Autonomous Tank Strategy?


New Member
I am not sure how related this is because this is completely and utterly unrealistic and ridiculously simplified. Basically, I am writing a program for a Tank(simulated) that would operate on a square battle field which is walled off. The tank has sensors that can sense enemy tanks and their distance which are located on its turret. Further, if the tanks hit any other tanks or the outside wall they are damaged. The sensitivity of the sensors is set by the programmer based on the situation. I know this isn't realistic at all, but it's the situation. Anyways, the basic strategy I am planning on using is a tank that follow the perimeter wall, and the turret will move 180 degrees scanning for enemies to shoot at. Once it finds an enemy, it will attempt to shoot it until it is out of range. The field will be populated from anywhere from 2 to 50 tanks, so it has to be fairly intelligent. Any suggestions or possible maneuvers would be greatly appreciated.

Alex Dowd

New Member
Why don't you supply a specific set of variables

so we can make a picture in our minds? Give us the size of the square, set a range for the sensors, tell how many tanks are in the square. Admittedly, the number of tanks could plausibly be unknown, but I think people could get a better start if you gave them a specific number of tanks.

Here's another question: are the other tanks controlled by humans or the computer program?

Now I will propose a strategy. 1. Go to one corner as quickly and safely as possible. 2. Move out in an arc, that will take you back to the side at the halfway point of the side. 3. Move your turret in a 180 degree sweep that basically faces the near wall, and blast anything you see.

Thank you for your post. I enjoyed it.

The idea of this strategy is you take a chance with the tanks to your rear, you focus on the tanks in front of you--- between you and the wall. If you succeed, you clear out a "safe" area to work from.