Couldn't find an existing tread on AI. I think it deserves one however. Like it or not the future is AI. My own exposure to AI first happened around 5 years ago. I was working as a 3d animator for an online poker site. That is when the company I was working for became aware or the first rudimentary AI bots playing in the real money online poker rooms. Up until then there were online bots but they were simply probability machines which frankly were easily detected and pretty easy to beat. AI was a different matter though. Now it is all over online poker and frankly is another reason why you should stay away from it.
AI will profile every player it goes up against. It will rate your ability as a player, how often you bluff, all your strengths and weaknesses, just about everything. It will develop its own playing strategy to deal with you. If it makes a mistake it will learn and not make the same mistake twice.
Take this concept to the battlefield where AI not only has an encyclopedic knowledge of the enemy's commanders, but also just about every other soldier on the battlefield, including your own. You have sick child at home, you have been texting home about lack of ammunition, poor training, or just general scuttlebutt it is likely to be used to inform any decision making process. AI will eventually permeate its way into just about everything. AI controlled aircraft, ships, submarines and even missiles, bombs, torpedoes and mines. They will eventually even find there way into the decision making process.
Outside the military we aren't just talking cyberattacks. AI can perfectly fake not only the voices and faces of people, but do it in real time. It can possess and extensive knowledge of the person they are immitating making it almost impossible to detect. Friends, family, leaders it doesn't matter. If it can gather enough data it can use this to scam you, send out disinformation, distribute propaganda and otherwise manipulate you.
Another thing with AI is that it can rewrite its own code, without any human intervention, at absolutely blistering speed. You have people who actually work with this technology straight out telling you that it is potentially dangerous and just about unstoppable.
Even Google CEO Sundar Pichai concedes that AI technology is developing faster than the ability of our institutions to adapt to it. However since Google is in a battle with other tech giants such as microsoft it is unlikely that this development will slow down.
Another problem I can foresee is that while AI is becoming smarter we are becoming more stupid. A friend of mine involved in education was talking to me the other day about marking essay papers. They still use an app that can detect when a student is basically plagiarising their work. That was before AI took over writing the essays for them. Now all you do is go here.
All those future engineers, doctors and and other professionals now don't need to bother actually learning anything and can devote themselves almost entirely to partying, drinking and debauchery. So long as they can string together a few key words you can still go on and graduate with honours. Perhaps it is fortunate that most of these people will be replaced by AI anyway.
So that is my quick summation of AI. We are all doomed. Lets just hope that our new AI overlords decide we are still worth keeping around.

ChatGPT and the Rise of AI in Online Poker - Poker News Daily
The use of AI such as ChatGPT in online poker has become commonplace, leading to both benefits and concerns in the industry.
Take this concept to the battlefield where AI not only has an encyclopedic knowledge of the enemy's commanders, but also just about every other soldier on the battlefield, including your own. You have sick child at home, you have been texting home about lack of ammunition, poor training, or just general scuttlebutt it is likely to be used to inform any decision making process. AI will eventually permeate its way into just about everything. AI controlled aircraft, ships, submarines and even missiles, bombs, torpedoes and mines. They will eventually even find there way into the decision making process.
Outside the military we aren't just talking cyberattacks. AI can perfectly fake not only the voices and faces of people, but do it in real time. It can possess and extensive knowledge of the person they are immitating making it almost impossible to detect. Friends, family, leaders it doesn't matter. If it can gather enough data it can use this to scam you, send out disinformation, distribute propaganda and otherwise manipulate you.
Another thing with AI is that it can rewrite its own code, without any human intervention, at absolutely blistering speed. You have people who actually work with this technology straight out telling you that it is potentially dangerous and just about unstoppable.
Even Google CEO Sundar Pichai concedes that AI technology is developing faster than the ability of our institutions to adapt to it. However since Google is in a battle with other tech giants such as microsoft it is unlikely that this development will slow down.
Another problem I can foresee is that while AI is becoming smarter we are becoming more stupid. A friend of mine involved in education was talking to me the other day about marking essay papers. They still use an app that can detect when a student is basically plagiarising their work. That was before AI took over writing the essays for them. Now all you do is go here.
Essay Generator - Automated Essay Creator
Essay Generator helps you generate unique essays and articles with one click, create your own plagiarism free academic essay writings now for your school essays.
All those future engineers, doctors and and other professionals now don't need to bother actually learning anything and can devote themselves almost entirely to partying, drinking and debauchery. So long as they can string together a few key words you can still go on and graduate with honours. Perhaps it is fortunate that most of these people will be replaced by AI anyway.
So that is my quick summation of AI. We are all doomed. Lets just hope that our new AI overlords decide we are still worth keeping around.