Australian Army Discussions and Updates


Well-Known Member
I got Redlands point. Unfortunately, my first link seems to have confused what I was trying to say. I wasn't at all interested in the price the Brits were getting compared to the Au prices. I think that article explains that well enough. I was only including it to support AU boxer pricing as compared to Au redback pricing to make the point that boxers may be a significantly cheaper future option. Although as pointed out, hard to tell. My other reference to the brits was only insofar as they're going wheeled over tracks so they must consider the trade off worthwhile. Anyway, since this is just creating noise at this point, I'll get back in my box.
A fair question

Should Army add to vehicle numbers
Would the preference be Boxer or Redback?

Cheers S


Well-Known Member
Should Army add to vehicle numbers
Would the preference be Boxer or Redback?
can a Boxer cover all missions?
can a Redback cover all missions?
I’m guessing the Redback will be more capable especially in mobility, after all its disappointing to cater for something only to find it can’t go where you want it.

hopefully numbers of each will evolve according to their planned mission sets.


Well-Known Member
can a Boxer cover all missions?
can a Redback cover all missions?
I’m guessing the Redback will be more capable especially in mobility, after all its disappointing to cater for something only to find it can’t go where you want it.

hopefully numbers of each will evolve according to their planned mission sets.
Would mobility benefits include ferry into theatre?


Well-Known Member
Would mobility benefits include ferry into theatre?
well I can only presume that if you’re going to commit to deployment, then you have to start by taking into account the ‘ferry into theatre’ issues.
once you are there tho, after all that effort, it’d be helpful if you weren’t unnecessarily task, employment or terrain limited.


Just a bloke
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
As an ex anti armour Pl member, I know I would rather be up against a boxer.....its a huge target!
Redback IFV is massive as well…I know there is some perspective in play in the below photo, but I had a good look at the Redback and Boxer at Land Warfare Conference 2022 - neither had their intended top-mounted RWS, but they are still both huge and there wasn’t much between them to my eye… Redback was observably bigger than Lynx too, for the record…



Well-Known Member
A fair question

Should Army add to vehicle numbers
Would the preference be Boxer or Redback?

Cheers S
If lessons from Ukraine are to go by then would be Redback. Both arent too dissimilar in weight when fully loaded but difference between tracked and wheeled for similar weights tracks generally have a lower ground pressure. Only need to look at all the heavy MRAP's or even Strykers in Ukraine that have gotten bogged in the mud (Not to say doesnt happen to tracked vehicles, But wheeled seem's to get stuck a lot more easily).


Well-Known Member
If lessons from Ukraine are to go by then would be Redback. Both arent too dissimilar in weight when fully loaded but difference between tracked and wheeled for similar weights tracks generally have a lower ground pressure. Only need to look at all the heavy MRAP's or even Strykers in Ukraine that have gotten bogged in the mud (Not to say doesnt happen to tracked vehicles, But wheeled seem's to get stuck a lot more easily).
I guess in part the answer to the question is knowing what the shape of next the conflict is and what we need to deploy.
Both Boxer and Redback I'm sure are excellent vehicles, they just have different attributes.

The future shape and structure of Army will be interesting in regards to vehicle types and quantities required.

While a fair bit of mystery surrounds this space, the good news is we are currently producing both the Boxer and the Redback so certainly some growth potential there if the need and finances become available.

Fingers crossed S

old faithful

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
It looks to me that army is being transformed in two ways.
Long range strike with HIMARS, and smal groups deployable by sea.
It does not seem to be traditional type structure, where large units are deployed, ( like an infantry bn group) it looks more like infantry company groups to protect long range fires, like HIMARs and Naval strike type weapons. I am having trouble getting my head around the structure of a 30,000 plus Army with 5 infantry battalions....


Active Member
It looks to me that army is being transformed in two ways.
Long range strike with HIMARS, and smal groups deployable by sea.
It does not seem to be traditional type structure, where large units are deployed, ( like an infantry bn group) it looks more like infantry company groups to protect long range fires, like HIMARs and Naval strike type weapons. I am having trouble getting my head around the structure of a 30,000 plus Army with 5 infantry battalions....
This ASPI article provides the author’s take on multi domain combat units that include a force protection component.



Just a bloke
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
This ASPI article provides the author’s take on multi domain combat units that include a force protection component.

Sounds more like a shopping list to me, than “strategic policy”…

The author seems not to be aware either, that Army isn’t getting medium ranged air defences…


Well-Known Member
The Apaches Australia purchased from the UK have arrived in the US to be converted into trainers.
Ground training airframes only, will not be in flyable condition.


New Member
Hold that thought there is some MSM banter that the project numbers could be cut or the project cancelled completely. Budget cuts to the Defence budget are on the cards according to our brave sleepy eyed minister.
Indeed, Marcus Hellyer was on the ABC this afternoon (when I saw it) saying that Apache's should be the first thing to go, in the light of Marles' comments regarding defence programs (ie cutting them).

Can't find the link, but MH seems to have a history of articles saying the same. I don't know if he's respected or not, but definitely making noise.


Well-Known Member
Hold that thought there is some MSM banter that the project numbers could be cut or the project cancelled completely. Budget cuts to the Defence budget are on the cards according to our brave sleepy eyed minister.
The order has already gone to Boeing as part of an overall Pentagon order for 180+ aircraft, the penalties for cancellation this late would be pretty severe, a lot of items would already be ordered and being produced. I think we have already been told the cuts, reduction of the Redbacks to 129, AS9/10 to 45, Arafura's to 6, these three programs would have had major funding this FY, cutting them will save a fair bit.