John Fedup
The Bunker Group
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Are the percentages for eligible vaccine candidates or the entire population?
16 and above at the moment ... but the programme is being rolled out for 12 and above as well. This is accelerating quite well as most Australians in the eastern states are sick of lockdowns and closed borders.Are the percentages for eligible vaccine candidates or the entire population?
It is likely country-specific, but in the US, medical insurance has not (yet) started to drop coverage for unvaccinated people. However, people have started getting charged co-pays for COVID-19 related bills instead of the health insurance absorbing 100% of the costs. For someone that gets admitted to hospital for COVID-19, they could easily accumulate several thousand dollars (or more) in billing.Have not read much about the Health Insurance industry’s reaction to mandatory vaccination. Can’t believe they are impressed with the huge ICU bills impact their bottom lines. Are they demanding surcharges or declining coverage to those who refuse vaccination?
In Switzerland a few weeks ago there was a proposal by Mauro Poggia, health director of Geneva canton, to decline coverage (with regard to Covid ICU hospital costs) for unvaccinated. The national ethics commission shut that down quickly.It is likely country-specific
In Germany there is a single private health insurance company (R+V) that has proposed differentiating tariffs for vaccinated and unvaccinated among their customers, similar to how they apparently already do for smokers and non-smokers (or also by age...). They only insure something like 1% of the population with full or add-on insurances though. The industry association for private health insurances have stated there are no discussions for such plans at their level, although of course individual insurance companies are free to adapt their tariffs.Are they demanding surcharges or declining coverage to those who refuse vaccination?
Same in Canada but as for adjustments based on behaviour, it’s a non-starter. Pollies only see lost votes doing that. Easier to just raise taxes and call it health care inflation.In Australia we get free healthcare and that does breed complacency. Of course free healthcare isn't really free. It is just publicly funded insurance.
In the private sector cost of insurance is often adjusted dependant on how big a risk you represent. Pay outs can also be adjusted down or even denied if you breach certain conditions. I cant see why public healthcare shouldn't be treated the same way.
I am of the no vax, no job no fun persuasion. Like Australia NZ has free health care and some individuals have health insurance. The health system here is overly bureaucratic with an excess of managers that would make the EU bureaucracy envious. Every time funding cuts have to be made it is always to medical staff and medical services and never to the bureaucracy. In fact they get more non medical managers in to assess and manage the problems. On top of this is a Ministry of Health full of policy wonks who haven't a clue about operational concepts and matters, that is quite dictatorial and so out of step it isn't funny. At the moment it is blatantly ignoring its own Minister and has upset another Minister. Between it and MBIE they have really upset at least 30,000 Kiwis overseas trying to return home, by making it extremely difficult for them to reenter the country with their MIQ policies.In Australia we get free healthcare and that does breed complacency. Of course free healthcare isn't really free. It is just publicly funded insurance.
In the private sector cost of insurance is often adjusted dependant on how big a risk you represent. Pay outs can also be adjusted down or even denied if you breach certain conditions. I cant see why public healthcare shouldn't be treated the same way.
All good information on vaccination, unfortunately there is a portion of the population that just don’t get it in many democracies. You can’t fix stupid….well except in Xi’s China, take the COVID shot or the lead shot.Even a double vaccination of Pfizer is not a guarantee,I am aware that an aged care home had a nurse feeling off, sent home for testing who returned to work before results were in, was able to pass on to 15 residents covid, at present one has died with covid they were all double vaccinated several months earlier the efficacy though wearing off they were in the stage of booster shots
I would add that those who are opposed to children receiving vaccinations should read this on what's already happening and has for many years
Yep, the critical question is how well will current vaccines defend against it. Hopefully reasonably well, but if not, mRNA specific to Omicron could be available within 100 days (according to vendors).In the UK and Germany Omicron has already spread on to people not associated with travel to South Africa.
Just a matter of time for it to spread worldwide from that basis.
First confirmed US case of the Omicron variant found in California, per a WH press briefing earlier today. There had been suspicions that the variant was already in the US, just had yet to be detected. I personally suspect that it was more a matter of taking the time and lab resources to do testing for specific variants, rather than reporting delays.Rather surprised there no reports of Omicron in the US yet. Intentional delay reporting perhaps? Possibly stricter airport entry controls at US airports as compared to Canada might explain why we have several cases despite having 1/10 the population. In any event, it is only a matter of time.
I think current vaccines would suck at preventing infection but would continue work very well against hospitalization and death. Omicron has more mutations than mu and it is confirmed current vaccines have very weak neutralization against mu, so it makes sense current vaccines are pretty much useless against omicron.Yep, the critical question is how well will current vaccines defend against it. Hopefully reasonably well, but if not, mRNA specific to Omicron could be available within 100 days (according to vendors).