Croatian Military Modernisation


New Member
The M-84s are being upgraded to M-84D standard, and they are about to order another 42 Patria IFVs.
The first of the inshore patrol boats will sail next year.


New Member

SIMIG 2000 is an indoor simulator for Man-portable Air Defense System (MANPADS) 9K310 "Igla" (SA-16), which simultaneously supports technical and tactical proficiency training, as well as operator's mental readiness evaluation. The simulator purpose is training of the novice operators, as well as maintaining the proficiency of the professional ones. The accurate simulation of "Igla" subsystems, including 6DOF missile dynamics model and missile seeker, facilitates highly valuable training. SIMIG 2000 is based on a high-performance multi-processor computer system, which provides real-time simulation of sophisticated missile model and multiple target dynamics, simultaneously visualizing the virtual training environment.
Main features are: VR 3D environment for 360º horizontal and 90º vertical FOV; Image displayed on Head Mounted Display, 45º diagonal FOV; Psychophysiological stress indicator monitoring; Control of target trajectory parameters; IR interference simulation: natural - sun, clouds, reflections, and artificial flares; Different types of targets, like fighter aircraft, transport aircraft, helicopter, cruising missile etc.

mic of orion

New Member
Nice pictures. Do you have any info on the tank fleet of Croatia?
As it stands,

78x M84A4 (entire fleet to be upgraded at some stage to a M84Degman standard)
2x M95 Degman
4x M84D Degman (upgrade of M84A4)

total: 84 MBTs +

8x M84AI Armored Recover Vehicles (based on M84 chassis)
3x T-72 tanks (used for training)
1x M84 Cobra tank hunter

And that's about it,.

All 84 M84A4/D tanks are based in Gasnice part of Armored Regiment (2 battalions) of the 3rd Mechanized Brigade.

Plan exist to modernize one battalion (52 tanks) and buy 52 western tanks at the later stage. Problem with procuring modern Western tanks is that NO western manufacturer will agree on technology transfer or establishing a service center in Croatia for such small program, giving Croatia only M84 as an alternative.

But now more and more voices with in Croatian MOD and outside pressure (US, Germany, UK) are suggesting that modern western tank should be sought and Croatia should consider abandoning the modernization of M84A4 tanks.

In such case, 84M84 tanks would still remain in service but with the 1st brigade (reserve brigade) and new modern tanks such as Leopard 2A6 would replace M84A4 tanks.

Czech Republic and Hungary are now considering this option, scraping their entire fleet of T-72 tanks and replacing them with modern western tanks when money becomes available, Hungary already scraped its entire tank fleet and donated last 77 T-72 tanks to Iraq and Czech R will retain only 32 T-72MCZ tanks that were modernized with the help of Italy/France.

Poland plans to do same as well, modernize current Leopard 2A4 to A6 standard at some point and scrap T-72 tanks, even Pt-91 twrdy are destined for chop.

W/E the case, things should improve in few years time (7-8). :)


New Member
As it stands,

78x M84A4 (entire fleet to be upgraded at some stage to a M84Degman standard)
2x M95 Degman
4x M84D Degman (upgrade of M84A4)

total: 84 MBTs +

8x M84AI Armored Recover Vehicles (based on M84 chassis)
3x T-72 tanks (used for training)
1x M84 Cobra tank hunter

And that's about it,.

All 84 M84A4/D tanks are based in Gasnice part of Armored Regiment (2 battalions) of the 3rd Mechanized Brigade.

Plan exist to modernize one battalion (52 tanks) and buy 52 western tanks at the later stage. Problem with procuring modern Western tanks is that NO western manufacturer will agree on technology transfer or establishing a service center in Croatia for such small program, giving Croatia only M84 as an alternative.

But now more and more voices with in Croatian MOD and outside pressure (US, Germany, UK) are suggesting that modern western tank should be sought and Croatia should consider abandoning the modernization of M84A4 tanks.

In such case, 84M84 tanks would still remain in service but with the 1st brigade (reserve brigade) and new modern tanks such as Leopard 2A6 would replace M84A4 tanks.

Czech Republic and Hungary are now considering this option, scraping their entire fleet of T-72 tanks and replacing them with modern western tanks when money becomes available, Hungary already scraped its entire tank fleet and donated last 77 T-72 tanks to Iraq and Czech R will retain only 32 T-72MCZ tanks that were modernized with the help of Italy/France.

Poland plans to do same as well, modernize current Leopard 2A4 to A6 standard at some point and scrap T-72 tanks, even Pt-91 twrdy are destined for chop.

W/E the case, things should improve in few years time (7-8). :)
Thanks alot mic, i heard that the fighter program was scrapped for croatia till the near future, and was thinking does this give us more money to work with for the tanks(ground army), and maybe the navy.? Maybe the Mod wanted to focus money on that ,then later for the aircraft? since money is short ofcourse. IF thats true, i think its a good idea. And aircraft we dnt really have to worry about because our neighboors dont have a great airforce either(so little or no threat)

mic of orion

New Member
Thanks alot mic, i heard that the fighter program was scrapped for croatia till the near future, and was thinking does this give us more money to work with for the tanks(ground army), and maybe the navy.? Maybe the Mod wanted to focus money on that ,then later for the aircraft? since money is short ofcourse. IF thats true, i think its a good idea. And aircraft we dnt really have to worry about because our neighboors dont have a great airforce either(so little or no threat)
No, unfortunately it does not, budget as it stand won;t go up by much in 2009, it is now at 5.5 billion kuna (1.14 billion USD) and it is likely to stay the same in 2009, perhaps small increase to 5.75 billion kuna (inflationary increase) but overall budget won't increase significantly. Also Fighter purchase is not part of the MOD spending plan, Ministry of Finance is one who decided if there is money for new fighters, the fact Croatia is looking to get 18 fighters (14+4) funds involved are not insignificant.


New Member
Better wait a little...

International crisis has having its effects also in Croatia...
Fact is, government has decided to react in a COMPLETE opposite way that (in this case VERY) Old Europe.
Instead of begging for a relaxation of Stability pact obiectives, they have decided to speed up the debt consolidation process, aiming to reach next year the zero current deficit.
For doing this they decided to freeze the salary and to delay some investments, obviously also in the defence but ( also in this case, not following some trends) the most in infrastructure and agricultural subsidies.
May be it is better like so... let's wait a little more and after Nato accession Croatia (and Albania) would be able to benefy from the huge wave of second hand dismissed equipment that it surely will come out in the very next future...:rolleyes:


New Member
The early project won the iKA innovation prize for an interesting feature, in the form of a venting system that recovered part of the gases generated by the shot and pushed it back in a space located behind the bolt; during the cycle, the bolt thus found itself to "bounce" on a sort of "gas cushion" that acted as a buffer, dramatically reducing recoil. The production-stage VHS operates by simple direct gas impingement and doesn't feature this system.

If the VHS doesnt have this anymore what does it differ from the famas or any other gun system. Its a load of bull* a new F* revolutionary rifle my ass. It was just a short cut to copy and put it in production and with the media convincing its a "New design"

I think there should be a massive reorginization in cro society, in government and defence. And should put more control over what the F* is the country doing. Making it faster and secure country.


New Member
The VHS is still an interesting and innovative weapon.

If the VHS doesnt have this anymore what does it differ from the famas or any other gun system. Its a load of bull* a new F* revolutionary rifle my ass. It was just a short cut to copy and put it in production and with the media convincing its a "New design"

I think there should be a massive reorginization in cro society, in government and defence. And should put more control over what the F* is the country doing. Making it faster and secure country.
Living here in Zagreb for some while i still have to get habit to the croatian mood of "shifting from between extremes" about their country achievements...:lul

For what i've seen in photo and video report from the recent presentation in Jamadol, the Vhs is still an innovative and interesting weapon.
I noted for an istance that:
- It have new (proprietary design) magazines instead of scìttj m-16 ones.
- It can use both a (proprietary design again) underbarrel granade launcher and rifle granates
- It has a (let's say it again:proprietary design) bipod, it can be stacked to the underbarrell pitcadilly rail: it is foldable, so you can regulate its position during fire and put it in your pocket when not necessary
- It has a LOT of points in which you can insert the above mentioned rail
- Are you SURE that it works with a (M-16 like) direct gas sistem? Because just above barrel there something that extremely resembles a gas pressure switch, if it true it will be the first time in that kind of sistems
-And for the last: It will be anyway the first completely new designed autochtonous weapon in Nato calibre to be put in general service in a former bloc country
I know, it's reallya pity that the gas buffer was not adopted, with it the Vhs would have been a revolutionary weapon instead of a simply innovative one: just like the Hs- 2000/xd is and you have still sell a million pieces of it, so why put Yourselves down?:unknown


New Member
Croatia to export and fit the montenegren armed forces
Hrvatska odijeva crnogorsku vojsku,12,3,,143517.jl

Basicaly says that we will make new uniforms for the montenegren armed forces as also they are intrested in our army boots and the HS-2000 pistol and maybe in the future our VHS assault rifle. Its a deal worth 1,2 million euros. Includes 2000 new uniforms, ballistic helmets, rucksacks, and ballistic glasses in 4 months. But a total of 16,000 new uniforms

ZAGREB - Hrvatske tvrtke za četiri će mjeseca u potpunosti promijeniti izgled vojske Crne Gore. Denis Popović, direktor tvrtke KROKO, u ponedjeljak je u Podgorici potpisao ugovor s crnogorskim ministrom obrane Borom Vučinićem o opremanju njihove vojske.

Ugovor je vrijedan 1,2 milijuna eura, a KROKO bi za četiri mjeseca vojsci Crne Gore trebao isporučiti 2000 kompleta novih odora, ruksaka, borbenih kaciga s navlakama i balističkih naočala. Za taj posao KROKO je angažirao više tekstilnih tvrtki iz Hrvatske, kao što su Borovo, Čateks, URIHO i Šešir, a borbene kacige poizvest će renomirana tvrtka Šestan-Busch iz Preloga.

To je velik uspjeh domaće namjenske vojne industrije jer prvi put hrvatske kompanije kompletno opremaju jednu stranu vojsku. KROKO je za potrebe tog posla razvio potpuno novi dizajn i šaru crnogorske vojne odore koja će biti digitalizirana, a šara će imati geografski oblik Crne Gore.

Denis Popović je vrlo zadovoljan ugovorom te naglašava kako je njime određeno da se, ako prva isporuka odora bude na zadovoljavajućoj razini, može se ugovoriti i opremanje cjelokupne vojske Crne Gore koja ima oko 4000 pripadnika. Kako svaki vojnik dobiva četiri kompleta, ukupno bi bila riječ o 16.000 odora.

Prema Popovićevim riječima, Crna Gora se priprema za sudjelovanje u misijama te su tamošnji vojni stručnjaci posjetili i hrvatske vojnike u Afganistanu. Oduševili su se izgledom i kvalitetom odora hrvatskih vojnika, koje je također razvio KROKO.

- Ovaj ugovor pokazuje da je hrvatski vojnik postao naš izvozni brand - naglasio je direktor Popović.

Napomenuo je da je Crna Gora zainteresirana i za ostalu opremu koju koristi HV, kao što su čizme i pištolj HS, a u budućnosti možda i hrvatska vojna puška. Stoga Popović poziva hrvatsku vojnu namjensku industriju da se udruži jer samo zajednički mogu uspjeti u takvom poslu.

Naime, postoji velika šansa da se Crnoj Gori ali i u nekim drugim državama proda cijeli paket vojne opreme i naoružanja za tamošnju vojsku kao potpuno hrvatski proizvod.


New Member

THAT is a very good new!
Not only for the bare fact itself, but also for the strenghtening of relations between the two former enemy countries.
The choice of Croatia as a main supplier of their armed forces it is evidently a reallypolitical one, Crnogorci recognize so in Croatia the leading nation of region and above all found in it a partner, not a boss like Serbia was.
So, Croatians, don't put yourselfes down:).


New Member
They are choosing a crotian surname for Patria...

Found in Militarium website...
It say that the defence minister want to give a croatian surname to the new acquired Patria AMV, and the most liable would be Pauk (spider), not only because of the eight "legs" but in loving memory of the legendary commander Andrija Matijaš Pauk and his equally mitical 4° gardista brigada

Ministarstvo obrane uskoro bi trebalo raspisati nagradni natječaj preko kojega bi se izabralo ime za hrvatsko oklopno vozilo, neslužbeno doznaje Večernji list. Hrvatska je, naime, kupila 126 oklopnjaka AMV od finske Patrije, a po uzoru na druge zemlje, i ona mu želi dati ime po kojemu će se razlikovati od ostalih 1300 vozila za koja su potpisani ugovori u šest zemalja.

Poljaci su svoj AMV nazvali rosomak (gorska kuna), a Južnoafrička Republika svojem je vozilu dala ime jazavac. Da izbor imena nije jednostavan, pokazuje primjer Slovenije u kojoj je bivši ministar obrane Karl Erjavec rekao da će njihovu vozilu ime na javnom natječaju dati učenici osnovnih i srednjih škola.

To je izazvalo žestoku reakciju opozicije, a i nekih predstavnika tadašnje vladajuće koalicije jer su smatrali kako nije primjereno da djeca daju ime ratnom stroju te su upozoravali na to da bi u takvom slučaju mogla biti riječ i o zloporabi djece.

U Hrvatskoj bi se, kako doznajemo, trebao raspisati neobvezujući javni natječaj, a o prijedlogu imena na temelju preporuke komisije vjerojatno bi odlučivao ministar obrane. Može se pretpostaviti da će se prijedlozi imena moći slati elektroničkom ili običnom poštom, a u MORH-u razmišljaju i o simboličnoj nagradi.

Među prijedlozima moglo bi se naći i ime pauk kojim se neslužbeno barata u nekim stručnim krugovima. Osim što pauk ima jednak broj nogu broju kotača na oklopnjaku, taj se prijedlog argumentira i poveznicom s Domovinskim ratom. Naime, legendarni zapovjednik oklopnih postrojbi 4. gardijske brigade i jedan od osnivača oklopnih snaga bio je general Andrija Matijaš Pauk.

QUOTE, Pauk, Pauk, Pauk!!!!!!!!


New Member
Once a Thunder forever a Thunder...

From Croatian military magazine Hrvatski Vojnik:

Guards Motorized Brigade - the 2nd mechanized battalion Thunders

As the guards brigade the battalion Thunders is a successor and it is also situated in Petrinja, in the barracks "Zrin"; in future they should be moved to the barracks "Lieutenant Colonel Predrag MatanoviÊ" in which Tigers are placed. It is mainly formed of the ex brigade's members and almost half of them have war experience. As in other battalions of the guards motorized brigade, younger people are members of the Thunders so the unit is on average 33 years old.
Besides standard combat training, members of this battalion have been preparing with continuity for international military operations and for the time being, they are participating in the mission ISAF in Afghanistan and UNDOF on the Golan Height where they form majority of the Croatian contingent; they also take part in the mission UNMIS in Sudan where one member of the battalion has been deployed. They realize the cooperation at international level by participating in various courses and military exercises as it the case with the last year's exercises Adriatic Aurora, UNMOC and CRONEL. They also carry out training for the so-called non-traditional tasks as defence against floods and putting out forest fires and various other disasters. Preparations for arrival of the new combat armoured vehicles Patria are underway; after Tigers did so, the Thunders will also draw these vehicles; part of the training is carried out in the manufacturer's country, Finland.

It seems that some sense sometimes gets its way also in the minds of defence minister bureocracy, so instead to disband some of the wartime Guard brigate keeping only two and so sparkling controversies and envy:lul:lul:lul , they have decided to downsize them, giving the names of all of former units to the btls of the new units, that will be know only like the motorized and the mechanized Guard Brigate respectively.
In that fashion there will no first and second class unit, the new units will mantain all of their glorious history, territorial belongings, internal coesion and pride.


New Member
Ok, the Vhs adoption is ufficial!

Minister of Defence Branko Vukelic and Director of HS Produkt Zeljko Pavlin signed today, May 15, in the Army Command in Karlovac, Framework Agreement on the Procurement of VHS assault rifle for equipping the armed forces, as well as the Treaty, which refers to the first phase of the equipping.

Besides the Minister of Defence Branko Vukelic, the signing was attended by State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Zeljko Gorsic, Chief of General Staff General Josip Lucic, Director of Material Resource Directorate Darko Polanec, Army Commander Lieutenant General Mladen Kruljac, co-owners of the HS Produkt Ivan Zapcic and Marko Vukovic, and other representatives of the Ministry of Defence, CAF and HS Produkt. Signing was followed shortly after the successful testing of rifle according to NATO standards by the joint commission composed of experts from the CAF and the HS Produkt.
Based on the Agreement, CAF will by the end of the current year take over 1000 sets of VHS assault rifle at a cost of 10 700 kunas (including VAT) per set. Along with the rifle, which has two versions (short and long barrel) set includes 7 bullet containers, belt, cleaning set and instructions for use.
A Framework Agreement which creates prerequisites for further orders in the next four years was also signed. It is estimated that in order to complete the equipping of all CAF members and the reserve in the coming years could be delivered 20 000 sets of assault rifles, and HS Produkt and MOD will continue to work on development of the rifle. Further contracts will be signed depending on the needs, requirements and financial capabilities of the MOD.
Signing of the Agreement and Treaty Minister Vukelic called a big event not only for the MOD and HS Produkt and the city of Karlovac and the county, but also for the whole Croatia. "Contracts are another step towards the realization of the idea that the personal equipment of Croatian soldier should be the best, the most modern Croatian product" Minister Vukelic said.
