The Bunker Group
ROKETSAN Exhibits Its Newest Systems in DIMDEX 2024 | TURDEF
ROKETSAN has brought its existing and new munitions and weapon systems to the DIMDEX 2024 exhibition.

FFBNW mentality coming from the condition of budget limitations. I put Roketsan naval Hisar and Siper news above shown why MinDef looking on Roketsan option and not just MBDA. It's all back to costs. MBDA missiles is more expensive then Roketsan ones, thus simply not affordable to go all the way on MBDA.The Navy are notorious with their FFBNW mentality. Having big magazine VLS is nice, if they are loaded. If they are empty, it's like having an army of archers with large quivers but no arrows. What's the point?
Before MinDef try to combine MBDA and Chinese suppliers, now seems they try to combine MBDA with Roketsan. In the end the basic reasoning back to the costs. With that condition, how they can expect to fill large amount of VLS ?