What is wrong with NATO?


New Member
Is it me or NATO is a paper target? Why does US ask the European allies for more troops to be send to Afghanistan and instead of many thouthends such countries as Germany, France, Italy ........ send hundreds? It looks to me that European leaders simply do not have the resolve and mental strength as American leaders do.


Active Member
Is it me or NATO is a paper target? Why does US ask the European allies for more troops to be send to Afghanistan and instead of many thouthends such countries as Germany, France, Italy ........ send hundreds? It looks to me that European leaders simply do not have the resolve and mental strength as American leaders do.
To me it looks that you didn't use the search function.

And no, it is not simply due to the supposedly inferior resolve and mental strenght :rolleyes:


John Sansom

New Member
I don't see a point to this thread.
In fact, there may well be a point to this and similar threads. The problem is that many--yrs trly included--often can't get a grip on the so-called bigger picture....even when that grip may discover mush.

Some NATO participant stats for Afghanistan can be surprising. For instance, proportionately Denmark has suffered more fatalities than any other security contributor. The opposition in Denmark has probably used that number to good effect, thereby alarming the folk in power and encouraging them to draw back in the face of negative polling stats.

This is not specific and peculiar to Denmark--and is no way meant to denigrate that country's contribution. The fact is, however, down home politics plays a very significant role in situations like this.

So....the point of this thread? It allows for a broader discussion of a truly vexing issue.

'Ave a luverly.

Grand Danois

Actually the Afghan mission is a politically unassailable element in Danish politics. It's backed by 96% of the Danish Parliament, even out to the Socialist Peoples Party, and usually backed by 60% of the electorate, and confirmed by the recent defence agreement.

The duration of the mission is for the time being open-ended.

NATO usually enjoy a 80% backing in polls (to stay on topic).

John Sansom

New Member
Actually the Afghan mission is a politically unassailable element in Danish politics. It's backed by 96% of the Danish Parliament, even out to the Socialist Peoples Party, and usually backed by 60% of the electorate, and confirmed by the recent defence agreement.

The duration of the mission is for the time being open-ended.

NATO usually enjoy a 80% backing in polls (to stay on topic).
Your point's well taken GD, but I was citing (even if inaccurately) the Danish situation as an example of what can happen on the "homefront" and which very much effects what's happening on the ground thousands of miles away.

Canada, for instance, is front and centre in the Afghan fighting. However, there's a strong element at home who would prefer that Canadian troops be wholly engaged in reconstruction projects, and that they leave the fighting to others. One wonders how this might be explained to the Taliban....and to NATO treaty members. Come to think of it, how in blazes does one get the message across to the Canadian troops on the reconstruction front lines?

Well...the question was: "What's wrong with NATO?" I guess the answer for now must be: What do you mean?

Anyway, thanks for the inpot GD.


New Member
It looks to me that European leaders simply do not have the resolve and mental strength as American leaders do.
Actually the local public has huge sentiments against the War . And in times when the economy is in downturn , No one wants to shoot the arrow in the blue sky . Morever the politicians are also wary of the fact, that by sending in more troops , their ratings may get hampered :p:


New Member
The duration of the mission is for the time being open-ended.
With US exiting from Afghanistan in the next couple of years , Till how long this mission will remain open-ended . I gues they aint gona stay in afghanistan as long as US is planning to do so ...!