John Fedup
The Bunker Group
The US-Germany rift appears to be widening. Way to go Donald, giving Putin his first wedge into NATO. Any guesses to how long the lineup to send troops to support US troops in Afghanistan will be as his tweets continue?
The problem will be that it will cause more permanent rifts, Trump seems to be making touchy situations worse.The US-Germany rift appears to be widening. Way to go Donald, giving Putin his first wedge into NATO. Any guesses to how long the lineup to send troops to support US troops in Afghanistan will be as his tweets continue?
Unlikely in the short term. The battlegroup in Lithuania was only just completed last week with the arrival of the Norwegians.I wonder if Germany will shift some of its resources around Latvia and Lithuania.
Wasn't that complicated apparently. There've been a lot less issues in practice in Incirlik than in previous German deployments to Turkey, possibly because after all pretty much half of it is a US base.Of course there are other issues, such as working in Turkey.
His parents are actually from that region - Rize province immediately bordering Trabzon to the east.I notice that the local government in Trabzon has been run by Erdogan's party for many years.
Around 2009 police in tourist areas started cracking down on beer consumption as a supposed violation of traffic ordinances; around 2011 alcohol-free beer was outlawed as an "entry drug"; in 2013 the sale of alcohol at night was outlawed and restaurants are required to set up separate "alcohol-free" and "alcohol" rooms, following parliament passing the required bills after Erdogan called Atatürk an alcoholic in his speech supporting it; since 2014 alcohol and places selling such may no longer be avertised, including censoring movies containing alcohol consumption scenes; in 2015 alcohol consumption in outdoor public areas was completely outlawed.having a picnic in the main square in Trabzon, washed down with beer.
Full operations from Jordan started October 9th btw, after the Tornados arrived five days earlier. The last German soldiers left Incirlik on September 27th; the last two Tornados left on July 31st.Found this interesting about Germany moving equipment and people out of Turkey.
Of course there are other issues, such as working in Turkey. Jordan might be politically easier to operate out of.
Frankly the author could use a few lessons in world history and the history on non-permanent members of the UN Security Council. Take Costa Rica which IIRC was a member of the UN Security Council from 1996 to 1998, when it had abolished it's military following a civil war back in 1948. It is not the size of a nation's armed forces which is relevant to being on the Security Council.This article describes Germany's defence problems suggesting they don't merit a seat on the UN Security Council. A bit laughable considering one of the other contenders is Canada. Junior, always trying to seem more important than he is, has been promoting a seat for Canada. After pi$$ing around unsuccessfully trying to find a minimal UN mission he had to select Mali. Waste of time and money as is the UN seat. At least only 2 CH-147s Chinooks will be put at risk.
Germany pitching for UN Security Council seat, despite almost inoperable armed forces
How... unprofessional. Germany has managed to finagle a UN mission where it contributes one Major General. Nothing else, not even a car for him, not even bodyguards. One Major General.After pi$$ing around unsuccessfully trying to find a minimal UN mission he had to select Mali.
Totally agree with the above as we (NZ) are a current member and our armed forces are not going to set the world on fire let alone have any significance to the security council.Frankly the author could use a few lessons in world history and the history on non-permanent members of the UN Security Council. Take Costa Rica which IIRC was a member of the UN Security Council from 1996 to 1998, when it had abolished it's military following a civil war back in 1948. It is not the size of a nation's armed forces which is relevant to being on the Security Council.
No we aren't Rob. Our term was 2015 & 2016 and we campaigned hard to either get rid of the Big 5 veto or at least restrict its use.Totally agree with the above as we (NZ) are a current member and our armed forces are not going to set the world on fire let alone have any significance to the security council.
OOp's was not keeping track of that one. However the relevance of the ability of the armed forces is correct. In other words they are not relevant to membership in the Security council.No we aren't Rob. Our term was 2015 & 2016 and we campaigned hard to either get rid of the Big 5 veto or at least restrict its use.
This is a warning. You have already been advised by another Super Moderator about your postings. This is a multinational forum and we do not have anytime for country bashing and politics. You are doing both. If you do not immediately substantially improve your posting behaviour, you will no longer be welcome here.Through my sport i have some friends in eastern Germany and the majority of people there is anti Trump / anti USA.
Germany is our most important country not just in Europe but evrywhere. Russia and Germany belong to each other and there cant be peace, when Russia is in conflict with Germany. Thats a fact.
When we took Crimea our president made a speech blaming entire west but spared Germany. Anti americanism is rising in Germany and the far right AfD party which had massive sucess in eastern Germany now also has sucess inwest German states.
What we see now is, that Germany condemns american strikes against Syria and also wants end sanctions against Russia. That Germany makes big energy prrojects with us and snubs buying american fracking gas.
The Germans should ask themself, our ambassador in Germany speaks fluent German. Our president speaks fluent German. The americans send a nobody as ambassador into Germany who doesnt even speak a single word German.