Rocket launchers for a helicopter


New Member
Obviously this is film footage. The AS350 never served in the US military, although the Customs and Border Protection service has them. So this is a doll-up for a fictional movie. The pods are probably effects stand-ins. In size the tubes are a little too wide for Hydra 70mm but too short in overall length for Zuni 127mm and not bulky enough for Hellfire missiles. Perhaps some boosted permutation on the 84mm Gustav? In reality they just shoot fireworks.


New Member
*looks up Wikipedia* The sequence that includes this action was shot in England, so there is a non-zero chance that the helicopter is BRITISH Army, but it's very unlikely that it was simply due to when the sequence was shot...and how much editorial control the military nominally has over a production when they lend out hardware. The MILAN tube looks like a close match, tho'. Maybe the effects people thought the military would bundle MILANs into a pod for aircraft use in real life someday.
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New Member
I could have sworn that in the past I'd seen Apache gunships and elsethings with the idiom "Royal Army" on the flanks. But no, I look up the pictures on the next and I just get "ARMY" with no other such evidence.