Question Can we remake plastic into a rocket fuel?


Have you heard about the new special type of rocket fuel that is made from plastic waste? One company uses particular kinds of plastic to remake them in rocket fuel

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
Plastics are just polymers of organic molecules derived from oil, NG or coal. No doubt methods might come about to process plastic waste into either fuels or recycled plastic. Hopefully a starter could be plastic bottles for water, the most useless unfriendly environmentally product ever.


Well-Known Member
Plastics actually have a lot of potential in a few different fields, have even tested it in a lab turning plastic waste mixed with iron oxide and aluminium oxide then microwaved into hydrogen with the remaining byproduct being carbon nanotubes.


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Unfortunately, not all kinds of plastic can be used. The following types of plastic waste can be converted into rocket fuel: Polypropylene (PP). Polyester (PE). Polystyrene (PS) and their mixtures and analogs


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The new type of rocket fuel is called alternative rocket fuel or ecosene rocket fuel. This new kind of rocket fuel has already been tested and the result of the test has shown that it`s 1% - 3% better than kerosene by its energy characteristics. But I am not sure if it`s possible to use the new rocket fuel in long space journeys.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
Plastics are just polymers of organic molecules derived from oil, NG or coal. No doubt methods might come about to process plastic waste into either fuels or recycled plastic. Hopefully a starter could be plastic bottles for water, the most useless unfriendly environmentally product ever.
Not in all countries you can directly drink from the tap.
Specially in hot countries you can not drink from the tap, but because you need to drink all the time, you are forced to buy water in plastic bottles.


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Water bottles should be reusable not throw aways.
Yeah, the usage of this rocket fuel would be great for our environment. We have tons of plastic waste all around the globe and most of this plastic waste could be used with purpose
The Scottish company Skyrora is experimenting with using plastics to create a cleaner rocket fuel generating less pollution. If anyone in the UK and US sees piles of disposed plastic, they can lend them to Skyrora so that it forms a joint venture with US firms to convert disposed plastics into rocket fuel to be used on a future SLV, including Skyrora's own in-development Skyrora XL rocket.
