H & K 416


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
That is one of the reasons I was glad that most of the time we never went further south than Bergen/Munster. ;)

Ok, it rains all the time but in the end it is not that cold. :D


New Member
Nope. There's actually quite a number of "schools" within that area.

Could be:

Sigmaringen (NBC School)
Calw (KSK)
Mittenwald (German Mountain Inf School)
Saalfelden (Austrian Mountain Inf School)
Sonthofen (MP School)
Stetten am kalten Markt (MP Bodyguard/VIP Protection Training)

Münsingen (Urban Combat Training Site) is out at least, closed in 2005.

(actually, i think i forgot one or two... oh well)

*cough* ... yes, this post will confuse people.

No, it´s not Calw.
It´s the one you forgot I was talking about!;)
FernspähKp 200 is also calling it it´s home. That may be enough information. If I give more info I must kill the internet. :D


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Ah, the one in the place with the same name as a suburb of the state capital then (which has a higher population too...) :D