Indonesian Aero News


The Bunker Group
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  • #241
C-27 Spartan & C-295 compete for F-27 Replacement

From Antara News Agency with Google translate:

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Air Force Chief of Staff ( Imam Sufaat Marshal TNI said it was reviewing the procurement of six units of transport aircraft C-27j Spartan is being made in Italy, to replace similar transport aircraft Fokker-27 that has been used.

"Yes we will see first of all sides, such as` operation `requirments, specific technical, logistical and other support so that when they bought the goods in strict accordance with what we need," he said, when confirmed ANTARA here on Wednesday.

He said that in addition to C-27j Spartan made in Italy, the TNI Air Force CN-295 also look artificial PT Dirgantara Indonesia to replace the F-27 aircraft that have been used TNI Air Force for 20 years.
So it's confirmed that for F-27 replacements TNI-AU wants something bigger than CN-235 (but still bellow C-130). They are looking for capacity of 9 - 11 tons (bigger than CN 235 5-6 tons capacity). Something in the market now being filled by C-27 J and C-295, with C-27 J having slighly bigger capacity.

Personally if EADS and DI already achieve agreement for DI manufacturing C-295 for Asia-Pacific region (as my previous posts), then it will be difficult for TNI-AU to push for C-27 J despites TNI-AU prefrences to C-27J than C-295.


The Bunker Group
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  • #242
LONDON (AFP) – Britain is in talks with Indonesia on the possible sale of Eurofighter

From AFP :

LONDON (AFP) – Britain is in talks with Indonesia on the possible sale of Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft despite concerns over Jakarta's human rights record, The Times newspaper reported Thursday.

Indonesia informally approached Britain over the potential acquisition of up to 24 jets. The previous Labour government banned defence exports to the country in 1999 amid claims it had used British-made planes to bomb civilians.

British military company BAE Systems has separately offered to upgrade Indonesia's fleet of Hawk jets, it said.

Gerald Howarth, a British defence minister, will discuss the potential sale when he attends a defence summit in Jakarta later this month, the Times said.

"I fully expect that to be the case," Howarth told the paper. "Typhoon is on their agenda. Their interest shows the extent of interest by countries around the world in what is one of the most sophisticated aircraft anywhere."

Human rights group Amnesty International accuses Indonesia of rights violations including police torture and a restricted media.

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair's Labour government blocked the sale of jets after it was claimed that Indonesia's Hawk fleet had bombed East Timor rebels.

Kaye Stearman, a spokeswoman for Campaign Against Arms Trade, told the Times: "From 1994 to 1999 Indonesia bought half of its military equipment from the UK, backed by UK export credits.
Whattt The Heckk...??? Are they Crazy..??:mad:

TNI-AU already moving the right way by standardising their equipments...Fighters will be standardise to Flankers and F-16 whille waiting for KF-X...

Granted because the latest cut in UK's defences it will be some Tranche 1 Eurofighters will be available (perhaps in discount)...but are they (Min-Def) learning anything..?? Haven't they learn from Hawk..??
Getting European (whether its British or French) is EXPENSIVE...TNI-AU already got expensive to maintain fighters with Flankers..why Eurofighters...???

Get more F-16 as stop gap until KF-X is ready...And even KF-X is not come to fruition..well get another Flankers and more advanced F-16...
Gee...Hope this only some reporters wishfull thinking...there's simply no place for eurofighters in TNI-AU inventory..It's simply too expensive to procured and maintain.


Banned Member
From AFP :

Whattt The Heckk...??? Are they Crazy..??:mad:

TNI-AU already moving the right way by standardising their equipments...Fighters will be standardise to Flankers and F-16 whille waiting for KF-X...

Granted because the latest cut in UK's defences it will be some Tranche 1 Eurofighters will be available (perhaps in discount)...but are they (Min-Def) learning anything..?? Haven't they learn from Hawk..??
Getting European (whether its British or French) is EXPENSIVE...TNI-AU already got expensive to maintain fighters with Flankers..why Eurofighters...???

Get more F-16 as stop gap until KF-X is ready...And even KF-X is not come to fruition..well get another Flankers and more advanced F-16...
Gee...Hope this only some reporters wishfull thinking...there's simply no place for eurofighters in TNI-AU inventory..It's simply too expensive to procured and maintain.
The problem with Russian kit is it requires a lot of maintenance. The UK offer will come with a load of bells and whistles courtesy of BAE in the form of servicing agreements, upgrades, pilot training and infrastructure etc. They are also pushing Gripen, which to be honest is probably a better option for Indonesia because it's cheaper to run and specifically designed for austere conditions with less than perfect runways.

The US are also offering more F16's.

Oman are dithering, so the UK needs to off-load Tranche 1. They will try and tie-in with a Hawk deal, since they also have spare airframes of the latest glass cockpit version due to RAF reductions post SDR.


The Bunker Group
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  • #244
The problem with Russian kit is it requires a lot of maintenance. The UK offer will come with a load of bells and whistles courtesy of BAE in the form of servicing agreements, upgrades, pilot training and infrastructure etc. They are also pushing Gripen, which to be honest is probably a better option for Indonesia because it's cheaper to run and specifically designed for austere conditions with less than perfect runways.

The US are also offering more F16's.

Oman are dithering, so the UK needs to off-load Tranche 1. They will try and tie-in with a Hawk deal, since they also have spare airframes of the latest glass cockpit version due to RAF reductions post SDR.
The problem with TNI-AU, their infrastructures now begin to gearing toward F-16 and Flankers. Building another capacity for another Fighters, simply wasting resources which in the end go back to original problem with TNI-AU. Low Readiness due to Low number of Aircraft per type which resulted from Too many aircraft types.

I'm just hoping that when UK's defense ministry come to here, they (the mindef) don't side tracked to get another type of fighters. So far the 'noise' in here say that the deal that's been looking for with Britain is MLU for existing 2 sq of Hawk 109/209.
It's still make sense and affordable for TNI-AU since this means only upgrading existing facilities/assets and not acquairing another type of assets.

That's why I'm hoping that Times reporter only talking unconfirmed rumours, not something that have strong based.


New Member
I found this on guardian

The Ministry of Defence has said it has "no current plans" to export Typhoon fighters to Indonesia after the Times alleged Britain's defence minister was due to discuss the sale at a summit this month. In a statement, defence minister Gerald Howarth said the agenda for the Defence Forum in Jakarta was "yet to be finalised." The Times allege that the Indonesian government had made an informal approach to buy as many as 24 Typhoon jets, twelve years after defence exports to the country were banned amid allegations that British-built jets had been used to bomb civilians.

and moreover, EADS know nothing about Typhoon plan. so you can be relaxed. :)


Super Moderator
The US are also offering more F16's.
And it was reported last month that Indonesia had accepted that offer. 24 free secondhand F-16. The US is expecting to get business upgrading them. Makes more sense, considering Indonesia is already set up for F-16. Much cheaper.


The Bunker Group
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  • #247
And it was reported last month that Indonesia had accepted that offer. 24 free secondhand F-16. The US is expecting to get business upgrading them. Makes more sense, considering Indonesia is already set up for F-16. Much cheaper.
Yes, that F-16 (block 25) together with existing 10 (block 15+) will be upgraded into Block 32-40 capabilities. Some report even suggest MLU even to block 52 standard. However I doubt it.

That's why I react negatively to report that some in Indonesian mindef still looking for Eurofighters possibility. Flankers and F-16 and MLU the hawk should be the only thing that Indonesian AF think at least for this decade. Sidetracking from that will only result with further inefficiency with TNI-AU operational capabilities.


New Member
Yes, that F-16 (block 25) together with existing 10 (block 15+) will be upgraded into Block 32-40 capabilities. Some report even suggest MLU even to block 52 standard. However I doubt it.

That's why I react negatively to report that some in Indonesian mindef still looking for Eurofighters possibility. Flankers and F-16 and MLU the hawk should be the only thing that Indonesian AF think at least for this decade. Sidetracking from that will only result with further inefficiency with TNI-AU operational capabilities.
and your air force rarely use too many types of Aircraft at the same time. good for the logistical problems. too many types = more strain to the logistics.

its nice that Indonesia finally accept the 24 Falcons despite the politician negative statement against those 24 Falcons months ago;)


Well-Known Member
with the Indonesians accepting the F-16s what are the chance of them getting Typhoons, I am no military expert but operating so many different air craft (Falcons, Flankers and Typhhons plus the air craft they are working on with South Korea) doesn't seem like a very good idea.


The Bunker Group
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  • #250
with the Indonesians accepting the F-16s what are the chance of them getting Typhoons, I am no military expert but operating so many different air craft (Falcons, Flankers and Typhhons plus the air craft they are working on with South Korea) doesn't seem like a very good idea.
If the Indonesian Mindef and TNI-AU follow the plan for this decade, and getting Eurofighters has no chance at all. The plan is for TNI-AU to concentrate with Flankers and F-16 at least for this decade, whille asses the development for KF-X. If KF-X is feasible and come to fruition, next decade TNI-AU will focus with KF-X (or whatever the name they will call on production versions).

Yesterday Indonesia and ROK already sign Technical agreement for KF-X and schedulled to sign Contractual Agreement by April (next month). After that the Concept and Technological development (including prototype building and testing) can commence and schedulled to be finished by end of this decade. Then by 2020, the production phase can begin.

So, with that kind of projects already ahead, no place for Eurofighters. That's off course if everybody in the Mindef and TNI-AU stay on course and not deviate just like Times suggest. Thank god, the Guardian says no such thing as Eurofighters for Indonesia...Pheeewwww ;)


The Bunker Group
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  • #251
New Thales radar for Eastern Indonesia

From Antara News Agency with Google Translate:

MERAUKE - Radar Unit 244 Merauke that strengthen the security of national airspace on the East Indonesia inaugurated its use by military rites by the Air Force Chief Air Marshal TNI Imam Sufaat in Merauke, on Wednesday (16 / 3).

Radar used in this unit is the latest radar type "Master T" made in France's Thales, which has a range of 240 miles of sea. So far, Eastern Indonesia airspace security is monitored by three long range radar units namely radar Radar Unit 241 in Buraen, Kupang (NTT), and Radar Unit 242 Cape Warari (Biak).

Of the three radar units that have been realized later there will be five radar units from the five originally planned. In the future Air Force will add two radar units in Timika (Papua) in August 2011 and Saumlaki (Southeast Maluku) in early 2012.
Related to that from Republika online also with Google translate:

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MERAUKE - Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Imam Sufaat said it will reposition or replace some old with the new radar. "We plan to replace some old with the new radars, including radars in Congot, Ngliyep and Ploso," he said after 244 Radar Unit inaugurated in Merauke Merauke, Papua, on Wednesday (16 / 3).

Imam said, Indonesia has 18 long range radar units scattered throughout the territory of Indonesia. Of this amount, there is a radar which has more than 20 years of age and must be replaced with new ones.

"We already have offers from several companies both within and outside the country. Obviously this is very good, if any company in the country who would make the radar for us," said Imam.

He asserted, Indonesia with a very broad area of need 'eyes and ears' of the maximum to maintain the sovereignty of its territory as well as detect any threat airspace violation of RI. "We need at least 32 radar units in all regions of Indonesia," said Air Force Chief.
On seperate occasion he also said from 32 long range air survailance radar units planned, 18 already in operation (3 in eastern Indonesia) with another 2 will be integrated soon (2012). Whille until 2014 he's planning to integrated additional 4 in Sulawesi, Kalimantan/Borneo, Papua, and Nusa Tenggara. Thus those 6 additional long range air survailance radar mostly will be on Central and East Indonesia. Those not included the plan replacement of old radar in some units in western indonesia (Sumatra and Java).

New generations of Indonesian long range aerial Radar mostly based on Thales model, in which besides new installations also will replace Plessey radar from the 80's that before also replacing eastern block radars like Russian P-30 Big Mesh from the 60's.

Indonesia Electronic company INTI also plan to enter the market for Long Range aerial radar after already build coastal survailance radar (that's been their show case during last year Indo-Defence).


The Bunker Group
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  • #253
T-50 set to be TNI-AU LIFT

From Korea Times [Exclusive] Korea set to endure bad terms for T-50 export to Indonesia <img src=''>

Indonesia has asked South Korea to write off $20 million in penalties over the former’s delayed delivery of CN-235 transport aircraft in return for buying the T-50 Golden Eagle supersonic trainer jet, which can also be

CN-235 transport aircraft
used as a light attack plane, according to government and industry sources Tuesday.

Jakarta also requested Seoul purchase four more CN-235s under a barter deal, the sources said.

The Seoul government is reviewing the offer positively as it has fought an uphill battle to gain the first exports of the jet following back-to-back defeats in trainer contests in the United Arab Emirates and Singapore.

The per-unit price of the CN-235 plane, built by the state-owned PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI), is $25 million, similar to that of the T-50, jointly developed by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and Lockheed Martin of the United States. The T-50’s price is presumed to be around $20-$25 million.

Under the envisaged new deal, if approved, the value of the original $400 million contract to sell 16 T-50s to Indonesia could be lowered to less than $280 million.

The value could be further reduced because KAI is obliged to share profits with Lockheed, which has technology export license over the T-50.

“Such a trade deal would certainly be disadvantageous for South Korea, but there are very few options since Seoul has been pressed to get the first overseas sale of the trainer jets,” an informed government source told The Korea Times on condition of anonymity.

Jakarta’s calm response to a break-in at an Indonesian delegate’s hotel room here in February was seen as an effort to increase its negotiating leverage over the deal, he said.

Last week, a Cheong Wa Dae official told reporters that Indonesia would soon announce the KAI-Lockheed team as the preferred bidder in its trainer acquisition program.

The presidential secretary said Indonesia’s Defense Ministry would send a letter confirming its selection of the T-50 as the preferred model as early as this week. The T-50 is competing with Russia’s Yak-130 and the Czech-built L-159B.

But Indonesia has neither confirmed nor denied its selection of a successful bidder.

South Korea ordered four CN-235 aircraft for maritime patrol operations in December 2008. Under the $100 million contract, PT DI was to deliver the aircraft by the end of 2010.

But none have been received by the Korea Coast Guard (KCG) yet.

“The Indonesian firm recently sent a document to us, saying the delivery will be delayed,” said Koh Jae-young at the KCG’s public affairs office. “Two aircraft will be delivered in May and the remainder are to be delivered by August.”

Indonesian authorities cited production line problems for the delay, he said.

In consultation with the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), the KCG is in negotiation with PT DI for compensation over the delay. The amount of compensation is estimated at around $20 million, according to KCG and DAPA officials.

“At the request of the KCG, we’re reviewing legal procedures related to Indonesian compensation for the delayed delivery of CN-235s,” Maj. Choi Jong-oh at DAPA’s public relations office said, declining to elaborate.

The CN-235 is a medium-range twin turboprop airplane, jointly developed by Spain’s CASA and PT DI, formerly known as IPTN. The plane is used for VIP transport, maritime patrols, airlifts, and troop carrying.

South Korea has 20 CN-235s, 12 built in Spain and eight in Indonesia. The latest order was for a maritime patrol aircraft modified from the CN-235-110 equipped with advanced radar detection and thermal imaging systems.

Indonesia is a key arms partner of South Korea. Seoul has sold KT-1 Woongbi basic trainer jets and hundreds of military vehicles to Indonesia.

In a summit last December, President Lee Myung-bak and his Indonesian counterpart Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono agreed on efforts to jointly manufacture tanks, submarines and fighter jets.
As for T-50 come out as winner on Indonesia's LIFT contest also being acknowledged by TNI-AU chiefs Imam Sufaat in his latest interview with Indonesia's defence magazines Angkasa.

In the interview the Air Force chief indicated that T-50 beat Yak 130 in the LIFT contest due to:
1. Larger amount of ToT that KAI agree to give DI/IAe for T-50,
2. TNI-AU was not satisfied enough with the explanations from Yak on the cause of 2 Yak 130 accidents.

Also since TNI-AU set to get more F-16 in the future, getting T-50 is more in line with the backbone figthers of TNI-AU in the future which is F-16. This also indicated although the procurement for additional flankres will still going on, in the end the numbers of F-16 in the inventory will be larger than Flankers.


The Bunker Group
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  • #254
TNI-AU Officially Confirmed T-50 First Export Order

From Antara News Agency with Google Translate:

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - TNI Air Force immediately reinforced a squadron or 16 T50 Golden Eagle aircraft from South Korea next year, to improve the ability of the pilot air meter, said Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal TNI Sufaat Priest after the preparation for the TNI-Air Force 65th birthdays in Jakarta, Saturday.

Imam Sufaat added, the procurement of these aircraft is one of the military force development program the Air Force until 2024 based on minimum basic strength.

"The policy of the President (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono) to accelerate the fulfillment of the needs of defense equipment, especially to replace the planes over the age of 30 years," he said.

T50 training aircraft Golden Eagle plan to replace British-made Hawk MK 53 is immediately retired. In addition to T50, the TNI Air Force will also buy the Super Tucano aircraft to replace the OV-10 Bronco.

"The procurement process has been set by Kemhan T50 (Ministry of Defense). The procurement process has begun," he said.

To purchase a squadron of T50, the government must prepare fund of 400 million U.S. dollars. Aircraft scheduled to begin shipping to Indonesia in 2012
It's official then that T-50 is the winner of Indonesia's LIFT contest, and it's also make the first T-50 export order. TNI-AU hope for full versions of T-50 LIFT that can be conducts both advances fast jet training and light fighters duty.


The Bunker Group
Hopefully they retire the Hawk's and the F-5's then. It must be costing a fortune keeping that many different airframe types going.


New Member
Hopefully they retire the Hawk's and the F-5's then. It must be costing a fortune keeping that many different airframe types going.
Yes for Hawk mk. 53 but not for mk. 109/209. F-5 will be replaced also but may be after adding flanker and/or herky projects. In my opinion it will be around 2012 for tender.

Aussie Digger

From Antara News Agency with Google Translate:

It's official then that T-50 is the winner of Indonesia's LIFT contest, and it's also make the first T-50 export order. TNI-AU hope for full versions of T-50 LIFT that can be conducts both advances fast jet training and light fighters duty.
Is there much chance do you think that the T-50/AT-50 will eventually replace the entire Hawk (53/109-209) and F-5 fleets to allow TNI-AU to consolidate it's force structure for fast jets around T-50/AT-50, F-16 and SU-27/30 Flankers for the next decade or 2?

This may allow them to operate more economically sized fleets of aircraft as well as a more capable overall fleet...


The Bunker Group
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  • #258
Is there much chance do you think that the T-50/AT-50 will eventually replace the entire Hawk (53/109-209) and F-5 fleets to allow TNI-AU to consolidate it's force structure for fast jets around T-50/AT-50, F-16 and SU-27/30 Flankers for the next decade or 2?

This may allow them to operate more economically sized fleets of aircraft as well as a more capable overall fleet...
In my oppinion, it's much depend on what will come out of KFX. Hawk Mk 53 is out, whille Hawk Mk109/209 seems will be maintain up until 2020+ since TNI-AU aim to get some MLU for them.

If they can get additional F-16 from US, then they will have enough aircraft to supplement existing F-16 sq plus to replace F-5. Again the noise come out now, is everything aim as stop gap untill something can come out from KFX. Although KAI lobbying hard with DI for join development for F/A-50 (as company to company initiatives).

In short KFX is G to G intiatives, but seems KAI and DI already in talk between both of them on Company to Company initiatives for F/A-50. Perhaps as safeguard in case KFX did not come out as plan.


The Bunker Group
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  • #259
16 Super Tucano in 2012

from Inventor Daily with Google Translation:

MALANG - A total of 16 Super Tucano aircraft type EMB - 314 made in Brazil in 2012 would complete defense equipment (major equipment of weapons systems) Indonesian military, especially Air Force (AU).

It said Air Force Chief of Staff (Air Force Chief) Marshal Imam Syufaat, when a working visit to the Air Force Base Abdurachman Saleh, Malang regency, East Java, on Friday.

Certainty arrival of the aircraft in 2012, after the Headquarters Air Force conduct a signature of Letter of Credit to purchase a total of 16 aircraft type. "The signature of the Letter of Credit, including the mechanic and pilot training for us," he said.

He explained that the arrival of the Super Tucano aircraft will be gradual and begins early in 2012.
The same article confirm the value of total contract on the L/C was USD 260 mio. This included training, development on ground support and infrastructures and also weapons. The plane it self value at USD 10 mio (from other sources). Before it's expected 8 will be in 2011 and other 8 in 2012. But seems the overall 16 Super Tucano will be in 2012.


Well-Known Member
Ananda, something that just occured to me to ask. After independence for Indonesia, did Dutch military advisors stay on to assist the Indonesian armed forces, they way British, Australian and New Zealand advisors and personnel on secondment did for Malaysia?