Su-34 Completes Testing


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I found a curious looking arms-tass article that basically says that the Su-34 completed gov. testing. This may mean that fullscale production did not happen earlier not because NAPO is unable to produce 5-10 planes annually, but because the plane had not completed the testing program. To recap the history of the program, two planes are in Lipetsk right now and they're the ones that did the testing. 10 more are allegedly under assembly right now at NAPO, and IMO these 12 planes will form the first squadron. Any thoughts?


New Member
I sow same article and confused me totaly .. like you I tought Su-34 had pased state tests and is producing at extremly slow peace ( witch they call serial production .. LOL ) but now .. who knows ... thiese Russians are to confusing ... :shudder

F-15 Eagle

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Why is it so hard to get good info from Russia. They always say one thing then do something else. Or they say this is in production but later on you find out it never was in the first place. What I'm getting from this is that Russia will never see 70 or so Su-34s at this pace. I doubt more than 10 will enter service and you can forget about the PAK-FA or Su-35. I'm saying this is because it appears to me that Russia is unable to build any numbers of aircraft above 2-3 jets every 5 years.


Russia will always make things look bigger and faster then what it relly is.
I´m sure they will start building jets faster and faster in the next coming years but I dont think they will reach their goal for 2015 in time.
If they relly will get the PAK-FA flying in 2009 it will surley take another 5-7 years before the Russian airforce gets its first. And the Su-34 I dont think that much will happen before 2010, maybe 10-15 planes has been built by then no more. And +200 in 2020....yeah right.


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Wall and F-15 you guys are both trying to make predictions that are outside of any reasonable scope of judgement. It's not even clear what the production schedule for the Su-34 is, and if it only completed testing right now, it makes perfect sense that serial production did not begin 2 years ago. The real question, is whether serial production will begin now, and whether the 10 planes allegedly in production will take to the air any time soon. Pretty much anything else is complete guesswork.

Mostly I was wondering if anyone had any other information on the subject....

EDIT: Virtually identical article on

The difference is that this one mentions plans to purchase 300 by 2020. Still no production schedule. I'll keep digging around.
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New Member
I digged also in RUnet but didn't found out anything truthful =) I was really confused with that article =).
There may be two reasons to make such declarations which confrontate with each other (that's my personal thoughts)
-There is nothing but two testing planes and the serial may be will star in 2009 or even in 2010 with only several planes a year
-Or all these info went under secret state and there is an order to keep silence and speak only rumors.

But may be there is a 3 variant - and for me it is most real then the others - as it is said in Russia - "left hand doesn't no what is doing right hand"

Wall, F15 many things in my country are ... I don't how it to say right, let's say UNUNDERSTANDABLE =)))) and i don't understand myself - why there is always need to put everything under the secret state or don't do it easier ??=)
But I always hear that "we are not looking for easy ways".

Estimated price of SU-34 is 50-60$m fully operational. so 300/10=30 -> 30*60=1800$m - I am a patriot but i don't believe that is possible =(((


New Member
70 by 2015 seems reasonable.

From what I gather, there is currently a big program to update a number of the SU-25's & SU-24's, which handle much the same roles.

Get the SU-34's in low-rate production to start with, sort out the bugs & details in manufacturing, gradually increase production...


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Wall and F-15 you guys are both trying to make predictions that are outside of any reasonable scope of judgement. It's not even clear what the production schedule for the Su-34 is, and if it only completed testing right now, it makes perfect sense that serial production did not begin 2 years ago. The real question, is whether serial production will begin now, and whether the 10 planes allegedly in production will take to the air any time soon. Pretty much anything else is complete guesswork.

Mostly I was wondering if anyone had any other information on the subject....

EDIT: Virtually identical article on

The difference is that this one mentions plans to purchase 300 by 2020. Still no production schedule. I'll keep digging around.

I posted this at another Su-34 tread here some time ago, but it seems to make sense now:

"An update on the Su-34 production:

The 45tonn aircraft proved to be too heavy for carrier operation, but in the future it will have new engines. Possible the Article 117-S engine or a newer variant.

To date they have only produced 11 Su-34's.
Including the Serial nr. 10V-0 and 10V-3 as a static tests fuselage.

Serial nr. 10V-1(early Su-27UB) Side nr 42. who first flight April 13 1990.

Serial nr. 10V-2, side nr 43. First flight December 18 1993

Serial nr. 10V-4(01-01) First preproduction. side nr 44. First fittet with mission system.
First flight Dec 26 1996.

Serial nr. 10V-5(01-02) side nr 45. First flown Dec 28 1994.

Serial nr. 10V-6(01-03) side nr 46. First flight Dec 27 1997.

Serial nr. 10V-7(01-04) side nr 47. First flight Dec 22 2000.

Serial nr. 10V-8(01-05) side nr 48. First flight Dec 20 2003.

Serial nr. 02-01 1'st prod. Side nr 01. First flight Oct 12 2006.

Serial nr. 02-02 2'nd prod. Side nr 02. First flight, Aug 03 2007.

In 2008 Sukhio announced the start of 2'nd stage production.
It will include new mission systems and armament. Possible new Engines and weight reduction too.
NAPO will deliver 18 aircraft. 8-10 aircraft by 2010.
All the other production statement made by officials is uncomfirmed.."

They produced only 2 serial Su-34 side nr01/02 in 2006 and 2007, none in 2008. The rest are prototypes and pre-prod units.

Then the NAPO/RuAF evaluated these 2 to see if they made the requirements with the new systems and engine.
If NAPO indeed have 10 Su-34 airframes being build as the moment.

As i stated earlier, the Su-34 was due for a big update program that started in 2006.
New systems and engines.
I beleve the engines is the upgraded AL-31FM with something like 144kN thrust each.
There are others articles claiming the 117-S or AL-35F/37FU is the one being used, but i find it unlikely.

It's sure hard to keep track on the new Su-34 and Su-35 Flankers these days..
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The second stage production. I see. That makes sense, as does 10 a/c by 2010. Those would be the ten in production right now. When you say 18 total are due, you mean a contract has been signed by MoD for 18 planes? Do you have a source for that?


Wall and F-15 you guys are both trying to make predictions that are outside of any reasonable scope of judgement.
Perhaps its just gessing yes, but you just have to look at the russian military during the last 10-15 years and any idiot can see that nothing is happening.
Yes maybe the testing face of the Su-34 is finished and maybe the "real" serial production will start now. But then again that is what they have sad two times before since the year 2000.
Its simple, the russians talk more then they do.

And yes my english sucks......


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Perhaps its just gessing yes, but you just have to look at the russian military during the last 10-15 years and any idiot can see that nothing is happening.
Look at trends. T-90A production has been steadily increasing, same with BTR-80A production. The airforce has started modernizing in the last few years after a 10-15 year break, with the Su-25SM, Su-27SM, and Su-24M2, as well as the new Tu-160. It's not major purchases, but then again big changes rarely happen overnight, and a rebuilding of the Russian Army will take well over a decade even in a best case scenario. The important thing to keep track of are the procurements, and the rates. This is the first major arms purchases since the early 90's, when some finished Soviet-purchased weapons were handed over to the Army in 91-92.


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The second stage production. I see. That makes sense, as does 10 a/c by 2010. Those would be the ten in production right now. When you say 18 total are due, you mean a contract has been signed by MoD for 18 planes? Do you have a source for that?
I found this article in the magazine
"Airforce montly" or the "Combat Aircraft", i don't remember.
It's written by a reporter named Piotr Butowski.

I think the 18 aircraft was the first regiment ordered by RuAF, but i'm not sure.
I have to look it up again.

Here is an link to another forum with Piotr Butowski(PiBu), talking about Flankers. It's qute informative:)
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F-15 Eagle

New Member
Perhaps its just gessing yes, but you just have to look at the russian military during the last 10-15 years and any idiot can see that nothing is happening.
Yes maybe the testing face of the Su-34 is finished and maybe the "real" serial production will start now. But then again that is what they have sad two times before since the year 2000.
Its simple, the russians talk more then they do.

And yes my english sucks......
You hit the nail right on the head with that one.;)


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18 aircraft can not be a regiment. Then again, the airforce is planning on structural changes also along with the army, so I don't even know what the new VVS will look like.


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18 aircraft can not be a regiment. Then again, the airforce is planning on structural changes also along with the army, so I don't even know what the new VVS will look like.

Ok, it just says 18 Su-34.
One way or another the Su-34 will play a part in the VVS.
I'm guessing 1-2 regiments will be the total numbers.


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If it's replacing the Su-24, then we will need at least 240 planes (10 rgts). If it's also replacing the Su-24MR, then we will need more along the lines of 300.


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If it's replacing the Su-24, then we will need at least 240 planes (10 rgts). If it's also replacing the Su-24MR, then we will need more along the lines of 300.

Both right and wrong:)
The Russian DED did acknowledge the fact that the RuAF will have to make do with a significance smaller amount of Su-34 than first called for.
The Su-34 costs per unit, has blown out any chance of that happening.
They will have to settle on a much smaller amount, i have seen numbers like 200, 120, 80 and 58...
We havent seen the final orders yet but, rest asure my vigilance will snap up any news on that note;)

On the bright side, the wepons systems and the wingload of the Su-34 do increase the effectiveness somewhat over the older Su-24/MR.

I found the Su-34 Article, it's in the AIR INTERNATIONAL oct. 2008 edition!:)

I quote:
"Vladimir Mikhaillov, then Commander-in-cheif of the RuAF, announced that the first operational Fullback unit would be fully equipped by 2010!
(This is expected to be the 455th Bomber Air Regiment in Voronezh).

He added that 200 units would be pocured by the end of 2020, thought this is incompatible with the 8-10 units per year..:unknown
The SoD Sergey Ivanov stated in 2006 that "The state Armament Programme provides for purchasing 58 Su-34 until end of 2015". To add to the confiusion, an official statement from the Sukhoi company stated that "within the three-year contract, until 2010 the NAPO factory will deliver 18 units per year"
To date non of these targets have been acheived.."
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