Well-Known Member
Well Anzac was laid down in 1993 and the Perth commissioned in 2006, you don't want to be building an exact clone 13 years later. 13 years can be a long time, technology wise.Interesting what you said about the difference between manufacturing Cars ships plane and armoured vehicles.
I had a friend working on the Anzacs build for many years doing drafting work.
Hows it going I would ask
Yep another days locating pipes from one end to the other.
To the layman like myself I would of thought once you have ship one correct ( ANZAC ) the rest would be identical.
Apparently not the case!
Complicated bloody things ships.
An interesting example of ship construction was the Liberty Ship in WW11.
A cargo ship designed for mas production, they reached an average medium time to build of just 39 days in 1943.
Simplicity and consistency were key to punching out such numbers.
Liberty ship - Wikipedia
Cheers S
SS Robert E. Peary Liberty Ship Built in 4 Days 15 Hours 29 Minutes (
The record for a Liberty ship is an incredible 4 days 15 hours 29 mins