Lancaster Memorial Ceremony


New Member
Today, saturday oct. 6th 2007 an memorial ceremony was held at the Lancaster Memorial Weiswampach ( near my home)
1 Eurofighter of the RAF was present, a 2nd had to stay due to technical problems at ELLX/LUX

The pics:
The monument is placed just on the belgo-luxembourgish border. The Union Jack shows the place where 1 of the 2 Lancasters crashed.

Union Jack

1st flyby Eurofighter at 6000 feet

I thought that the EF will flyby directly from south ( ELLX) So i was on the road to the monument. A fatal error! He came directly from west. just in my direction :shudder

Very fast, very low overflight! Due to the massive vibrations my camera was not functional and i have still a big pain in my right ear!

Some pics of the Eurofighter. Sorry for the quality but my Canon had problems ( hopefully fixed now)

Some WWII cars also present

The flags

The memorial site with the chapel

The stone with the names of the killed crewmembers and the regs of the Lancasters:
