Iran Warns It Can Fire 11,000 Rockets In One Minute If Attacked

Grand Danois

Why would the U.S. want to do an occupation? Can't see it. At the max Khuzestan and perhaps a number of the islands in the Gulf may be taken. And even that is unlikely.

Why would the U.S. make themselves vulnerable to such types of attack? As if they hadn't had enough in Iraq, and if desired outcome can be achieved by other means?

That means no U.S. staging areas for the Iranians to bombard. They could bombard hapless Iraqi or Arab civilians as a response - not very efficient in real outcomes, see the recent Hezb/Israeli war. To bombard (non-existent) staging areas to effect also means that the Iranians would have to activate and concentrate their launchers. Meat on the table for the USAF/USN.

The 11,000 number is to impress a domestic audience with a number they can't comprehend and cannot put in context.


Well-Known Member
I think the US foreign policy is increasingly being influenced by the secret codes in the bible. Its one documentary which i saw, that said the coming of the WW3 will being from a country down south in the middle east. It also said about MABUS starting the war, which still does not make sense in the present day.

When bush said to avoid WW3, thats when i thought of the documentary.

You can't seriously believe that US foreign policy is being influenced by the bible, nobody is that stupid, even Bush.


New Member
The 11,000 number is to impress a domestic audience with a number they can't comprehend and cannot put in context.
I guess they counted every barrell and every tube in the inventory and had a guess as to how many rounds they could get off if they fired for a minute.
Kind of like a Bagdad wedding, yea ha ;)

Grand Danois

I guess they counted every barrell and every tube in the inventory and had a guess as to how many rounds they could get off if they fired for a minute.
Kind of like a Bagdad wedding, yea ha ;)
Exactly what I think, to paraphrase: "We have x amount of launchers, which can fire y number of rockets/minute. Are we awesome or what?!"

Plenty of action. No need for a wedding singer.


New Member
The 11,000 number is to impress a domestic audience with a number they can't comprehend and cannot put in context.
I agree.
A couple weeks ago, there was a similar statement that was made, but they only had 7000 "projectiles" that could penetrate any defensive system in the region.

Tomorrow, expect 15K to 20K ready to launch.

The thing is, I seriously don't believe that the "people" in Iran are inured to BS. They have an educated population; something I think the brilliant leader doesn't comprehend... or as Bush says, "he's misunderestimating" those closest to him (the people).

Ahhh...Work Calls...on every day that ends in "y"...
More to come later.

Grand Danois

The thing is, I seriously don't believe that the "people" in Iran are inured to BS. They have an educated population; something I think the brilliant leader doesn't comprehend... or as Bush says, "he's misunderestimating" those closest to him (the people).
Oh no, I didn't mean to say that Iranians are stupid. If you tossed out such a number to the average citizen of any country, few would know what to do with it. It is a meaningless number. The insight is to know that it doesn't describe anything - it is just a number hanging in the air.


New Member
A little bit simplistic in my opinion, yes. Afterall Israel is the only Country in the world to have had nuclear weapons and actually been faced with wars of national survival and has used them how many times?

Israel is also a solid democracy, with checks and balances in place. How many checks and balances exist in the Iranian Government?

Israel may in fact use nuclear weapons someday and of the Countries that possess them, possibly only Pakistan or India are MORE likely to use them IMHO, however I would bet my last dollar that if they DO, it won't be for a "stupid" reason, but rather because WMD's have been employed against them first or Israel is facing imminent destruction as an entity...
Our govt use's double standards with Isreal,they have money= power.

Aussie Digger

it relates to everything.
Israel's use of tactical nuclear weapons was being discussed. The above comment contributes nothing to the discussion of this or any other defence related aspect, neither does yours.

Comment on topic, or something near it, or don't bother.


New Member
theres a misunderstanding here
i listened to this speech by genral jazayeri
he said 2000 missile in the first hour
and round about 11000 in the ]first day of any attack

so look at the bold!this is the numbers he said and i heard with my own ears

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New Member
well there are always 2 sides of a coin but value is always single. We both may be looking at the same coin but different sides, however the value is same.

Iran's major complex is conventional-inferiority & nuclear weapons may over come it but they "will" (in my opinion) drag them to a greater security-complex.

On the contrary it does. It claims some land of azerbaijan, has occupied some small islands from uae & after 1971 they claimed some parts of balochistan province of pakistan but later backed (in mid 1980s i think).
we havent occupied anyones island,get it?!those are part of iran and will remain so
how many years of history do those flabby uae's have to claim the ownership of those 3 islands?!those were ouers before their existance
so get over it,we havent occupied it,they are falsly claiming it,

theres even a UN resoloution saying that hose 3belong to iran