Afghanistan War


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Terrorists have struck at the gate of HKIA. The Pentagon said that the explosion at the Abbey Gate was the result of a complex attack that resulted in a number of US and civilian casualties. The Abbey Gate suicide bomb must be huge, the pictures emerging are really bad — refusing to share them here.

There are reports that was at least one other explosion near the Baron Hotel, a short distance from Abbey Gate.

Edit: It was later clarified that there was only 1 bomb.
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Well-Known Member
How would the taliban react to this? Isnt this attack a challenge to their authority? Wouldnt this require action on the talibans part to legitimise their control to afghans?


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According to a U.S. official, U.S. marines were wounded or killed in the explosion at the airport's "Abbey Gate," one of the entrances to the airport that the embassy had specifically asked U.S. citizens to avoid. US officials believe that the Khorasan group, affiliated with the Islamic State (ISK), is responsible.

How would the taliban react to this? Isnt this attack a challenge to their authority? Wouldnt this require action on the talibans part to legitimise their control to afghans?
The Taliban and ISK have so much bad blood that given a chance they would kill and/or torture to death each other’s fighters, if they can find them.

The Taliban don’t have much control, as they were not a ‘state’ till a few days ago.
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Well-Known Member
My understanding was that numerically the taliban factions were much bigger than isk.
And that there was a truce on (i guess till the west is gone).


Well-Known Member
I would really be surprised if there was a truce between the Taliban and ISK (originally an offshoot of the Pakistani Taliban). In the past the Talibs have made it a point to eliminate any IS presence it detects and on a number of occasions received U.S. air support. The Taliban is indeed a lot larger than ISK.

Al Jazeera reported that the Taliban were expecting a car bomb attack and moved extra fighters to the airport: including “special forces”. According to Al Jazeera the Taliban outside the airport have been having a hard time pushing people back (water cannons have been used) and look very tense; a situation made worse by expectation of a IS attack.

Given the size of the city; the sheer numbers of people outside the airport and other areas; as well as other factors; to me it’s not surprising that IS was able to get to where it wanted to without being detected to carry out the attacks.
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Active Member
I do wonder if it's possible for the western government to just feed the Taliban intelligence regarding ISIS-K and essentially let them hunt their enemies at their own discretion, just to keep pressure off the airport.


Well-Known Member
I would really be surprised if there was a truce between the Taliban and ISK (originally an offshoot if the Pakistani Taliban). In the past the Talibs have made it a point to eliminate any IS presence it detects and on a number of occasions received U.S. air support. The Taliban is indeed a lot larger than ISK.

Al Jazeera reported that the Taliban were expecting a car bomb attack and moved extra fighters to the airport: including “special forces”. According to Al Jazeera the Taliban outside the airport have been having a hard time pushing people back (water cannons have been used) and look very tense; a situation made worse by expectation of a IS attack.

Given the size of the city; the sheer numbers of people outside the airport and other areas; as well as other factors; to me it’s not surprising that IS was able to get to where it wanted to without being detected to carry out the attacks.
Well i could have got the wrong end of the stick on this. The conversation i had with someone who was familiar with ground situation discussed isk and taliban.
This could be the prompt to wrap things up by the 31st.


Well-Known Member
I do wonder if it's possible for the western government to just feed the Taliban intelligence regarding ISIS-K .
Well before the attacks occurred the Taliban did announce it was expecting an attack; whether this was from their own intel or whether it was provided remains unknown. Sure; it’s not inconceivable that Western government!’s would share intel with the Taliban over common threats but will it make a difference?

It’s one thing being able to detect a coming attack - via HUMINT or other means - but a very completely different thing being able to actually stop it. Even in normal times ISK operatives would be able to blend in well in Kabul; more so now given the chaotic conditions.

Hone C

Active Member
CENTCOM have confirmed 12 US personnel dead and 15 wounded in the attack.

Dozens of civilians and some Taliban are among the casualties.

ISIS-K has claimed responsibility for the attack. In it's statement ISIS-K also denounced the Taliban for working alongside the US, a move likely aimed at undermining the Taliban's jihadi credentials.

ISIS are believed to have hundreds of fighters in vicinity of Kabul, and more attacks are likely.

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Active Member
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CENTCOM have confirmed 12 US personnel dead and 15 wounded in the attack.

ISIS-K are believed to have hundreds of fighters in vicinity of Kabul, and more attacks are likely.

CENTCOM has stated 12 KIA and ‘multiple” wounded. 11 USMC and a USN Corpsman.

U.S. general: 12 U.S. KIA, 15 wounded in suicide attack at Kabul airport

The head of U.S. forces in the Middle East and Afghanistan says 12 U.S. service members were killed in the suicide attack outside the Kabul airport. 15 others were wounded.

Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command says two suicide bombers carried out the complex attack, which he attributed to ISIS.

McKenzie said ISIS gunmen also opened fire. No word on the Countless number of civilians KIA/WIA
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HKIA related updates

1. Unrelated to the above news, last night 77 SAF personnel, comprising pilots, aircrew, engineers and Singapore Army security personnel, flew off on A330MRTT 762 to Al Udeid Air Base, in Qatar, for this humanitarian mission as Singapore’s contribution to the effort.
(a) The SAF team deployed shortly after PM Lee’s offer during Vice President Kamala Harris visit to the Istana on 23 Aug 2021. Singapore’s A330 MRTT is likely to be used to fly the Qatar to Germany leg of the evacuation mission. IIRC an agreement with the German government allows Afghans to stay on a German base for only 10 days after their arrival.​
(b) The MRTT, which can carry up to 266 passengers or 37,000kg of cargo, or conduct medical evacuation. This is deployment to Qatar is the second operational mission for the A330 MRTT, as it was previously used to evacuate Private Joshua Quek Shou Jie, a commando trainee, who was injured in Taiwan during an unilateral parachute exercise in Jan 2020.​

The head of U.S. forces in the Middle East and Afghanistan says 12 U.S. service members were killed in the suicide attack outside the Kabul airport. 15 others were wounded.
2. Since Gen. McKenzie’s briefing, there are 13 KIAs from the US military and the Khorasan group, affiliated with the Islamic State (ISK), was responsible. There may be more given the condition of the wounded.

3. Having watched the behaviour of a Fox News reporter at a Q&A with Biden, in the aftermath of this latest ISK terror attack, I have utter contempt for his attempt to sow confusion — despite Biden’s tolerance/acceptance that the Fox News guy will continue to behave this way.

4. After the terror attack on US forces in Afghanistan, Rep. Madison Cawthorn R-NC is asking for the 25th Amendment to be invoked to remove President Biden from office. In this letter, Cawthorn wrongly spells the Vice President's first name. The letter – which devotes an entire paragraph to a passage from Treasure Island – is the latest in a series of calls from Republicans in Congress for Biden's ouster. "It's not a day for politics," the White House said of those calls.

5. American intelligence already warned of a high likelihood of attack. Anyone with basic common sense would know that asking the military to screen over 100,000 evacuees for Kabul at one location (HKIA) not only carries risk of attack at the point of entry.
(a) Being forced to only watch the gates, without control of the outer perimeter (being manned by the Taliban) makes it that much hard to mitigate the risk of an ISK terror attack, which is INTENDED to blend into the crowd.​
(b) I am pretty sure the terror cell in Kabul is planning to stage a second attack — the next attack need NOT be a direct attack at the gates alone. The Americans have armed overwatch but these UAVs can do next to nothing when the bomber has blended into the crowd.​
(c) As part of “Aquila Omnia”, the Italian Air Force deployed 4 C-130Js to transport personnel from Kabul to Kuwait, where 3 KC-767A tankers then fly the evacuees to Italy. In continuous operations without a break, over are 1,600 are evacuated, so far. On 26 Aug 2021, an Afghan pickup equipped with machine guns and located away from the runway, fired a few 14.5 caliber machine gun shots straight up to disperse the crowd pressing towards the gate of the Kabul International Airport. Tracers coming from the ground were spotted by the pilot of the Italian C-130J (flying at 4,000 feet) who, according to the procedures, carried out the evasive maneuvers that scared all the passengers. This shows that security of the gates is not enough, without extensive cooperation by the Taliban to reduce the ISK threat.​
6. I believe that extending the duration of the evacuation mission beyond 31 Aug 2021, presents an unacceptable risk to American aircraft and servicemen (deployed in such a static installation defence).

7. A united America is a safer country but what the Fox News reporter and Rep. Madison Cawthorn are trying to do, helps the agenda of ISK — therefore I can’t respect that. No matter who is the American President, elected members of Congress, should unite behind the President to speak against terrorism (for at least a few days) — cheap partisanship stunts will empower ISIS.

ISIS-K also denounced the Taliban for working alongside the US, a move likely aimed at undermining the Taliban's jihadi credentials.
8. Both American and Afghan lives matter. Since the Taliban cannot stop further ISK attacks at HKIA, evacuation flights better stop soon. The Taliban are even less competent at security operations than the prior Kabul regime. ISK is also attacking areas other than the airport. Sources say that there are 6 to 7 explosions in Kabul last evening and an ongoing gun battle in the west of the city. This is a very dynamic situation, ISIS engaged in a persistent flood of attacks.
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Well-Known Member
ISIS-K also denounced the Taliban for working alongside the US, a move likely aimed at undermining the Taliban's jihadi credentials.
It was aimed both at striking the Americans and to embarrass the Taliban; to show that despite being the country’s new rulers; they are not in full control. I have no idea as to how the attackers managed to pull it off; whether they came from outside Kabul or were part of a cell already in situ but given the chaotic conditions in the city; unsurprising they managed to pull it of.

The Taliban; as were Western governments; were forewarned of such a threat but actually preventing it was the hard part. Al Jazeera reported that the Taliban were facing huge difficulties keeping thousands of civilians back and that in addition to shooting in the air and the occasional physical violence; have resorted to water cannons. Keeping thousands if people back whilst also taking the needed measures to prevent another attack; such as keeping vehicles at a distance and searching everyone would be a major challenge; to put it mildly.

Meanwhile a U.S. politician has suggested looking at using Bagram as the hub of the evacuation effort. IMO he’s a bit detached from reality as Bagram was long abandoned to the Taliban and the bulk of people trying Ito get out are already in Kabul.

“At least 28 members of the Taliban are among the people killed in explosions overnight outside the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, a Taliban official told Reuters news agency. We have lost more people than the Americans,” said the official, who declined to be identified. He said there was no reason to extend the August 31 deadline for foreign forces to leave the country”
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Part 2 of 2: Taliban beating reporters & UN staff is not news but dogs are

6. The bullying, falsehoods and threatening behaviour by some towards UK MOD personnel and civil servants is unacceptable. It is a shameful way to treat people trying to help the evacuation. These animal lovers do their cause no good. If Pen Farthing does not have his animals with him he and his staff can board an RAF flight.
(a) Those Afghans most at risk are processed first and that the limiting factor has been flow THROUGH to airside NOT airplane capacity. The Khorasan group, affiliated with the Islamic State (ISK) are murderous bastards that have carried out assassination against clerics connected to Taliban and attacked Taliban positions to kill their fighters. What will ISK do to Afghans they hate and need evacuation?​
(b) The 10 US Marines (with 3 more from other services) that died stood at that gate despite knowing that a suicide attack was imminent. Let that sink in. They did it because these Afghan men, women, and children needed their security to reach safety — when other NATO troops and governments decided it was too dangerous to keep processing Afghans and flew out of the country. I wish more Americans and British had that selfless courage. Realistically, it’s about priority.​
(c) The longer the American and British forces stay to keep the gates open for evacuation of citizens, the more time is given for these ISK murderers to conduct another suicide attack on troops at the gate. Is the life of a group of soldiers worth so little to entitled idiots like this? I don’t understand her pride.​
(d) Worth noting that overflights of Afghanistan were already recommended to be above 25,000ft in an existing NOTAM and since 2015. This is to reduce risk of attack by a man-portable missile systems. C-17s are no longer manufactured. UK cannot buy a replacement, if any of the 8 are lost should the Taliban penetrate the gates. Allowing big vehicles to drive into the airport, when ISK are trying to drive a car bomb into the airport ramp where the aircraft are parked and full of passengers — not a very smart move. ISK are so evil, they make the Taliban or IRGC look moderate — when they are not.​
(e) Why should American or British soldiers risk their lives for dogs or other small animals from a shelter to keep gates manned— when they can take the same amount of time to process the application of more humans? At the time of extreme risk, the number 1 priority is to get American citizens of Afghan origin who are in contact with the embassy out — not their relatives and extended family or pets. The number 2 priority is to get SIV and P2s out, at an acceptable risk. It is not a surprise that the U.S. has closed some gates. This will clear most of the gates, to reduce risk to the troops.​

7. Care for animals is a worthy cause but you cannot lose sight of personal responsibility. If Pen Farthing was willing to follow embassy advice, he would have shipped the 200 animals a month ago. He and his sponsors should pay specialists to get out of Afghanistan. If you sponsor an idiot, he will do idiotic things.

Edit: In the latest update, Pen Farthing is heading back to UK with his rescue animals but his staff are not with him.
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John Fedup

The Bunker Group
A US Marine officer has been relieved for a video demanding accountability from senior brass over the evacuation debacle. Makes the point, why didn’t you put your career on the line and criticize a bad decision? I guess the short answer is they value their careers more. A group of senior officers threatening resignation mights have produced a better plan. Not a pretty option but the chaos of the evacuation and the damage in relationships with NATO partners would seem to justify such an unattractive action.


John Fedup

The Bunker Group
An article discussing the war costs for the US. Some variance depending on what is included but regardless, all big numbers. Worse, some of the costs will continue like ( the very necessary and obligational) medical and rehabilitation for veterans.


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A US Marine officer has been relieved for a video demanding accountability from senior brass over the evacuation debacle. Makes the point, why didn’t you put your career on the line and criticize a bad decision? I guess the short answer is they value their careers more. A group of senior officers threatening resignation mights have produced a better plan. Not a pretty option but the chaos of the evacuation and the damage in relationships with NATO partners would seem to justify such an unattractive action.

The video is all over social media and good on him I watched it in full earlier and I totally agree with him. The Lt Col is going to be done like a Xmas dinner for this but he speaks the truth.

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
The video is all over social media and good on him I watched it in full earlier and I totally agree with him. The Lt Col is going to be done like a Xmas dinner for this but he speaks the truth.
Normally he would be done like dinner but given the scale of the C-F evacuation and the political fallout, his exit could very well be smooth and quiet.

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
Was finally able to watch the video mentioned earlier. The colonel may no longer have a military career now but his presentation shows he might have a future political career. A senior position vacancy DoD might be available soon.:rolleyes: