52B vs. Delhi?


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Guys, need you opinion.
Which is better 52B or Delhi?
They both look pretty much the same in role and weapons carried.


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Since, "what is best" type of threads are not allowed.

Can you tell us what do you know about these two ships? What is your opinion on them? How is one better than the other, what features does one have the other doesn,t? You know, things like that to start off the thread in a more professional and mature manner.

Thanks, Enjoy!


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AAW: pretty even as far as medium range missilery and AAW sensor fit are concerned. Delhi's have 2 more Orekh fire control radars which should give them a bit of an advantage in some scenarios. For close in work, against close, although the combination 2xAK630 plus 2x16 Barak may be superior to 2 Type 730 gun CIWS (although these guns are obviously superior to AK 630s).

AShW: 16 uran vice 16 C802, both have a single 100mm. Delhi's could possibly fire AShW torpedos from their quintuple 533mm tubes, 052B does not have similar capability given its lightweight torpodo tubes. Sensor fit: pretty even.

ASW: IMHO Delhi's have superior sensor fit plus the benefit of 2 helicopters versus the single helicopter of the 052B. Not sure whether 533mm heavy ASW torpedos of Delhi offer advantages over lightweight ASW torpedos of 052B. Delhi's 2 RBU 6000 seem a better close in ASW weapon than the Chinese ASW rocket launchers, but I don't know much specifics of the latter so that's just a gut feeling.

Hull: overall I thinks the 052B is a more modern platform, with lower RCS probably than Delhi

Machinery: entirely combarable. Delhi is all GTU and may be quieter are a result, which may be an advantages in ASW operations.

Just my 2c :coffee


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Delhi can carry SeaKing which can carry Sea eagle Anti-Ship missile of range 110km.

tatra why do u think Ak-630 is inferior to type 730


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Verified Defense Pro
ajay_ijn said:
Delhi can carry SeaKing which can carry Sea eagle Anti-Ship missile of range 110km.

tatra why do u think Ak-630 is inferior to type 730
Firstly, I think the ammo of Type 730 is similar to 30x173 Oerlikon KCA / GAU-8/A ammo, which is superior to the Russian 30x165 all-purpose case, used in naval, aircraft, army weapons. (comparison image: http://www.quarry.nildram.co.uk/30-2.jpg)

30 x 165 ; 40.0 ; SU ; HE/390 ; 860-960 ; 1970s GSh-30, -301, -6-30: 2A42, 2A72, 2A38M
30 x 173 ; 44.0 ; CH/USA ; HE/360 ; 1,080 ; 1960s (steel) Oe KCA; (alloy) GAU-8/A a/c / CIWS, MK 30, Bushmaster AFV

(source: http://www.quarry.nildram.co.uk/ammotable4.htm )

Secondly, the Type 730 has radar and elop fire control integrated into the mount and may well be closed loop, whereas AK630 is not closed loop and uses external fire control devices (radar, TV, and optical directors). Don't know how the combination found on Delhi (Ak 630 / Elta firecontrol radar / Barak) holds up in this respect but gun/missile combinations offer some flexibilities and effectivenss than gun only or missile only systems don't.


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tatra said:
AAW: pretty even as far as medium range missilery and AAW sensor fit are concerned. Delhi's have 2 more Orekh fire control radars which should give them a bit of an advantage in some scenarios. For close in work, against close, although the combination 2xAK630 plus 2x16 Barak may be superior to 2 Type 730 gun CIWS (although these guns are obviously superior to AK 630s).

AShW: 16 uran vice 16 C802, both have a single 100mm. Delhi's could possibly fire AShW torpedos from their quintuple 533mm tubes, 052B does not have similar capability given its lightweight torpodo tubes. Sensor fit: pretty even.

ASW: IMHO Delhi's have superior sensor fit plus the benefit of 2 helicopters versus the single helicopter of the 052B. Not sure whether 533mm heavy ASW torpedos of Delhi offer advantages over lightweight ASW torpedos of 052B. Delhi's 2 RBU 6000 seem a better close in ASW weapon than the Chinese ASW rocket launchers, but I don't know much specifics of the latter so that's just a gut feeling.

Hull: overall I thinks the 052B is a more modern platform, with lower RCS probably than Delhi

Machinery: entirely combarable. Delhi is all GTU and may be quieter are a result, which may be an advantages in ASW operations.

Just my 2c :coffee
For AAW I think 52B wins it, it has SA-N-12 Grizzly with has a range of 35 km against 38km against aircraft and 20km against anti-ship cruise missile. While the Delhi has the SA-N-7 Gadfly with max range at 25km. However Navel Tech stated that the Gadfly will be replaced by the Trishul which has a range of 500m to 9km (any reasons for this?). 52B wins this one.

AshW 52B carries 16 YJ-83 (C-803) with has a max range of 150 km at Mach 1.5. the Delhi carries 16 SS-N-25 which has a range of 130 km at 300 meters per second.The Delhi carries two Sea King Mk.42B which can fire Sea Eagles at Mach 1.1+ with a 110 km range. Their single barrel guns seems equal with the Delhi one being able to fire at 30-50 rounds per min. and the 52B gun firing at 90 rounds per min. I think the 52B's wins this one.

For anti-missile the 52B carries 2 Type 730 CIWS with a max firing rate of ,600~5,800 rounds/min. while the Delhi is armed with four AK-630 with a firing rate of 5500 to 6000 rounds per minute out to about 2.5 to 5 km. The Delhi CIWS are going to be replace by the Barak point air defence missile system which has a range of 500m to 10km. Delhi wins this.

For ASW 52B's are fitted with 6 Yu-7 (Mk-46 Mod 1), two Type 75 twelve-barrel 240mm antisubmarine rocket launchers, four MRLs, and one KA-28. The Delhi's are fitted with 5 SET-65E, two RBU-6000, and two Sea King Mk.42B. Delhi wins this.

I don't know for surface strike and AAW the 52B's seems to have the better hand however for ASW and defence the Delhi is better. They both designs came out of the Sovremenny Class...

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Verified Defense Pro
armage said:
However Navel Tech stated that the Gadfly will be replaced by the Trishul which has a range of 500m to 9km (any reasons for this?).

I don't know for surface strike and AAW the 52B's seems to have the better hand however for ASW and defence the Delhi is better. They both designs came out of the Sovremenny Class...
Obviously Naval Technology is WRONG! This would be silly to do.

All Delhi class by now have 2x16 Barak and 2 new Elta firecontrol radars installed, replacing 2 (of 4) Ak 630 and 2 MR-123 Bass Tilt firecontrol radars.

Role difference is obvious: Delhi was designed as carrier escort, 52B probably not. As for the SAMs, true but this difference is obviously due to the age difference of both designs/vessels. A MLU would fix that. The P15A is to get the VL version of Shtil. Still, which will do better: older missile with 6 FC channels (Delhi) or newer missile with 4 FC channels (052B).

Bharat Rakshak has an interesting comparison between Delhi and Sovremenny that comes out pretty much the same as your comparison of 052B and Delhi.