Japan, Koreas, China and Taiwan regional issues

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
I think it's the absolute lowest of any significant country. Hong Kong's similar.
I think not everyone will appreciate that some people regard Hong Kong as a seperate country... :)

But yes, noy many countries have a lower birthrate than South-Korea. And i didnt expect that it has a similar or even lower birthrate than Japan.


Super Moderator
Latest figures for Total Fertility Rate (births per woman).
Japan 1.3
S. Korea 0.8
North Korea 1.8
China 1.2

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
They're also more likely than any other country in East Asia to have malnourished children and young adults. One has to wonder how effective their military is as a result. They give extra rations to their soldiers, but by then they'll have long-term health issues.
It is surprising that even the soldiers look skinny during the parades. Well, the positive thing is that obesity is not such a big problem in North-Korea, thanks to the Great Leader. Because he is the only one who is obese in the whole country.


Well-Known Member
Crazy low numbers...
For comparison, the EU is a bit under 1.6 and the US around 1.7, but both blocks are reached by massive immigration that basically compensate the birth rate per woman (that should be 2).

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
Perhaps immigration bans in reverse will happen. Not sure what China’s policy is on citizens leaving but China does have a significant demographic problem looming and the CCP controls almost 100% of everything in China.


The Bunker Group
Holding citizen movement only within own country, can only be achieved with isolationist policy like DPRK doing now, or communist regime doing in cold war. That's will costs economics interaction with global market. Something that export oriented economy like China will not do. China already fully integrating with Global Economy, no matter some in US or even in Brussels try to reverse or hold that. Thus movement of people in and out China will still be open.

Immigration is something that are not embrace by East Asian and even Asian as whole, and only recently Japan and ROK opening more, due to their problem with labours. However even that it's much more control immigration environment then Europe or North America. There's tendencies that immigration law will be more open in future with Japan and ROK. However it will take time as Both are basically mono culture thinking.

For years the immigrant within Asia related much toward immigration from their imidiate neighbors. Japan mostly from Korean (due to their occupation of Korea) and Korea mostly from China (due to for centuries it is basically the only Korea trading partner). It is also shown in other part of Asia like Malaysia for years the significant immigration coming from Indonesia. While in most South East Asia, immigration mostly coming from China as overseas Chinese is also traders for most of East and South East Asia.

This is mostly to Asian relatively only accepting immigration from people that basically still close to their culture. Despite trading interaction between South Asia and South East Asia, the influx of South Asia people to SEA mostly done by Colonial Powers especially the British toward Malaysia and Singapore. East Asia basically have no colonial powers, which then make them more able to create mono culture or in case of China dominant Han culture.

Thus lower birth rate already changing Japan, ROK and Taiwan policies toward immigration. However it will not be as drastic changes like in North America, Europe or Australia. Most immigration so far to Japan, ROK and Taiwan are temporary workers that mostly themselves know well they will be only temporary in there, just to work and then go back to their own country. For case of Japan and ROK those temporary workers (most coming from other part of Asia), many are back to work with Japanese and ROK industries in their own country. Integrating to Japanese and ROK culture takes much more time and effort. At least significant proportion of Immigrant that stay in Japan and ROK are because they're married to the locals. This is what at least what Japan and ROK done to improve the productivity of their own industry, just build more industry in other part of Asia (mostly SEA) to keep their industrial chain competitive. This is more being done now even by Chinese, relatively more then bring overseas workers to their domestic industry back home.


Super Moderator
Japan's been open to immigration of overseas Japanese, e.g. from Brazil, for a long time. There were quite a lot in Japan in the 1990s, for example. My wife had a job helping them to integrate. But the immigration of others has been more restricted.


The Bunker Group

Japan CG and Taiwan CG conduct join exercise for first time in decades. All related to 2017 agreements between Japan and Taiwan. As ussual Japan state that the exercise not directed to any particular country, especially China.


Japanese 30,000-tonne patrol vessel due to enter service in 2029
In the event of a Taiwan contingency, etc., it is envisaged that the Coast Guard will be responsible for the evacuation of residents in the Southwest Islands, including these waters, as part of the protection of the population in armed attack situations, etc. In June 2023, it is envisaged that residents will be evacuated on board under the control of the Minister of Defence and that Taiwan residents will be evacuated.