up defenses etc. Bosnia have decided to stay out of the conflict and each nations respective allies decided to not provide support to either nation. So this basically means the two countries would be at war with each other without any support from foreign nations.

Croatia's intention would be to take over approximately a 5th of Serbian land connected to the Croatian border while Serbia's aim would be to repel the invasion and then take over a part of Croatia which they saw as traditionally theirs (maybe a quarter of Croatia, I think it's called Krajina).

Both sides being wary of international consequences have refrained from any genocidal activities meaning we do not see the genocide we saw in the Yugoslav war.

Bosnia, Montenengro,Slovakia and Macedonia are all nuetral in this war while Albania has been leaning towards supporting Serbia but have not made their decision.

So who would win? Do you think Croatia would be succesful or do you think Serbia would achieve their goal?

I apologize if this has been in the wrong section a this is my first post.
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