Philippine Air Force Discussions and Updates


The Bunker Group

This MoU did not shown what defense articles they refer to. However considerimg the nature of negotiation progressing, big potential this open the road for Gripen C/D. For one thing, if PAF choose Gripen, PAF doing better job then TNI-AU or RMAF on logistics foot prints.

At least by choosing Gripen, it is commonality on engines (whichs big part on any aircraft fleet maintenance), is being adress well.

Max defense seems indicating SAAB going to offer 14 Gripen C/D for the budget that Philippines MinDef prepares.
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Well-Known Member
LRPA is the designation used for the Philippines Airforce's maritime patrol aircraft program. The program is long overdue. Notable, the mission suite does not seem to have an ASW module.

This had been one of the key challenges; Airbus at one point with the C-295 was able to only offer one plane with ASW and one plane without, leading to the disqualification.

Equally interesting, Malaysia seems to be leaning towards the ATR-72 as their MPA platform but with the Leonardo suite.

Elbit Systems Awarded $114 Million Contract with Asian-Pacific Country for Long-Range Patrol Aircraft
Haifa, Israel, July 10, 2023 – Elbit Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ:ESLT and TASE: ESLT)
Elbit Systems announced today that it was awarded a contract worth approximately $114 million with an Asian-Pacific country to supply two long-range patrol aircraft (LRPA) equipped with an advanced and comprehensive mission suite. The contract will be carried out over a period of five years.

The two LRPA aircraft will be based on new ATR 72-600 and Elbit Systems will integrate in each aircraft a mission suite that includes a Mission Management System, Electro-Optics, Radar, SIGINT, Communication and more.

Yoram Shmuely, General Manager of Elbit Systems Aerospace: “Elbit Systems has been supplying Special Mission Aircraft to various countries worldwide for over a decade for defense or governmental operational requirements. This contract extends the range of platforms and solutions we offer our customers, leveraging vast operational experience and in-house technologies and capabilities. We are proud to provide advanced solutions to our customers.”


Well-Known Member
Max Montero's sources indicate that beyond the 14 x JAS-39 C/D, an additional 24 x F-16 C/Ds in BLK 40/42 are being discussed with the US as EDA transfers as part of US security assistance.

As the JAS-39 C/Ds have a short delivery time (2024 - 2026), they would be able provide immediate cover, since a program to update those EDA Falcons can easily take 3 -4 years, if we take Indonesia's Peace Bima Sena program for comparision. BLK 42 would be a good base as they have the CCIP upgrades, but if the target is BLK72, it will still take a while.

Nothing official yet, as usual, so take with a pinch of salt.



The Bunker Group

Pinoy MinDef seems still trying to find legal way to claim down payment on cancelled Mi-17V deal. Good luck on that, as it is Pinoy side that broke the contract. The contract also being broken not because Russia inability to fulfill the contract, but more Pinoy side 'worries' on not want to implicate potential CAATSA clause on them.

Thus legally it is Pinoy side decisions, and they have to beare the contractual costs. The most likely they can reclaim the costs, by asking US compensation. As the contract being broke due to US regulations. Not going to be easy, but it is more political consideration. With Marcos administration being more US sided then Duterte, I also don't see Russia politically inclined to give away down payment fund, on something that Pinoy broke for the sake of US influence.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
What if the Philippines accept the delivery of the Mi-17s and use them for SAR/fire fighting tasks, instead of putting these Mi-17s into military service?


The Bunker Group
the Philippines accept the delivery of the Mi-17s and use them for SAR/fire fighting tasks, instead of putting these Mi-17s into military service?

It is still can trigger CAATSA as it is transaction with parties that classified by US as part of Russian MIC. Then again the implementation seems depends on countries. Like India and Vietnam due to their overwhelming dependence for Russian MIC, seems got some leeways. However US expects this is only for maintenance of their existing Assets. Indonesia seems potentially going to use that also on part of upgrade jobs for Flankers. Perhaps with quasy contractor-subcontractors arrangement.

Still this means for new assets procurement with Russian MIC seems very much open to CAATSA counteracts provisions. At least that's what my understanding.


The Bunker Group

Photo on Philippines AF 5th and 6th ATAK T-129B helicopters. From Efrain Morota FB pages. If not mistaken with this delivery all T-129B helicopters from this batch already delivered.

Quite a drama on export licensing with US before those helicopters being able to send by TAI to Philippines eventually. Eventually this is one situation that push Turkiye on developing their own engine.


Well-Known Member
Seems like the last legal hurdle for their JAS39 C/D acquisition would be cleared by March 2024. Financing also seems to have been settled.

Quezon City (February 16, 2024) – The Philippines and Sweden are conducting a series of meetings, the latest of which was held on January 17, 2024, to finalize the Implementing Arrangement (IA) concerning the Procurement of Defense Materiel and Equipment (IA-PDME). The IA-PDME is expected to be concluded and signed as one of the major outputs of the forthcoming inaugural Philippines-Sweden Joint Committee
Meeting to be held in March 2024 in Sweden.

The logistics cooperation is part of the commitment of the two countries under the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Concerning Cooperation in the Acquisition of Defense Materiel signed by the two countries in June 3, 2023, and ratified on September 4, 2023.

The Philippine side, consisting of representatives from the Department of National Defense (DND), Department of Finance, and Department of Foreign Affairs, and the Sweden side led by Swedish Ambassador to the Philippines Her Excellency Annika Thunborg, are working on the finalization of the IA-PDME. Currently, the DND is undertaking the necessary procedures for the conclusion of international executive agreements.

Sweden intends to participate in the implementation of projects under Horizon 3 of the Revised Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Program, specifically in the Multi-Role Fighter (MRF) Aircraft Acquisition Project of the Philippine Air Force.


The Bunker Group
like the last legal hurdle for their JAS39 C/D acquisition would be cleared by March 2024
Despite howling by some Pinoy enthusiasts in their forums for F-16V, Gripen C/D is actualy much suitable choices for Philippines AF. For one thing it is simplifies their engines logistics with FA-50.

I don't find definitive package deals will be yet tough. Some Pinoy talk it is going completely new build C/D, while some other talk 50:50 package with half going to be refurbished Sweden AF C/D, to fasten delivery and better pricing packages. If Marcos administration can manage 4 sq of each 2 Gripen and 2 FA-50 (as Pinoy forum and media speculation), this is already huge step to bring back Philippines AF stength back to relative 70's situation.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
This is the 2nd C-130H acquired under PAF's C-130H with Avionics Upgrade & ILS Acquisition Project under Horizon 2 phase of RAFPMP. This seems to be a formerly AC-130W Stinger II of USAF.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
The Philippine Air Force took delivery of the last two of six T129 combat helicopters from Turkish Aerospace Industries, about a year behind the anticipated schedule.The helicopters arrived at Major Danilo Atienza Air Base in Cavite on May 17 (No. 1505 and No. 1506) and are the fifth and sixth T129 Atak helicopters procured through a $269 million government-to-government agreement with Turkey.

The Philippine military is realigning its modernization program amid tension with China in nearby waterways. According to Philippine Army Chief of Staff Gen. Romeo Brawner, these changes aim to protect the country’s territories in the South China Sea, particularly Pag-asa Island, one of several disputed islands in the region. Pag-asa Island (in Tagalog "Pulo ng Pag-asa" and in Vietnamess Đảo Thị Tứ is Philippines' largest island in the West-Philippine Sea. It has a small naval base and a 1300 meter long runway. But of course these advanced combat helicopters are also perfectly suitable to hunt down terrorists like the Abu Sayyaf and the Maute Group/Dawlah Islamiyah.

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The Bunker Group

Philippines and Sweden sign G to G framework agreement, which intended to support defense cooperation for MRF procurement. I just sense howling on some Pinoy defense enthusiasts that wants US F-16V. However Gripen is helping Philippines logistics with their FA-50 LCA. Something that (eventough increasing) small budget AF like PAF actually need. Affordable Fighters fleet to procure and operate. As I already mentioned before if they can get 2 Sq of Gripen and 2 sq of FA-50 into operation, it is going to bring back relative capabilities that PAF has in 70's.


Well-Known Member
I still think it would be the C/D version. Unless PAF was able to increase the budget significantly,, 12 x E/F is out of reach, financially

As for insufficient white tails to complete the deal, there are two work arounds. Saab can always build more C/D. The production line is still active but merely switch to the E version. Or Saab can "donate' used / refurb C/Ds from their own stock. I use "donate" here as their current procurement rules might prevent them from buying "used" (they can still pay the full price for the remaining whitetails).

It is wait and see


Super Moderator
Re the engine of the Gripen & FA-50: they're not quite the same. Gripen E/F has F414. FA-50 & Gripen C/D have F404, but different versions. The Gripen version was built by SAAB as the RM12, with various changes & about 1/3rd Swedish parts.


The Bunker Group

Bit couple days late, the first batch of 5 from total 32 S-70i Blackhawk helicopter for Philippines Navy has arrived. Overall 32 order will be delivered in 4 batches streach out from this year to 2026. The batches will be delivered in batch of 5, 10,10 and 7 helicopters.

This kind of order also shown shift on Pinoy's procurement pattern. Something they have to do in catching up after years of neglect, in their Armed Forces development.


The Bunker Group
Philippines and Sweden sign G to G framework agreement, which intended to support defense cooperation for MRF procurement.

Ok, is this means there are more MRA Fighters outside plan 14 Gripen ? MRA already in talks even from two previous administration, so far seems the talk shown to Gripen direction. However this article now also being talk especially by F-16 Pinoy lovers as sign their dream for F-16 will come through. Max Defense followers seems belive that.

Honestly Max Defense ussualy right on Pinoy procurement project, however lately I see that he seems hoping too much on F-16, while the sign officialy so far talk on Gripen. Let's see what's happen, but my money still with Gripen (if Pinoy do really put money) on the MRA program.


Well-Known Member
Nothing new and it has been the same thing talked about in the last 3 years. The only difference this time round (belong the president signing off, having a budget) is the Implementing Agreement with Sweden, as well as the Security Sector Assistance Roadmap that was put in place with the US back in 2023.

In theory, there are no stoppers, but this is the Philippines, who had a on-off multirole fighter acquisition program for more than 15 years.


The Bunker Group

Yes it is been talk for long time, but now seems they already agree on shoping budget. USD 35bio seems much, but it is spread out for around 10 years. Since Philippines only give one 1 term of each President, and Marcos already run 2 years in his term, this means the budget going to be divided in his term and next President term.

Any President that put long term budget up to the next successor term, means it is gamble a lot on willingness of the successor want to follow the budget plan. In such Marcos can be lucky if his administration can fulfill 50% of the budget until his term end. I don't think Marcos can extend his term like his father did.

In such by end of his term, they'll be lucky to able spend USD15-17 bio for shopping spree. Divided in to 3 arms services (with potential AF and Navy got most chucks of shopping budget), I suspect at most the AF can get USD 5-6 bio.

Then it is in my opinion they can only add another sq of LFA/FA-50 and 1 sq of MRFA as being plan before. Yes they can add up to 3 sq or even 4 of LFA and MRFA, but it is much depends on next President plan. Just don't see they can add F-16V on this term, as seems momentum getting toward Gripen C/D. Unless they reverse the momentum, and ditch the Swedes for US preference. Either one but can't be both, at least for end Marcos Term.

I got sense they are more serious now on rebuilding their own defense. However not as much as many Pinoy Military enthusiasts hoping for.