Report: Canada without armed forces???


Peace Enforcer
I somehow feel that the worst problem the CW is facing nowadays is Zimbabwe and by default Mugabe.
This needs to be tackeled with and pronto.His regime's policies not now but in the future will severely affect the domestic situation of Zimbabwe's neighbours,most of whom are CW members.
I find my self agreeing with joker here AD.Many CW nations don't have the kind of force structure required for an intervention in Zimbabwe at present.Exceptions being GB,Australia,SA, Pakistan and India(both of whom have eachother's fish to fry for the moment) and of the rest ,Australia and GB are frying the Iraq fish right now whereas SA will in all probability refrain from such action.

Aussie Digger

I wouldn't be so sure about that Joker. They might if the UN became rather indecisive about a bloodbath taking place. A precedent has been set and I think you'll find more "unilateral" actions taking place in future. A peace enforcement role is precisely the type of operation I envisage occurring, perhaps after the mode of East Timor? The forces required for such an operation would mostly comprise light motorised infantry, with perhaps a vanguard of more capable mechanised troops to deal with any "real" fighting. Most Commonwealth Countries possess significant amounts of these types of forces and most have significant historical ties to Zimbabwe. In addition, the UK and India have already worked together in a similar operation in Sierra Lione and I can't see any reason why either country wouldn't take part in another should the need arise. I doubt Commonwealth countries would be willing to stand by and watch another "Rwanda" take place these days. A full infantry Company from my old battalion (2/4 RAR) was ordered not to become involved in a massacre which occurred in Kibeho in 1994 when roughly 10,000 people were shot and macheted to death in a single day. That infantry company could have saved thousands of lives, but was ordered not to by "UN commanders" as they were there as a "peace-keeping force". Friends of mine have nightmares to this day about that and other similar incidents. I don't think such a thing would be allowed to happen these days. Certainly not if any Australian Commanders were in a position to do something about it, and I would guess that would go for most Commonwealth forces...