Looking for positioning and movement strategies


New Member
Hello, I am interested in learning particular strategies that teach one how to make the best decision and how to react appropriately during scenarios where positioning , movement, and flow of troops is of utmost importance. For example, the flanking maneuver or taking the middle of the map to gain control.

I'm looking for the do's and dont's, the ins and outs. I am sure there are good resources where I could research and learn all about this topic but I don't know the lingo to use or where to search. Could anyone please direct me to some good resources or provide any info that may help me along the way (lingo, articles, websites, books, movies)?

Thanks for your time.


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What do you think about this one

Reference: CQB Tactics Discussion
"When using a doorway as the point of entry, the path of least resistance is determined initially based on the way the door opens; if the door opens inward he plans to move away from the hinges. If the door opens outward, he plans to move toward the hinged side...Each man should go in a direction opposite the man in front of him. Every team member must know the sectors and duties of each position...He eliminates any immediate threat...where he assumes a position of domination facing into the room."

From a single point of entry, the first attack is made in an oblique (diagonal) direction. A follow up attack is made in the opposite direction. Then the secured ground in held. Rinse Repeat.

After reading how to clear a room heavy with combatants and minimal civilians i thought this could be applied to this topic.