World navy listings discussions

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"Russia will develop and build new aircraft carriers in the next decade, according to Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Adm. Vladimir Kuroyedov. Preliminary design discussions will begin later this year, he indicated. Full-scale development would be possible after 2010 under a new government weapon procurement plan. The existing arrangement does not cover aircraft carriers. Kuroyedov says the vessels would accommodate new-generation aircraft, and he projects entry into service in 2016-17. The Russian navy will receive at least two carriers, one each for the Northern and Pacific Fleets, he says. The country now has only one remaining aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov. "

Just found this news article i kept and erm 2016 -2017 that is before 2020 right?


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Just found this news article i kept and erm 2016 -2017 that is before 2020 right?
I've seen no supporting evidence of cimmittment to do this. Press releases mean nothing unless they're followed up with something of substance to corroborate.

eg, Russia over the last 8 years has announced various plans including 1 sub per year and 1 skimmer per year. In the last 2 years they have only launched one sub. All other production is geared towards export and refurb of leased vessels.

I don't see any shift in building behaviuor to expect a change - the Russians are dealing with exports as they don't have enough money locally.

I'd be more convinced if I'd seen preliminary discussions about design type, fitout options etc.... there are a myriad of things that need to be done before a keel is laid.

Going on recent performance, and in light of the fact that 6 nations are co-funding submarine destruction this year (as the russians can't afford to break them themselves) - the you'll have to consider me a skeptic until I see measurable evidence of intent.


New Member
Kurdeyov is well known for his rash comments i am a skeptic for this myself, hoever it does seem likely they will go ahead and build two carriers the malakhit and rubin design stations have come up with designes for a 65,000 tonne carrier.

i doubt any building will be done before 2010 or even 2015.


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Hi, just a quick correction of terminology to the Finnish Navy patrol units: the Helsinki II class denomination is incorrect, these 4 ships (Rauma, Raahe, Porvoo and Naantali) are called the Rauma class.

The 4 boats of the original Helsinki-class are now slowly being phased out as the Hamina class (sometimes incorrectly referred to as Rauma 2000 class) is entering active service.

I believe the incorrect terminology comes from the project names that were used when the decisions to build these missile boats were being made.

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