Sandhi Yudha
Well-Known Member
For more than 15 years Russia plans to send a space probe to Venus, Venera-D is now scheduled to be launched in November 2029.
The US just announced that they also plan to send a mission to Venus, actually two. The missions, which have each been awarded $500 / €410 / £352 million each in funding, are due to launch between 2028 and 2030.
The US just announced that they also plan to send a mission to Venus, actually two. The missions, which have each been awarded $500 / €410 / £352 million each in funding, are due to launch between 2028 and 2030.

NASA wil Venus 'herontdekken': twee missies gepland naar helse planeet
De Amerikanen willen onder meer de atmosfeer van Venus bestuderen en erachter komen hoe die is ontstaan.

Venus: Nasa announces two new missions
The two missions will examine the planet's atmosphere and geological features.