I tried looking for the last one of these we had but it seems to be buried pretty deep, so I'll start a new one. This is a catchall thread for the ongoing military and geo-strategic stalemate in eastern Ukraine.
As of late there have been increasing indicators that something might be brewing. Mostly pro-Russian sources have been pointing out increasing movements of Ukrainian troops, including armor, towards the front line. Now there are indications of rearmament of frontline units with upgraded tanks. There is also information of Ukrainian forces being at high readiness. There is also information that previous positions that had been abandoned as part of the separation of sides process have been re-occupied by both sides. There has also been an increase in shelling.
Also US and British RC-135s were seen flying around Crimea conducting reconnaissance. In and of themselves this wouldn't be particularly noteworthy. US and other countries' recon aircraft fly-by Crimea regularly.
As of now its unclear what all of this entails. Prior to this escalate there was some discussion in the press of a potential new peace plan but I strongly suspect that Russia will insist on the Minsk process, especially since the process has been confirmed and re-confirmed time and again by multiple countries. We could see a major escalation but I have a hard time seeing what Ukraine would have to gain by this, unless they hope that Russia will somehow stay out of it.
In terms of overall strength its pretty clear Ukraine is far stronger then the LDNR forces combined. In their favor they have prepared defensive positions, an all volunteer force of at least theoretically professional soldiers, and a steady stream of supplies, weapons, and equipment from Russia. Ukraine however has not only a numerical advantage but at this point a technological one as well (though its not drastic, if used well it should make a difference). Ukraine has purchased and fielded Javelin ATGMs, has upgraded a portion of their tanks with new comms, thermals, and GPS navigation, has upgraded another portion with new ERA, has purchased and fielded some Bayraktar UAVs, has restocked a portion of its lost light armor vehicles, and even acquired batches of rebuilt BTR-3s and new BTR-4s. Ukrainian infantry units have drastically improved comm gear, and individual tactical gear (body armor, boots, tactical vests, etc.) On the flip side the rebel forces, while now better organized and better trained, have not received large quantities of post-Soviet era gear and equipment with the exception of some comm gear, and better individual tactical gear. Without direct Russian support it's highly likely that they will only be able to put up a fight for a limited amount of time, trading space for time, and inflict losses and disrupting the tempo of Ukrainian forces but likely not defeating them in pitched or set battles.
As of late there have been increasing indicators that something might be brewing. Mostly pro-Russian sources have been pointing out increasing movements of Ukrainian troops, including armor, towards the front line. Now there are indications of rearmament of frontline units with upgraded tanks. There is also information of Ukrainian forces being at high readiness. There is also information that previous positions that had been abandoned as part of the separation of sides process have been re-occupied by both sides. There has also been an increase in shelling.
Танковые части ВСУ на Донбассе срочно доукомплектовывают Т-72АМТ и Т-64БВ
Танковые части ВСУ на Донбассе срочно доукомплектовывают Т-72АМТ и Т-64БВ

"Основное условие – невмешательство России". Готовится ли украинская армия наступать на Донбассе
Будет ли наступление Украины на Донбассе и какие варианты его развития
Готовность номер один
Украинские СМИ ссылаясь на ВСУ заявляют, что группировка ВСУ на Донбассе находится в готовности №1 и ждет лишь приказа на начало наступления. В тоже время, политического решения нет, так как велика вероятность, что начало украинского наступления приведет в действие войска ЮВО, что закончится…

Also US and British RC-135s were seen flying around Crimea conducting reconnaissance. In and of themselves this wouldn't be particularly noteworthy. US and other countries' recon aircraft fly-by Crimea regularly.
Воздушная разведка НАТО у берегов Крыма
12 марта 11, 12 и 14 марта самолеты НАТО вели активную разведку у побережья Крыма и Кавказа. 12 марта американский разведчик RC-135W действовал у побережья Кавказа и ушел обратно на базу вдоль крымского побережья. 11 и 14 марта через воздушное пространство Украины к побережью Крыма вылетал…

As of now its unclear what all of this entails. Prior to this escalate there was some discussion in the press of a potential new peace plan but I strongly suspect that Russia will insist on the Minsk process, especially since the process has been confirmed and re-confirmed time and again by multiple countries. We could see a major escalation but I have a hard time seeing what Ukraine would have to gain by this, unless they hope that Russia will somehow stay out of it.
In terms of overall strength its pretty clear Ukraine is far stronger then the LDNR forces combined. In their favor they have prepared defensive positions, an all volunteer force of at least theoretically professional soldiers, and a steady stream of supplies, weapons, and equipment from Russia. Ukraine however has not only a numerical advantage but at this point a technological one as well (though its not drastic, if used well it should make a difference). Ukraine has purchased and fielded Javelin ATGMs, has upgraded a portion of their tanks with new comms, thermals, and GPS navigation, has upgraded another portion with new ERA, has purchased and fielded some Bayraktar UAVs, has restocked a portion of its lost light armor vehicles, and even acquired batches of rebuilt BTR-3s and new BTR-4s. Ukrainian infantry units have drastically improved comm gear, and individual tactical gear (body armor, boots, tactical vests, etc.) On the flip side the rebel forces, while now better organized and better trained, have not received large quantities of post-Soviet era gear and equipment with the exception of some comm gear, and better individual tactical gear. Without direct Russian support it's highly likely that they will only be able to put up a fight for a limited amount of time, trading space for time, and inflict losses and disrupting the tempo of Ukrainian forces but likely not defeating them in pitched or set battles.