That's good. Would be interesting to find out what the Dutch usage rates and CPFH of their NH90 fleet are.All nineteen NH90-NFH helicopters of the Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLu) will receive a Mid-Life Update. This MLU programme will start in 2028 and will keep the helicopters operational for another fifteen years.
The NH-90s are operated by 860 Sq. which is based at Maritiem Vliegkamp De Kooy, Den Helder.
Upgrade programme Dutch NH90 helicopters
Upgrade programme Dutch NH90 helicopters All nineteen NH90-NFH helicopters of the Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLu, Royal Netherlands Air Force) will receive a Mid-Life Update (MLU).
German-Dutch air defence frigate concept still hangs in the balance - Naval Technology ( news article shows us some plans for the future replacement of the Luchtverdedigings- en Commandofregatten/De Zeven Provinciënklasse.
|"Het ministerie van Defensie ging eerder uit van een aankoopbedrag voor de fregatten zelf van minimaal 2,5 miljard euro. De speciale bewapening die op deze en andere schepen en onderzeeërs kan worden gebruikt zou maximaal nog eens 2,5 miljard euro mogen kosten.
De kans is groot dat de kosten hoger oplopen, tot wel 8 miljard euro, bevestigen Haagse bronnen. Het is de bedoeling dat de fregatten na 2030 ingezet kunnen worden."|
The four new ships will be built in the Netherlands, most likely by Koninklijke Schelde in Vlissingen.
According to some sources, the costs for each LCF-ship was f 800.000.000 per ship. Other sources tells that the costs for just the four ships is €1,553 miljard, and €1,926 miljard if weapons and additional equipment are included. (Antwoorden op vragen van de vaste commissie voor Defensie over het Materieelprojectenoverzicht 2010, Tweede Kamer, 4 november 2010)
So it is understandable that the four new ships will €2,5+ miljard together, but €8 miljard is a little bit ridiculous.
Kabinet wil miljardenorder plaatsen voor vier fregatten bij Nederlandse scheepswerf
Defensie schaft voor miljarden euro's nieuwe fregatten aan. Die moeten vier oudere fregatten vanaf 2030 gaan
According to this websiteGerman-Dutch air defence frigate concept still hangs in the balance - Naval Technology (
Netherlands and Germany are still in talks about the co-procurement of the F-127 AD Frigate (which is actually a Dutch design), to replace the de Seven Provincien and Saschen classes.
The de Seven Provincien and Saschen classes both use the same radars, Smart-L, APAR, Sirius IRST, with Mk 41 VLS for SM-2 and ESSM. If Germany had gone American they would have fitted the Spy-AEGIS system to the Saschens. Highly unlikely that the Netherlands is going with any other design than the F127, with differences in fitout to the German ships, considering it is a Damen design.According to this website
the Netherlands and Germany already split their ways, because Germany prefers american radarsystems, and Netherlands prefers of course that mosts systems will come from Hollandse Signaalapparaten/Thales Nederland.![]()
Brief nieuwe fregatten morgen naar Kamer, maar lek is opmerkelijker
FuAD ter vervanging van de LCF'
Germany's replacing SMART-L on the F124s - with an Israeli Elta radar made in Germany by Hensoldt, not an American radar. F125 has a Hensoldt main radar & F126 has Hensoldt & Thales radars. The Luftwaffe & Heer use some American radars - but more are French, German, Italian or Israeli. I think there may be a tendency recently to buy more German & Israeli radars, & cooperation with Israel, but I don't see evidence of a turn to American radars.According to this website
the Netherlands and Germany already split their ways, because Germany prefers american radarsystems, and Netherlands prefers of course that mosts systems will come from Hollandse Signaalapparaten/Thales Nederland.![]()
Brief nieuwe fregatten morgen naar Kamer, maar lek is opmerkelijker
FuAD ter vervanging van de LCF'
This brings back memories.Germany's replacing SMART-L on the F124s - with an Israeli Elta radar made in Germany by Hensoldt, not an American radar. F125 has a Hensoldt main radar & F126 has Hensoldt & Thales radars. The Luftwaffe & Heer use some American radars - but more are French, German, Italian or Israeli. I think there may be a tendency recently to buy more German & Israeli radars, & cooperation with Israel, but I don't see evidence of a turn to American radars.
The Attack class will get built yet![]()
France’s Naval Group Set to Win €2.5 Billion Submarine Deal
France’s Naval Group SA is closing in on a contract worth at least €2.5 billion ($2.7 billion) to build four submarines for the
Bloomberg article claim that NG close to get the deal for 4 Dutch Submarine. This going to beat Thysenkurp and SAAB. This is string of success for NG, with India, Brazil and now seems also Dutch. If they later on got Indonesian deal, then it is really excellent string.
Seems NG business model to build the Submarine practically on domestic Partner Yard, also help on costs calculation. Definitely going to help the politicians agenda.
Wondering how much attack class design and blue print that's being recycle in this bid. The quote from that article clearly stated the two points that NG got leads. If they are recycling design that more or less already quite advanced in making, that also can be a factor.Dutch officials decided that Naval Group had made the best offer in terms of value-for-money and also the speed of delivery, one of the people said.
Well that would be true if the customer was Mark Rutte and the offer was a post retirement job offer. Many different governments have been kicking the can down the road on this project for a decade and a half. But now Mark is eyeing a nice NATO post a decision had to made (even though he's demissionair, i.e. without mandate after elections),after all he needs French support.Those DCNS submarines will be probably fully constructed in France, with not much Dutch content/workshare, instead of the Damen/Saab offer. But indeed the customer will choose the best offer.
Dutch Navy to replace OPV and LPD with a Single Class of Ships - Naval News
The Royal Netherlands Navy will procure a single class of ship to replace its existing fleet of LPDs and OPVs in the
I’ve read the same and to be clear they are not insiders, just a handful of the same bitter people complaining on forums / social media.I'm also reading postings from insiders complaining about all kinds of shenanigans. Like how the request was changed to split off the maintenance contracts and even something about industrial espionage (but I have no evidence for that).
I would have thought it would be larger. SK would be wise to offer something larger for the RCN to minimize the Quebec/ France factor.Orka class specs
82 x 8.2m
3,300 tons surfaced
6x torpedo tubes, 30x torpedoes/missiles
15,000nm range, lithium-ion batteries
59 bunks (35-43 crew)
So it is significantly smaller than expected, but with a larger weapons load than the Barracuda SSNs.