This war may not be about NATO or denazification of Ukraine to protect Russians as claimed by Putin, but a good old fashioned robbery writ large, with a side dishes of Russian imperialism, arrogance, snobbery, intense dislike, and prejudice against their Ukrainian neighbours.
First of all the situation at the moment. As can be seen on the map above, the Russians control the area in red on the bottom right. That is the Donbas basin and where most of Ukraine's heavy industry is located. The rest is on the south towards Odessa which is in the south western most part or Ukraine near the Moldovan border. I have drawn on the amp the two important points which I explain below.
What I believe the Russian plan will be, is to drive west towards the Transnistrian breakaway province of Moldova and link up with that, incorporating the whole area below the red arrow into an occupied zone. Then it will move east around the top of the black ellipse to link up with forces in the the northern points of the Donbas basin enveloping Ukrainian forces within that circle. This is a strategy which the Russians have used successfully before inflicting much pain on the German Wehrmacht in the same area by large pincer movements resulting in encirclements and subsequent squeezing of pockets before annihilation. The terrain is built for such wide sweeping actions.
If it is successful it will proceed to destroy the Ukrainian forces caught in the encirclement and then will have achieved its main object the: occupation of the Dnieper- Donbas geological basin and it's hydrocarbon deposits, which are mainly gas, trillions of cubic metres of gas. I believe that this is the main Russian plan all along and is both the political and military objective. Anything else is diversionary.
The Dnieper-Donetsk Basin is situated in north-eastern Ukraine and is the principal producer of hydrocarbons in the country. Measuring 500 by 100 km, with a depocentre >15 km, the elongate, Late Devonian rift basin is bounded by the Russian craton to the north-east and by the Precambrian Ukrainian shield to the south-west. Devonian rift sediments are overlain by a Carboniferous to Early Permian post-rift sag sequence.
Most of the hydrocarbon accumulations are found within the post-rift series and are related to salt induced traps. Source rock intervals reached maturity by the end of the Palaeozoic and basin inversion episodes are thought to be responsible for the complex charge/trap timing scenarios encountered in the basin.
This m shows the hydrocarbon resources within the country.
And this is the estimate of the gas reserves.

Both of these maps are from this blog,
Dances With Bears » THE CRIMEA EFFECT — WHOEVER CONTROLS CRIMEA CONTROLS HUGE RESERVES OF OFFSHORE GAS, BUT MAYBE THAT WON’T BE EXXONMOBIL OR NATHANIEL ROTHSCHILD ( and are from a speech given by Georhii Rudko, the chairman of the Ukrainian State Commission for Natural Resources in the Yanukovych government, in London just before Yanukovych was impeached by the Ukrainian Parliament. Of course shale as is difficult to extract, but it's still a threat to Russian domination of the European market, and since the Putin government is a kleptocracy and one could argue works similar to the infamous Russian mafia, such a forced acquisition wouldn't be above Putin and his cronies. 19 - 2- trillion cubic metres of gas is real money in anybody's language.
However the Russians have a problem and whilst on paper they may have the numbers and equipment, they are still wedded to Soviet strategies, tactics, command and control procedures. The Ukrainians aren't any longer and even though they are well versed and practised in them, they use that knowledge and expertise to their advantage. They know to let the armoured spearhead to role through and then destroy the logistics tail. No resupply of fuel, ammo or food, means the Russian armoured spearhead is more or less impotent and stranded. All they can do is fume and rage where they are. Then the Ukrainians can bypass or deal with them at their leisure. The ill-discipline of the Russian forces helps when they abandon their equipment in situ without destroying it, enabling the Ukrainians to reuse it for themselves.
The Russians don't appear to be able to make a tactical decision without having to go up the command chain, meaning they are a quite slow in reacting to a fast changing situation, whereas the Ukrainian in command on site will make a tactical decision on the spot and its done. The Ukrainians have been western trained to think for themselves and quickly, to take advantage of ever changing situations and to move quickly without waiting for orders. And it shows, especially when they are using ATGM and MANPADs.
However if the Ukrainian main forces are trapped and destroyed in the Donbas pocket then that will be a major defeat for Ukraine and something that it will find difficult to recover from. If the Russians suffer a defeat there, then it will provide a huge problem for Putin and may cause him to do something really stupid. Or it may cause him to be replaced. If the Russians do succeed in link up with Transnistria and holding the Ukrainian occupied territory, that will create a major problem for Moldova, Romania, and most likely Georgia, because Putin will want to take more bites of the European pie. He's going to do his nut about Finland and probably Sweden joining NATO, but he has no-one else to blame but himself. The fact that Switzerland has put aside it's centuries old cloak of neutrality and is providing help to Ukraine, just shows how far Putin has driven European nations to oppose him.
What happens in the next few weeks will determine the fate of millions.