Reg Nurse Mary Hoy,PhD


Reg Nurse Mary Hoy,PhD

Reg Nurse Mary Hoy,PhD.
Department of Global Health
College of Public Health
University of new York, Syracuse

Reg Nurse Mary Hoy was born in Germany Frankfurt .After the loss of her parents she moved to New York City to stay with her late Uncle when she was 18 years, Reg Nurse Mary was commissioned through the Army ROTC in 1988 following graduation from new york.

I Mary Hoy received a direct commission in the Medical Corps in 1990 following graduation from the State University of New York, Syracuse, College of Medicine while completing a Fellowship in Vascular Surgery. I also served in the U.S. Army Reserve since 1993 and held assignments as Surgeon and Reg Nurse, 5003d US Army Hospital,812thCombat Support Hospital and Chief of Surgery of the 276th Combat Support Hospital. I commanded Detachments 1, 2 and 3 of the 310th Field Hospital and the 705th Combat Support Hospital.

Reg Nurse Mary served in the U.S. Military for 22 years now with most of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR). During her time at WRAIR, she held positions as Chief, in any kind of Surgeon Research Laboratory, Chief, Antiparasitic Drug Discovery, Chief, Department of Parasitology, and as Deputy Director (Antimalarial Drug Discovery), Division of Experimental Therapeutics. received her B.A. the University of New York, Syracuse, College of Medicine, her Ph.D. from Clemson University and completed a postdoctoral position at the University of New York, Syracuse

Also serves in several capacities for the World Health Organization Program for Tropical Diseases Research, to include Chair of the Steering Committee on Geno mics and Drug Resistance, Chair for the Compound Evaluation Network, and a coordinator for the WHO/TDR Network forTransferring Technology for Drug Screening and Immunological Studies in Tropical Parasitic Diseases. Reg Nurse Mary Hoy have Phd in Nursing Certificate,and chief Surgeon.she deal with all kind of surgery such as plastic surgery E.t.c but work with her Nursing Certificate for the United State UN Military for peace Keeping mission In Sulaymaniyah Iraq.

This is some part of Reg Nurse Mary Hoy For now and its still on
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