Egyptians to replace Maadi Ak-47?


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Not countries my friend, they are all following the small caliber trend... these are individuals like US soldiers operating in Afghanistan and Iraq, some have been seen with m14's while others order custom made guns like the grendel counter sniper rifle which is upgraded to 6.5mm etc. They have complained as I said before about the poor killing effect of the 5.56mm in regards to long ranges
I brought this up to a buddy who just came back from Iraq,
His MOS is 11 bravo (Combat infantry). He states that they are quite satisfied with the 5.56 round fired out of the M16 series rifles, most engagements take place at around 200 meters over in Iraq, U.S Army qualifies at a 300 meter range, the U.S Marines qualify at a range of 500 meters. If they are using M14s then they are M21 sniper set ups, some of these are still around with U.S Army and Marine reserve components. They are also using Bartlett 50 cal and Remington 700 BDL setups also.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
I see a trend to DMRs.
We also use some G3s and G9 with optics for this role.
This gives the sqad a weapon for greater ranges without needing a real sniper rifle which is not very good for anything else than real sniping.

A squad equipped with 5,56mm assault rifles, one 5,56mm MG(SAW), one 7,62mm DMR and one 7,62mm MG (This could be left behind if overall weight is an issue) should be equipped with everything needed for normal combat operations.

The east german AKs seemed to be well build and the ones which fired with them often rate them higher than original russian ones.

In the end I would be happy to see Egypt buying a H&K product. :D
Hungry builds some of the best ones as far as quality standards goes.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
how are they compared to org russian?
I would give both of them a even match, yes they are crude and not very accurate at longer ranges, but they can take a beating, can be given a mud or sand bath and still come out firing.


New Member
Verified Defense Pro
ironically they can chamber the 5.56 caliber in their rifles, but we cannot chamber the 5.54 in to the M16 series rifles.

First of all, 5.45 has a case-length of 39mm (5.45x39) while 5.56 has a case length of 45mm (5.56x45)

Secondly, how could a 5.56 bullet be able to squeeze throug a 5.45 bore?

This is a variant of the same folklore saying that a 7.62x39 AK is able to shoot 7.62x51 NATO-ammo, while a G3 could not fire 7.62x39...

NATO and Warsaw-pact-ammo are NOT interchangeable!


New Member

First of all, 5.45 has a case-length of 39mm (5.45x39) while 5.56 has a case length of 45mm (5.56x45)
This is indeed the real problem.
Secondly, how could a 5.56 bullet be able to squeeze throug a 5.45 bore?
But this is not. However funny its sounds, 5.56 bullet indeed can squeeze throught a 5.45 bore - but only soviet 5.45 bore. The explanation is what there are different standarts of measurment of rifled bores between West and East - in US its measured by largest bore radius, and its Russia its measured by smallest bore radius.
This is a variant of the same folklore saying that a 7.62x39 AK is able to shoot 7.62x51 NATO-ammo, while a G3 could not fire 7.62x39...

NATO and Warsaw-pact-ammo are NOT interchangeable!
Of course they are not.


New Member
Verified Defense Pro
This is indeed the real problem.

But this is not. However funny its sounds, 5.56 bullet indeed can squeeze throught a 5.45 bore - but only soviet 5.45 bore. The explanation is what there are different standarts of measurment of rifled bores between West and East - in US its measured by largest bore radius, and its Russia its measured by smallest bore radius.

Of course they are not.
You are probably right... I´m no gunsmith, just a former soldier, and current weekend-warrior...


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
This is indeed the real problem.

But this is not. However funny its sounds, 5.56 bullet indeed can squeeze throught a 5.45 bore - but only soviet 5.45 bore. The explanation is what there are different standarts of measurment of rifled bores between West and East - in US its measured by largest bore radius, and its Russia its measured by smallest bore radius.

Of course they are not.
Thanks Chrom for the clarification.:)


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
The PLA claimed to have fixed the accuracy problem with a redesigned AK-styled rifle with a longer barrel called the Type-81.

The AK is not useless, though. It continues working when everything else has stopped working. And AK-47 ammo is still strong curency in that region as many insurgents and armies continues to use 7.62 x 29mm.

And I'm sure Egypt has big stockpiles of AK-47 ammo.

In urban fighting, the AK-47 rounds can punch through wooden doors or thin walls that would stop a 5.56mm bullet. This must be an advantage in some circumstances.

With so much doubts about the 5.56mm happening in the west, would they consider switching to 5.56mm? Retain 7.63 x 39mm or consider Russian 5.45mm?
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Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
How many (if anyone) in the Middle East is using the Russian (AK-74) 5.45mm caliber?

Interesting to note that Iran is switching to 5.56mm.
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