Australia Day 26/1/07 FA-18 flypast Port Phillip Bay Melbourne


Australia Day 26/1/07 FA-18 flypast Port Phillip Bay Melbourne

The paper said there would be a flypast in the city at 11.30am. I figured one aircraft, not worth the trip, so I headed to the bay, figuring he might do a run along the bay on the way to East Sale.

What I got was 4 F18s, running right at me, this baby actually dropped from 500ft, to 200ft, to 50ft He MUST have spotted me on the pier aiming at him, he jinked right and flew over the top of me, Climbing back to 200ft just after giving me a nice underside view. His wingman to the left. I didnt spot thge other two until they were right on me.

Thanks mate, you know who you are. I have never experienced anything like an F18 running right at me at 50ft from 3km away, all over in a few seconds!
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