The Russian-Ukrainian War Thread


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If we see another ranks (put this link to interactive map), Russia number getting better a bit, and Ukrainian stagnant.

That's the problem on looking at rank, but not see overall trend. The trend basically say both Russia and Ukraine are both very corrupt. No changing much on the corruption behavior on both countries.

This is why in early part on this thread, I say both are basically run by Oligarchs. Zelensky is just another Putin wannabe. He doesn't get there, because not have chances yet, and ironically this war will give that to him.

Sometimes I'm chuckles on the Western Media or Politicians talk in Ukraine. Before 2022 invasion, the media talks on Ukrainian undemocratic repression, especially against Russian speaking sides. Talk about Ukrainian corruption all the time on any reports on Ukraine.

After the invasion, the corruption talk disappear, and Zelensky become champion of democracy. Now the talk of corruption creaping back.

This War hasn't changed both of them, as are very corrupt oligarch run administrations. Doesn't change the fact they are both increasingly undemocratic. You can put make up on a brute, but make up doesn't change the fact one a bit.
Clearly UKR has a ways to go before they could join the EU, with regards to anti-corruption measures. But they have at least made efforts to do so.

Zelensky may not be a Churchill, but his opening comment "I need ammunition, not a ride" earned him enough goodwill for a long time.


Active Member
@KipPotapych Thanks for your very long reply. You will excuse me if I don't reply every word of it. But there are arguments I can agree with. As you said, it's more a matter of optimism or pessimism. And what I have seen in this war makes me think optimistically because we have already seen the unbelievable. Of course, for Ukraine, the moment is critical. It's not blind optimism. It's rational optimism.

KipPotapych said:
What did we promise that we did not deliver?
You made a good point when you say that we gave them much more than what we intended to give them at the beginning.
But, especially the European Union, made a clear decision to support Ukraine for as long (and for as much) as it takes. Zelensky counted on this. He thought that the West and, in particular Europe, would give enough ammunitions and weapons. And Europe didn't. No matter how much they gave already. Despite the huge number of vehicles and ammunitions delivered, it was still like 5x less than what was needed to vanquish Putin's army. Of course, nobody expected the West to give enough vehicles to match the Russians. Ukrainians wouldn't have enough trained men to drive them anyway. But the fact is that, when Zelensky said that a massive number of shells was urgently needed, we were unable to give them.

To end with my plead in the defence of Zelensky: Every time a country made a donation to Ukraine, he personally thanked this country for the aid. Not matter how small this aid was. Every time. (But you don't read Ukrinform, right?)
It's not like he only complains and blames us.

Khodorkovsky said:
Gentlemen, you have practically lost the war. We have lost the war. The Ukrainian GDP prior to the war was $160B; the GDP of Russia - $2.2T; Germany - $4.1T; the EU - $17T. Putin spends on the war $120B per year. And just for an example, the cost of the most common 152mm artillery shell is $500. Putin is spending on war 5.4% of the GDP, approximately. European assistance to Ukraine over the two years of war adds up to about $88B, or 0.25% of the GDP, but this is with the cost of a 155mm artillery shell being between $5,000 and $8,000. That means that along with the American deliveries the real ratio of expenditures on war is 2.5 to 1, in favour of Putin and that is in the best case scenario. This year, without the American deliveries, the ratio is 4 to 1, also in the best case scenario.
No his numbers are not real. 155 shells cost now between $3000 and $5000 after a big surge in price due to high demand on the market (not only for Ukraine), extra special urgent orders, and higher cost in raw material, notably cannon powder.
Before the war it was between $1500 and $2500. I can't get back to the source of the pre-war numbers but find new links, at random, for reference:
Cost in the US
Cost in Germany (RheinMetal)
You will also see that the cost of the guided Excalibur shell has almost doubled from $65K to $110K.

Note that this is market price, the price on the market if you want to buy shells out of the shelf. (pun intended LOL). The price paid by the Czeck Initiative is market price. Not production cost. The price paid is not revealed, but my point is that they pay market price while Russian pay domestic production cost.

When US and German manufacturers have a cost between $3K and $5K, it includes a benefit for the company, a compensation for priority order which makes them lose other orders, and pre-payment for investment in machinery. This in two of the most expensive countries.
Shells produced in other countries, e.g. Eastern Europe may be 30% or 50% cheaper for the same quality. Let alone production inside Ukraine proper.

With increased production projected to exceed one million, one can expect the cost to be lower, perhaps to pre war levels. Excluding rise in costs for raw materials. In an nutshell, price is widely variable.

Russia is producing shells at $500 without all the burden of a capitalist economy. And I'm sure that many costs are not included, like the new machine tools Russia has to import from China and pay with oil barrels. And when or if, Russia buys shells abroad, outside their Fabulous 3 Eternal Friends, he pays the same price as the west does.

Then, but you know it, there is the quality and accuracy. If I remember correctly it takes 4x less NATO shells (4 or 5) to hit a target than Russian ones (15 to 20). If this ratio is correct, we win.

But, the most important mistake he made is over simplification. A war is not won just by arithmetic. I'm sure Khodorkovsky knows this. He is not stupid. He says that to show his support for the Russian victory in the CBO (Cyrillic character: pronounced SVO). He had been jailed under Putin and, I think, he doesn't want to be in trouble again.

KipPotapych said:
What did we promise now that would make such a difference?
F16, ATACMS and other long range missiles, shells and everything else. Especially long range missiles and long range capacity from F16. So far Ukrainians can hit the Russian rear only with a few Storm Shadows and Brimestones (only inside Ukraine), and outside Ukraine with home made drones, S300 retrofit, Neptune (if they still have any), and Grad rockets mounted on Sea Babies (sea drones).
New long range capacity, preferably with the right to strike inside Russia, could damage Russian logistic enough to turn the tide, IMO.

Without this, even if they get enough shells, Ukrainians can kill as many Russian soldiers as they want, they will never stop the constant flow of new mechanized brigades coming in. To destroy the logistic and supply routes, I think they need 200 long range or medium range missiles. We are far from that count.

Patriot systems are also needed to protect these assets.

KipPotapych said:
n regard to the “millennia”, that is a very long time and a lot of things happened in that historic timeframe. Like so many other countries did whatever they did with so many other countries. This is a nonsensical argument, if an argument at all.
Geez, you really reply to EVERYTHING! :D

Rybar said:
Some Ukrainian analysis suggests that 2 Mig-29s were hit, but one belonged to Ukraine - that is, it has been sitting there since 2014. The other has not moved in at least several months and likely wasn’t operational.
I would be very surprised that Ukrainians would use their rarefied long range missiles without double checking the validity of the targets. If some planes didn't move for several months or years, they certainly knew it. it's possible that they noticed that the planes had been replaced by new ones. But OK, I was not at the base at the time of the attack, so I can't tell. ;)


Feanor said:
An interesting look at Russian counter-battery fires. We have a Ukrainian howitzer hiding inside a building, and then a Russian artillery strike hitting the building and all around it. Note the poor accuracy. It does look like they hit the target. But it also looks like they hit not-the-target. link
What do you think the projectiles were?
Whatever it is. It seems to me that Russians are using very powerful means to destroy just one tank.
They have these missiles and bombs in big quantities but only the less accurate models. Accurate models with =<10 meters accuracy, they count them on their fingers.


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What do you think the projectiles were?
Whatever it is. It seems to me that Russians are using very powerful means to destroy just one tank.
They have these missiles and bombs in big quantities but only the less accurate models. Accurate models with =<10 meters accuracy, they count them on their fingers.
The footage and the comments on it suggest this is just artillery fire. Obviously we can't be sure and Russia uses artillery of various calibers. A 203mm shell makes a much bigger explosion.

Ben Dhyani

New Member
Putin to discuss ‘second phase’ of nuclear drills with ally — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Belarus for a two-day state visit that will include talks on the former Soviet republic’s involvement in nuclear weapons drills “We’ll talk about the second phase of the exercise,” Putin said after being greeted by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on Thursday at the Minsk National Airport. “This is related to direct participation of our Belarusian friends and colleagues in these events.”

Russian troops began the first phase of the tactical nuclear exercise on Tuesday in the Southern Military District, which includes Crimea and four formerly Ukrainian territories in the Donbass region. Moscow said the drills are meant to demonstrate its ability to respond to external threats, thereby deterring further escalation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict by Kiev’s Western backers.

The exercise involves delivery of nuclear weapons to troops from storage sites, the arming of missiles with tactical nuclear warheads, and covert deployment of such weaponry.

Russia launches tactical nuclear drills (VIDEO)
After the Kremlin announced the drills earlier this month, citing an unprecedented” escalation of tensions with the US and its allies over Ukraine, Lukashenko immediately ordered similar exercises to test Belarus’ nuclear-capable weapon systems, including Iskander missile launchers.

Last year, Putin agreed to store a small number of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, after Lukashenko made a “friendly request” for such a deterrent. Back then, Lukashenko also stated that he would not hesitate to use them if his country is attacked.


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Russian Telegramm rumor mill vclaims that ukraine hit a russian ballistic missile early warning radar in Armavir, Russia.

This appears to be quite risky and especially so if storm shadows should have been used.


Well-Known Member
Why were the firing platforms so close to each other ? Practically no dispersion. Those looked like fragmenting rounds hitting.
Cluster munition so likely ATACMS. One such strike occurred yesterday I believe, it could be it.
I don't know how S-400 batteries are built or how they work, but generally dispersion can be done via wired datalinks, which means fixed and known sites typically used by long range systems, or a wireless datalink which requires confidence in the viability of that datalink. i.e. no radio disruption. The battery could have been set up quickly on order, which also wouldn't give it much prep time.
Either way, it's not the first time I see S-400 elements bunched up.


Active Member
Russian Telegramm rumor mill vclaims that ukraine hit a russian ballistic missile early warning radar in Armavir, Russia.

This appears to be quite risky and especially so if storm shadows should have been used.
The Ukrainians say it was a drone attack.



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Minor update, I'll try to put out a proper one today or tomorrow. It seems Russia is bogged down in Kharkov region. Either it was misreported that they took all of Volchansk north of the river or Ukrainian forces have counterattacked and retain a perimeter north of the river. It's murky since different sources disagree. Russian forces are also stalled in the hills north of Liptsi. Russia has made gains across several other areas including the Seversk salient, the Oskol front, the Chasov Yar area, and around Donetsk. All the gains are relatively small except for the rapid fall of Klescheevka and Andreevka, which seems to involve Russian troops retaking the heights north-west of the village. It may be that Ukrainian troops withdrew intentionally to avoid being cut off since there is only one good crossing across the canal south of the forest.


Active Member
Flash News:
Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to halt the war with a ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines.
Reuters said:
Putin's insistence on locking in any battlefield gains in a deal is non-negotiable, all of the sources suggested.

Putin would, however, be ready to settle for what land he has now and freeze the conflict at the current front lines, four of the sources said.
Peskov said:
there could be no question of handing back the four regions which were now permanently part of Russia according to its own constitution.
So far nothing new. This what they repeated and proposed since basically, spring 2022, at regular intervals. However, this means this time it may be different.
His goal would not be to save time to replenish his forces and arsenals, but to declare victory. The most important thing for Putin, short of a full conquest of Ukraine, is to be portrayed as a great, victorious leader.

Reuters said:
two of the sources said Putin was of the view that gains in the war so far were enough to sell a victory to the Russian people.
Source close to Putin said:
Putin will say that we won, that NATO attacked us and we kept our sovereignty, that we have a land corridor to Crimea, which is true
The timing is perfect: Just before the Peace Conference in Switzerland, where this proposal will weight in the talks with the delegates from the Global South. And before Ukraine receive weapons able to inflict defeats to his troops, while these are still making progress on the ground.

Unfortunately, the basic problems remain the same: Russians don't want to withdraw, not even from one inch. It's unlikely that Zelensky, and probably the Uke military too, agrees with such humiliating agreement even if the risk of losing more land in the next weeks or months is real. There is a question of honour. And there is the hope that new weapons will help in the near future and put Ukraine in a better negotiating position, as their fighting position improves.

Secondly, there is the total lack of trust with Vladimir Putin. Simply put, Ukrainians don't believe a single word of what he says. The only gesture Putin can do to shows that he serious about a ceasefire is to cease the fire, or at least stop mass bombings. Something that he doesn't seem to want to do. (See the video below of a ODAB-1500 explosion as an illustration of his current intents.)

In case of refusal, Putin's plan is clear. It's interesting that his advisers don't believe that Western aid will be enough to defeat them.
Another anonymous source close to Putin said:
Putin will slowly conquer territories until Zelenskiy comes up with an offer to stop, the person said, saying the Russian leader had expressed the view to aides that the West would not provide enough weapons, sapping Ukraine's morale.
The only hope would be if Russians agree to keep less territory than what they hold now or propose some exchange of territory that could be acceptable. But if they are still living in a parallel world where Russian soldiers never die and the Ukrainian population is desperate for peace with Moscow, then war won't stop.
Spectacular footage of ODAB-1500 (location unclear. Perhaps Volchansk)
(The video itself is not very interesting and the stupid little music makes it almost impossible to listen. But the pictures are impressive.)


Active Member
This is funny and further evidence that he has no real intention of entering peace talks[sic Reuters].
As if Putin's own presidency on auto-renewal membership had an ounce of legitimacy...
And why does he think he has a say in which government or representation of Ukraine is legit?

This is beyond the pale...:
Putin said:
But who to negotiate with? That's not an idle question... Of course we realise the legitimacy of the incumbent head of state is over,

If it gets to that point, we will need of course to understand who we should and can deal with, to arrive at signing legally binding documents. And then we must be fully sure we are dealing with legitimate (Ukrainian) authorities

In Hungary:
Viktor Orban said:
Fears that Russia would mount an attack on any NATO member are unfounded.
The war in Ukraine that is now in its third year showed the limits of Russia's capabilities.

The Russian military is fighting a serious and difficult war with the Ukrainians.
If the Russians were strong enough to wrestle down the Ukrainians in one go, they would have done so already.

Orban said NATO's military capabilities far exceeded those of Ukraine, therefore it was unlikely that Russia or any other country would mount an attack against NATO.

I do not consider it logical that Russia, which cannot even defeat Ukraine, would all of a sudden come and swallow the Western world whole. The chances of this are extremely slim.
I invite him to visit one of the former soviet Baltic state or the region of Poland bordering the Russian/Bialorussian border to gauge the mood there when someone talks about Putin. And perhaps listen to his own population about the topic.

It's true that NATO is stronger than Russia but it doesn't mean squat if NATO forces are not massively deployed along the eastern border of the EU.

And secondly, if the Russian army is currently so weak, as he claims, it's precisely because we have sent weapons to help Ukraine.

If he feels so cosy with Russian friendship, I propose a Trump style approach: To encourage Putin to invade and occupy the country which shows the least will to help counter Russian expansion. How much percent of GDP had Hungary given in military aid to Ukraine? I think we can swap Hungary for the Donbass immediately. (Then Orban would be free to build a Magyar Federation with Transniestria.) LOL ;)


Super Moderator
Flash News:
Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to halt the war with a ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines.

So far nothing new. This what they repeated and proposed since basically, spring 2022, at regular intervals. However, this means this time it may be different.
His goal would not be to save time to replenish his forces and arsenals, but to declare victory. The most important thing for Putin, short of a full conquest of Ukraine, is to be portrayed as a great, victorious leader.

Unfortunately, the basic problems remain the same: Russians don't want to withdraw, not even from one inch. It's unlikely that Zelensky, and probably the Uke military too, agrees with such humiliating agreement even if the risk of losing more land in the next weeks or months is real. There is a question of honour. And there is the hope that new weapons will help in the near future and put Ukraine in a better negotiating position, as their fighting position improves.

Peskov said:
there could be no question of handing back the four regions which were now permanently part of Russia according to its own constitution.
"the four regions", two of which Russia only controls part of, not including their capitals. So Russia's still saying the Ukrainians will have to hand over land that Russia's already been thrown out of, & land that it's not controlled at any point during the war.


Super Moderator
F16, ATACMS and other long range missiles, shells and everything else. Especially long range missiles and long range capacity from F16. So far Ukrainians can hit the Russian rear only with a few Storm Shadows and Brimestones (only inside Ukraine), and outside Ukraine with home made drones, S300 retrofit, Neptune (if they still have any), and Grad rockets mounted on Sea Babies (sea drones).
New long range capacity, preferably with the right to strike inside Russia, could damage Russian logistic enough to turn the tide, IMO.
Brimstone's quite a small missile (50kg) with limited range: 20km from a fixed wing aircraft for Brimstone 1, & 60+ km for Brimstone 2.


Active Member
Feanor said:
I'll try to put out a proper one today or tomorrow. It seems Russia is bogged down in Kharkov region.
While waiting to this extensive report and curious tidbits, I invite you to read the daily summary from Ukrainian General Staff where names of villages under Russian fire are mentioned.
Too bad they don't provide a map...

Previous reports from Ukrinform confirm that the fiercest fighthing are not in the Kharkov/Vovchansk direction. Fighthings and Ukrainian losses and retreats are, by far superior in the area of Pokrovsk, Kurakhove, Kupiansk, inother words, north-west of Donestk/Avdiivka.
The Kharkiv incursion looks like a diversion.


seaspear said:
Im not sure when quoting costs and including ATACM missiles you can ignore that they were to be decommissioned at some cost and supplying them to Ukraine may have saved such costs to American taxpayers
It would be incredibly stupid and irresponsible to dispose them instead of giving them to Ukraine. IMO, Amercans sow doubts for the Russians about what will be sent or not. They don't want the Russians to know that they will sent these missiles. (If they do.)

Vivendi said:
The War Zone comments on this attack. They identify the SAM as being either S-300 or S-400 (whereas many on Twitter seem to just assume it's S-400, not sure how they can tell?)
Russians have been re-using massively their S300 for ground to ground attacks, with very poor precision as a result.
This suggests that Russians don;t rely on S300 anymore and use more recent system, i.e. S400.

swerve said:
"the four regions", two of which Russia only controls part of, not including their capitals. So Russia's still saying the Ukrainians will have to hand over land that Russia's already been thrown out of, & land that it's not controlled at any point during the war.
Yes. Russians are unclear about which territories they want to annex in exchange for peace. Legally they have already annexed admistratively the four regions in full, including parts of these region not under their control and, according to them, this is enshrined in their Constitution and cannot be modified.
This contradict reports be Reuters that Putin would agree with the current front line as a new border.

swerve said:
Brimstone's quite a small missile (50kg) with limited range: 20km from a fixed wing aircraft for Brimstone 1, & 60+ km for Brimstone 2.
yes. They can't hit very far with them. But before the Storm Shadows, that's all they got.

@Feanor also showed Brimestones mounted as ground to ground missile launcher on a pick up. Cetainly breaching some vendor's guarantees up there...

vikingatespam said:
Clearly UKR has a ways to go before they could join the EU,
According to Charle Michel (EU Commission president): It will take at least ten years.
And they are not going to join NATO soon neither.

Other news and tidbits:
Russian border guards stole Estonian buoys from the Narva River.
These buoys are delimiting the border with Russia

Germany's last military aid package to Ukraine
Except 10 Leopards, nothing very important. The number of 155 shells seems ridiculous to me. IMO they are not telling the right numbers.

Russia building up its group of forces on the border with Ukraine's Chernihiv and Sumy regions.
They also bomb Ukrainian positions there with artillery and Shaheds. Somthing they have been doing without dicontinuing since the start of the full war.
Ukrainians believe that Russian will try another diversion there.

Russians successfuly disrupt Starlink communication over Ukraine.

Russians employ “Africa Corps” in Vovchansk offensive - British intel
A few weeks ago, there were reports that the Afrika Korps returned to Russia.
Now, I don't know how the Brits know that they fight on Vovchansk...

Yanukovych's private jet lands in Belarus.
It doesn;t mean the former Ukrainian president was inside. He has been remarkably absent all this time. Nothing suggested that Putin planned to put him back in office in Kiev. Either he has confiscated his jet or Yanukovitch will make a surprise come back...

Serhii Cherevatyi has been appointed the new director general of the Ukrainian National News Agency Ukrinform.

One more German Iris-T air defense system has been delivered to Ukraine.
Deployed on the Kiev and Lviv regions.


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Staff member
The War Zone comments on this attack. They identify the SAM as being either S-300 or S-400 (whereas many on Twitter seem to just assume it's S-400, not sure how they can tell?). Link
The special radar destroyed in the strike comes from the S-350 system with capability to integrate with the Buk-M3 and the S-400. Presumably it can't integrate with the S-300, allowing for a PID of the unit. Remember, S-300 and S-400 TELs are interchangeable. So many Russian units that re-armed with the S-400 kept their old TELs with some updates, and got new radars and command vehicles.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Flash News:
Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to halt the war with a ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines.

So far nothing new. This what they repeated and proposed since basically, spring 2022, at regular intervals. However, this means this time it may be different.
His goal would not be to save time to replenish his forces and arsenals, but to declare victory. The most important thing for Putin, short of a full conquest of Ukraine, is to be portrayed as a great, victorious leader.

The timing is perfect: Just before the Peace Conference in Switzerland, where this proposal will weight in the talks with the delegates from the Global South. And before Ukraine receive weapons able to inflict defeats to his troops, while these are still making progress on the ground.

Unfortunately, the basic problems remain the same: Russians don't want to withdraw, not even from one inch. It's unlikely that Zelensky, and probably the Uke military too, agrees with such humiliating agreement even if the risk of losing more land in the next weeks or months is real. There is a question of honour. And there is the hope that new weapons will help in the near future and put Ukraine in a better negotiating position, as their fighting position improves.

"the four regions", two of which Russia only controls part of, not including their capitals. So Russia's still saying the Ukrainians will have to hand over land that Russia's already been thrown out of, & land that it's not controlled at any point during the war.
I'm not sure any of this is real. There are a lot of vague statements being made. If Russia is really willing to freeze the conflict with a ceasefire, then Russian leaders are complete fools. If we're talking about a permanent peace treaty, then it becomes a question of what a realistic peace plan looks like. They would have to also be complete fools to think that Ukraine will hand them the right shore of the Dnepr and the city of Zaporozhye, larger then anything Russia has managed to capture in this war. This suggests to me that a real Russian negotiating position at this time couldn't reasonably speaking include those things. If Russia really sits down at the table and makes those demands, then that indicates that Russia isn't serious about negotiations. But when we're talking about vague public statements, they can be interpreted in various ways, and can simply be smoke.

Secondly, there is the total lack of trust with Vladimir Putin. Simply put, Ukrainians don't believe a single word of what he says. The only gesture Putin can do to shows that he serious about a ceasefire is to cease the fire, or at least stop mass bombings. Something that he doesn't seem to want to do. (See the video below of a ODAB-1500 explosion as an illustration of his current intents.)
If Putin is serious about a ceasefire without a permanent peace treaty then he's lost his mind. The smartest thing Russia can do is to continue to pummel Ukraine with everything they've got right up until the pen touches the paper to sign peace. Any break gives Ukraine time to rebuild and makes it that much harder later for Russia. A ceasefire is just an invitation to flood Ukraine with arms, re-arm, and prepare for round 2.

The only hope would be if Russians agree to keep less territory than what they hold now or propose some exchange of territory that could be acceptable.
I suspect this is the real end to the war. Given Ukrainian long range strike capabilities that are likely to only grow after the war, Russia will want a solid land bridge to Crimea. Which likely means trading territory on the Oskol front and Donetsk region, to keep the solid corridor to Crimea. If Russia makes any substantial gains in Kharkov region, beyond the current tiny inroad, those could also serve as valuable bargaining chips. I think the peace deal will also have to deal with questions of Ukrainian NATO membership, and definitive resolution of the territorial dispute questions. There are many possible deals here including on what exactly the legal status of the territories Russia has taken is to be. I suspect we won't know the real negotiation positions of the sides for quite some time. Nor do I think Ukraine is going to negotiate with Russia at this point. Ukraine has it in them to resist for quite a while longer, and Russia is advancing at a glacial pace despite the relatively rapid gains in Kharkov region and the Ocheretino salient.

Consider the following; if we include Crimea, the territory of Ukraine is ~600 000 sq km. Russia has been gaining an average of 100 sq km per month Nov-March, upped that to ~250 in April (Ocheretino), and will likely clear 400 for May largely thanks to the Kharkov offensive. But the Ocheretino salient is effectively halted, now advancing at rates comparable to pre-breakthrough, and the Kharkov offensive appears to be stalled. Ukraine has lost quite a bit of ground by the standards of this war but has lost almost nothing in the grand picture. 100 sq kms is 0.02% of Ukraine's territory. At that pace Russia takes less then 0.5% of Ukraine per year. Meaning they take Kiev around the year 20-never. Even at an average of ~250 per month (something Russia hasn't demonstrated the ability to maintain) it's 0.05% of Ukraine per month, or 0.6% per year. These are not territorial gains that can make or break Ukraine in any meaningful way. So as long as Ukraine can keep the advance this slow, Ukraine can fight the war until they run out of population or will to fight, something that's more real now then it was 1.5 years ago when people first started talking about it, but is still a ways away. I think real negotiations will be triggered by a combination of exhaustion from both sides, though possibly more-so Ukraine's then Russia's.