Stealth ships steam ahead


Banned Member
I never said it's redundant, but it's just a newbie in the stealth genre, lot's more should be coming our way in the next 50 years :D


New Member
I remember seeing a picture of a stealth ship developed by the Skunk Works back in the early 90's. It looked like a floating F-117 more than anything.

I guess it's a good thing to have a low radar cross-section, but no surface ship will ever be as stealthy as a submarine. Also, it strikes me that the biggest threat to a surface ship is a sub anyway, so it would be at least as important to reduce the sonar return.

I can see how it would be useful for a marine assault craft, as they could be more likely to be operating without the full protection of a battle group, but a carrier group doesn't exactly sneak up on the enemy.



Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
highsea said:
I remember seeing a picture of a stealth ship developed by the Skunk Works back in the early 90's. It looked like a floating F-117 more than anything.
That would be the Sea Shadow, and depending on which rumour mill you subscribe to, has been used for specops insertion.