Javelin killing a T-80 (test firing)


Aussie Digger

The Javelin warhead is a 2 stage warhead designed to defeat reactive and conventional armour. No tank today can withstand one of these things...


New Member
it's a t-72 loaded with tonns of explosives and detonated before the missile actually impacts. the whole thing is just a marketing fake, tanks don't disintegrate.




New Member
Verified Defense Pro
axl said:
tanks don't disintegrate.
Well, that's a matter of what they are hit with. I suppose they do disintegrate when hit by something heavy enough e.g. a 500 kg bomb or 40cm shell.

Awang se

New Member
Verified Defense Pro
I figure when the rounds inside the T-80 carousel autoloader exlode, it will be as spectacular.


New Member
even if that would happen it would be different, only the turret might pop up. ust check the pix from the t-72 or even abrams, they are not different. but the tank will never be blown in pieces.




New Member
well it was a great video but i would like to get ur attention to these points

1. americans used pgm's and atgm's on iraqi tanks during both desert wars and still u dont find tanks blown like that they look like burned up with turrets torn apart ant not like a firecracker
2.who gave a brand new t80 for that amazing firework display <look at the condition of that tank , brand new> or it were russians trying to test their new era.
3.guys testing it hardly look professionals.
4.all the missile tests are done away from populated area i mean were u will find labs testing top defence equipment on national highways.
5.were are support,testing,optical trackers ,fire fighting equipment what if the missile exploded just after being fired ,there is no serious attention given to these moreover these lab guys leave their equipment and come out to see a 3 million dollar machine blew up.

its commonsense video says it all.