Sukhoi's Su-75 project is proceeding despite the sanctions and changes. In principle Russia could get good value out of a relatively cheap single-engine fighter, and a combination of Su-57 and Su-75 to replace the massive mess of MiG-29, MiG-35, MiG-31, Su-27, Su-30M2/SM, Su-34, Su-35S with just two jets is a good idea in principle. However the very limited use the Su-57 has seen in recent conflicts, both Syria and Ukraine, raises questions about the readiness of the type for combat. Continued production of both the Su-35S and Su-34M side by side with the Su-57 also raises questions.
A rare Russian M-55 Geophysics high altitude aircraft was spotted carrying a recon pod. Allegedly this is part of a program to turn the type into a high-altitude recon aircraft, a sort of modern day U-2. However it seems like an ersatz for things like the Tu-214R and A-50U/A-100. And these pods were initially designed for the Su-34 where they properly belong. If completed this program will undoubtedly add to Russian capabilities, but it's suboptimal at best.
Russian 40N6 long range S-400 missiles have been confirmed in both combat use and front-line deployment. The missile, despite being lauded for a decade and a half, only now makes a meaningful appearance. It's a relevant and significant gain in capability and it likely represents the current war pushing Russia to get as many things to combat effectiveness as possible.
Russia is reportedly starting MiG-31K patrols over the Black Sea with the missiles gaining the ability to be reprogrammed in flight. Prior to this the type had to be programmed on the ground, and then launched. On the one hand this means you can use them against moving targets. On the other hand, what moving targets? Leaving aside the AShM role, it doesn't seem like there's much that moves worth expending an expensive and scarce hypersonic missile for. The AShM role is of course not irrelevant, especially against someone like the US.
There is information that Russia is planning to mount an under-fuselage radar on the Ka-52Ms. This is an interesting contrast to the Apache and to the Russian Mi-28NM which have it mounted above the rotor. The Ka-52 did many things differently from the Mi-28 family and I suspect this is more adaptations aimed at incorporating local knowledge and experience rather then following general trends.
Russia has taken delivery of another batch of Su-35S. Conspicuously absent are news of Su-35S deliveries to Iran which raises questions about production bottlenecks. Nonetheless production of the type is continuing for 20+ months after the war started.
Russia has taken delivery of the 3rd Il-76MD-90A this year.
Russia has also taken delivery of another batch of Su-34M. The type is significant more relevant with the advent of gliding bombs, though there are some questions about it's radar and EO systems.
Sukhoi's Su-75 project is proceeding despite the sanctions and changes. In principle Russia could get good value out of a relatively cheap single-engine fighter, and a combination of Su-57 and Su-75 to replace the massive mess of MiG-29, MiG-35, MiG-31, Su-27, Su-30M2/SM, Su-34, Su-35S with just two jets is a good idea in principle. However the very limited use the Su-57 has seen in recent conflicts, both Syria and Ukraine, raises questions about the readiness of the type for combat. Continued production of both the Su-35S and Su-34M side by side with the Su-57 also raises questions.
VK.com | VK
VK.com | VK
A rare Russian M-55 Geophysics high altitude aircraft was spotted carrying a recon pod. Allegedly this is part of a program to turn the type into a high-altitude recon aircraft, a sort of modern day U-2. However it seems like an ersatz for things like the Tu-214R and A-50U/A-100. And these pods were initially designed for the Su-34 where they properly belong. If completed this program will undoubtedly add to Russian capabilities, but it's suboptimal at best.
VK.com | VK
Russian 40N6 long range S-400 missiles have been confirmed in both combat use and front-line deployment. The missile, despite being lauded for a decade and a half, only now makes a meaningful appearance. It's a relevant and significant gain in capability and it likely represents the current war pushing Russia to get as many things to combat effectiveness as possible.
VK.com | VK
Russia is reportedly starting MiG-31K patrols over the Black Sea with the missiles gaining the ability to be reprogrammed in flight. Prior to this the type had to be programmed on the ground, and then launched. On the one hand this means you can use them against moving targets. On the other hand, what moving targets? Leaving aside the AShM role, it doesn't seem like there's much that moves worth expending an expensive and scarce hypersonic missile for. The AShM role is of course not irrelevant, especially against someone like the US.

ТАСС: ракеты «Кинжал» получат возможность менять целеуказание в воздухе (Octane)
Ракеты «Кинжал», с которыми самолёты МиГ-31К будут патрулировать акваторию Чёрного моря, получат возможность менять целеуказание во время полёта, а не с земли. Об этом информирует ТАСС со ссылкой на источник, близкий к ВКС России. Отмечается, что «Кинжалы» можно будет программировать...
There is information that Russia is planning to mount an under-fuselage radar on the Ka-52Ms. This is an interesting contrast to the Apache and to the Russian Mi-28NM which have it mounted above the rotor. The Ka-52 did many things differently from the Mi-28 family and I suspect this is more adaptations aimed at incorporating local knowledge and experience rather then following general trends.

Российский ударный вертолёт Ка-52М оснастят подфюзеляжной РЛС кругового обзора
Российский ударный вертолет Ка-52М получит возможность вести круглосуточную всепогодную разведку, а также обеспечивать целеуказание другим машинам. Как сообщил информированный источник, вертолет оснастят новой РЛС кругового обзора. Ударный Ка-52М оснастят подфюзеляжной радиолокационной станцией
Russia has taken delivery of another batch of Su-35S. Conspicuously absent are news of Su-35S deliveries to Iran which raises questions about production bottlenecks. Nonetheless production of the type is continuing for 20+ months after the war started.
ВКС России получили еще одну партию истребителей Су-35С
Как сообщило 24 октября 2023 года ПАО Объединенная авиастроительная корпорация, Комсомольский-на-Амуре авиационный завод имени Ю.А. Гагарина (КнААЗ) Объединенной авиастроительной корпорации (входит в Госкорпорацию Ростех) изготовил и передал Министерству обороны России…

Ростех передал ВКС России очередную партию новых многофункциональных истребителей Су-35С. Боевые самолеты поколения 4++ изготовлены на авиационном заводе в Комсомольске-на-Амуре. Машины прошли цикл наземных и летных испытаний в различных рабочих режимах и уже перелетели к месту несения...
Russia has taken delivery of the 3rd Il-76MD-90A this year.
ВКС России получили третий в 2023 году новый самолёт Ил-76МД-90А
Как сообщило 18 октября 2023 года ПАО Объединенная авиастроительная корпорация, в филиале ПАО Ил - Авиастар (входит в состав ПАО Объединенная авиастроительная корпорация Госкорпорации Ростех) в Ульяновске изготовлен и передан Министерству обороны…

Russia has also taken delivery of another batch of Su-34M. The type is significant more relevant with the advent of gliding bombs, though there are some questions about it's radar and EO systems.
ВКС России получили новую партию фронтовых бомбардировщиков Су-34М
ПАО Объединенная авиастроительная корпорация (ОАК, входит в состав Госкорпорации Ростех) 9 октября 2023 года сообщило, что вторая в этом году партия новых фронтовых бомбардировщиков Су-34 изготовлена на Новосибирском авиационном заводе имени В.П. Чкалова Объединенной авиастроительной…