Did Ukraine really scrap her Backfires?


New Member
The B-1 is longer a nuclear bomber, its only a dirt mover. It can be refitted to carry nuclear weapons, but over a period of time that wouldn't help during a nuclear conflict. In addition the USAF has no plan to convert the B-1 back in a nuclear bomber.

The current upgrade program for Tu-160's allows it carry some conventional bombs and PGM's. Though most of the upgrades deal with bringing new types of cruise missiles into service. The Blackjack is still mostly a nuclear bomber, but the fleet will soon have expanded conventional capabilities.


New Member
The B-1 is longer a nuclear bomber, its only a dirt mover. It can be refitted to carry nuclear weapons, but over a period of time that wouldn't help during a nuclear conflict. In addition the USAF has no plan to convert the B-1 back in a nuclear bomber.

The current upgrade program for Tu-160's allows it carry some conventional bombs and PGM's. Though most of the upgrades deal with bringing new types of cruise missiles into service. The Blackjack is still mostly a nuclear bomber, but the fleet will soon have expanded conventional capabilities.
I wasn't aware that the B1s had no nuclear role any longer. Aren't they a bit too expensive to maintain as simple conventional bombers ?? :confused:



Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
It looks like the B-1B performed well in A-stan and during Op Iraqi Freedom.
I A-stan they were able to stay in the air for long times and so JDAM support was available very quick over long periods.

During Iraqi Freedom the B-1Bs were one of the first planes which entered Iraqi airspace and the USAF was very lucky about their EW, ECM and ECCM capabilities. Together with its speed and payload this was a significant advantage of the Bone.

A B-1B is able to nearly carry the same amount of weapons like a whole squadron of Strike Eagles with greater range.
And with the their ability to now carry JDAMs, JSOWs and JASSMs as well as normal iron bombs and CBUs their are very versatile against a variety of targets.


Tribal Warlord
Verified Defense Pro
Unfortunately, I can't read Russian, so I'd be grateful for your help. Does the article say the 5 are aircraft not previously in Russian service? Or could it be referring to upgrades of existing Russian aircraft? Official statements have only referred to a single new aircraft to be delivered this year or next, but Kazan was given a contract to upgrade all the existing aircraft. I suspect these 5 are re-entering service after being upgraded.

I see it refers to "Модернизированному" & "спутники". Is the latter part of a reference to having satnav added? Or Glonass-guided weapons? It would fit the published information about the upgrade, which is that (as well as a thorough physical overhaul) it includes new avionics, including targeting systems, & the ability to carry new missiles.
I'm no Russian expert either. Basically I just used the worldlingo translator to get the article into English. Said something about the number of aircraft increased to 16 and fitted with satnav, glass cockpit, and increased load.

Prior to the end of this year the park of the most powerful in the world strategic bombers - Russian Tu-160 will increase to 16- TI of machines. The place of addition Tu-160 will be the 22nd heavy bomber division in the [engelsskom] garrison. Will soon there land bomber with identification number 202.
To the modernized “strategist” they almost completely replaced filling. Onboard machine became by 100 percent of digital. To orient crew in flight and to derive Tu-160 on the purpose is now possible through the satellites. Noise protection and accuracy of maintaining route in this case grows. Tu-160 under the force to bear 12 cruise missiles, bomb load - to 40 T.


Banned Member

The problem with ICBM's is that they are pretargeted.
Tactical use: Well Saddam Hussein might beg to differ when they destroyed a division.
The problem with SSBN's is that at one point the supreme soviet command followed the P-3 Orions to find their own submarines. So I've heard.

The invulnerability of SSBN's: I'm definately not sure - not the way Thetis has been mucking about - and the weird tunnels on the Fairisles.

The real problem for the Russian bombers is their vulnerability to an integrated air defence.


New Member
It is strange that Russia didn't negotiate to buy the second hand TU160s , for instance in exchange for the precious natural gas that is vital to the Ukrainian economy.

They did, only 1 Tu-160 was chopped, and the rest 19 was exchanged for gas and tactical aircrafts. - that my best knowledge.


I wasn't aware that the B1s had no nuclear role any longer. Aren't they a bit too expensive to maintain as simple conventional bombers ?? :confused:

To the best of my knowledge we have no bombers on nuclear alert anymore. It seems strange to think about because in my day we had endless high alert aprons loaded with B-52s, and in such warm sunny locals as Minot ND and Moosehead Maine.

I know we still have B2s and B-52s equipped for nuclear missions but as far as I know none are on alert. And yes, your right. The B1b has no nuclear role any longer. If anything its less expensive to use them in the conventional role as compared to the nuclear role. Far less expensive in manpower and maintenance costs. A bomber on nuclear alert is like a baby that has to have a lot of $$ and man hours pouring love into it.

Cutting both the numbers of our bombers and stepping back on their alert status has saved USAF a ton of $$. So, look at it that way.

Having 90 something conventional B1bs can give someone a nice edge.


New Member
No American bombers are on nuclear alert, but during the threat of war like DefCon 2 American B-52's and B-2's would be pressed into a nuclear alert role.

The US Navy's SSBN nuclear fleet as the alert constant nuclear force these days.


New Member
Hi guys I can read, speak and write very well in Russian as I am Russian. I have this to say in Kiev there is a location downtown where there is a Tu-22M3 on display but you cannot gain acess to the location. I was inside there thanks some of my relatives and there is a wide assortment of aircraft there including mig-23's , mig-27's and the list goes on. The place has very tight security and is an airforce training center or something like that. The place itself is huge and there are barracks , special facilities etc... and nearby there are also other bases which are smaller and appear to be special transport aircraft training centres (an an-26 is on display there). Btw if you go to Borsipol airport there are interesting collections of military aircraft there.

I have photo left from there but due to my inability to operate my Zenit camera and an accidental exposure I had ruined most of the photographs and whatnot (should have went there with my current digital camera) :p
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