Defcon 6 said:
You don't offend someone and then claim you were being reasonable. ok?
Excuse me but if you write, that all the money is in the state (true) and all this money goes to the military (not really), when you wonder what importance Taiwan has for the PRC and are simply evaluating strategic importance, when you even claim that Taiwan doesnt really produce that much, how does that sound? Well, for me it sounds exactly like your understanding of chinese politics and history really is limited. So what the heck is wrong with that? In this forum I am surely not known as being offensive to other users and I am not now.
You need to be more specific about what to talk about and what not to.
Actually you gave me the very same impression. May we review your first post in this thread? You stated some "facts" about China, you asked a specific question. You did not, however, gave any hint for what exactly you intended this thread to be about. That was actually the reason why the Webmaster asked you the respective question in this very thread.
Several users have posted in this forum that China spends 4.5% on military. More than the U.S currently does. And the thread under this one that has to do with china buying missiles and warships ect. is also relevant. So is that a solid enough base to discuss this?
Yes, it is. However there is a slight difference between relative and total numbers. The inofficial military budget of the PRC is estimated to be somewhere in the region of 100 bln US-$. Even considering PPP the USA undeniably have a considerably larger military funding in total numbers. You wonder why I brought up the US? Well, isnt it the very right of the PRC to modernise its defences? Especially considering that the overwhelming part of these forces is far from being up to date. They are even reducing their numbers in all aspects, MBT, fighters etc., in order to accomplish the objective to get a modern fighting force as desired by every country.
I think the other thread that talks about china buying weapons in mass brings up a valid point. How would a war proceed if they took Taiwan?
That depends very much on 1st: what the exact reasons for this war are, 2nd: what the reaction of the US are (see 1st) and in what manner such an operation against Taiwan would be successful. The primary objective for the PLA would be to seize Taiwan under all circumstances, if otherwise the complete independence of the island is the only possibility. Beyond that there is no sense in any chinese military operation, since it would not be in their very interest.
Turrin. China passed a bill in their government "senate" over the summer/spring that gave their military the legal right to invade Taiwan. So Therefore I have a very large base to work with. And again, I did call this a fictional scenario. But because of that legal action they took, it is based on real world facts, therefore it does satisfy the requires laid out by you. So lets talk military strategy.
Believe me, I am aware of that declaration. However you should know that this paper is very much a derelict of the past. It dates back as far as when PRC-Taiwan-relations where extremely strained (about seven years ago...chinese adminstration is quite slow sometimes). Therefore the PRC felt that their point of view needed to be implemented in means of legislation. However the bill said nothing new about PRC's course of action, it only confirmed what they where saying all the time anyways: Military action remains the very last possibility when all other ways and means of peaceful reunification efforts fail. It simply serves to increase the legal legitimation of such a course of action, thats all.
Just wanted to clarify as for your scenario: it has to take into account that exactly this will happen, so Taiwan has to declare formal independence. Under these circumstances however even the character of the US-intervention remains questionable, so direct military support most likely would not happen.