List of International commando elites

The Watcher

New Member
long ass list:


Commando Brigade
Naval Commandos
Reparti Eleminimit dhe Neutralizimit te Elementit te Armatosur (RENEA/88) (CT)
Reparti I Operacioneve Speciale (ROS) (CT)

IVta Brigada Paracaidista
Compania de Comandos 601 (Ca Cdo(s) 601/CC601) (Army SF/Commando unit)

Infanteria de Marina (Argentine Marine Corps)
Agrupacion de Comandos Anfibios (Marine SF/Recon unit)

Agrupacion de Buzos Tacticos (Navy combat diver unit)
Escuadron de Apoyo Comando (EAC-AF special ops unit)
Brigada Especial Operativa Halcon (BEOH)/Grupo Halcon (Falcon Special Operations Brigade/Falcon Group) - “Brigada Halcon†- Buenos Aires Police CT/SWAT unit.
Grupo Especial de Operaciones Federales (GEOF - Federal Police SWAT unit) Grupo de Respuesta Imediate de Alto

Jagdkommando (Rangers)
Gebirgsjaegerbattalions (Mountain Warfare units)
Gendarmerie Einsatz Kommando (GEK - "COBRA" - CT)

Special Operations Command (SOCOMD)
Special Air Service Regiment (SASR)
-Base Squadron
-Anti Terrorism Cell
-Training and Operational Support Squadron
-Instruction Wing
-Wings : Medical, Transport, Material, Supply
1, 2, 3 “Sabre†Squadrons
“A Troop†- HALO Troop
“B Troop†- Boat Troop
“C Troop†- Mobility Troop
Counter Terrorism and Special Recovery (CTSR) Teams -TAG (West)
152 Signal Squadron
4th Battalion (Commando) Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) (4RAR Cdo)
-A (Reserve), B, C and D Companies
-Tactical Assault Group, East (composed of personnel for 4RAR and RAN personnel)
- Aviation Platoon from “B†Squadron, 5th Aviation Regiment
Special Operations Combat Service Support Company (SOCSSC)
Army Reserve 1st Commando Regiment (1st Cdo Regt)
-HQ Company
-Signal Troop
-Maintenance Troop
-Training Troop
-Base Operation Section
-Base Radio Section
-1 Cdo Coy, 2 Cdo Coy
-126th Signal Squadron
Swan Island Special Warfare Detachment
Incident Response Regiment (IRR)
* Navy Clearance Diving Branch
CDT1, CDT4 and Reserve Diving Teams CDTs

Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) Covert Action Directorate - (Aussie version of the CIA's SAD)

RAAF Airfield Defense Guards (Counter SOF unit)

Regional Force Surveillance Units (RFSU):
-51 Far North Queensland Regiment (51 FNQR)
-Pilbara Regiment (Pilbara Reg.)
-North West Mobile Force (NORFORCE)
3RAR (Para)
- Recon Platoon


1st Para-Commando Battalion

5th Spetsnaz brigade

Para-Commando Brigade:
-1Para Battalion
-2Cdo Battalion
-3Para Battalion
-Special Forces group
-Eskadron Der Gidsen (recce)
(The ESR and Pathfinders are now consolidaed in one company of the 3 Regiment de Lanciers Parachutiste)
Escadron Special d'Intervention (ESI/CT unit)

Special Forces Training Centre
Balattion de Infanteria de Marina “Almirante Granâ€

Força de Ação Rápida-FAR
Brigada de Infantaria Pára-quedista (Parachute Infantry Brigade)Companhia de Precursorers Para-Quedista (CIA PREC - Parachute Pathfinder Company)
12ª Brigada de Infantaria Leve (Aeromovel)(12th Light Infantry Brigade-Airmobile)

1º Batalhão de Forças Especiais (1° BFEsp - 1st Special Forces Battalion - Its now a Brigade Sized Unit with 2 SF companies, a Commando Co, a PSYOPS unit and support unit.
- Counter Terrorism Detachment

11o Batalhao de Infantaria de Montanha

Grupo de Mergulhadores de Combate-GRUMEC (Combat Divers Group)
Grupo Especial de Retomada e Resgate do Mergulhadores de Combate (GERR/MEC - Combat Divers Retake and Rescue Special Group) - GRUMEC’s MCT team
Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais (CFN)-(Naval Rifle Corps-Marines)
Comandos Anfibios-COMANFI (Amphibious Commandos)
Grupo Especial de Resgate (GER) - Special Rescue Group

Esquadrão Aeroterrestre de Salvamento “PARA-SAR†- (Parachute Search and Rescue)

Mountain warfare Unit

Special Combat Squadron

Charlie Company (Para), 3rd Bn., Royal Canadian Regiment (RCR)
Charlie Company (Para), 3rd Bn. Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI)
Charlie Company (Para), 3rd Bn. Royal Vingt Deuxieme Regiment
Joint Task Force Two (JTF-2/CT)

6th Special Warfare Group
8th Special Warfare Group
12th Special Warfare SF Detachment
Naval Infantry Force

Special Forces Brigade
Escuela de Paracaidistas y Fuerzas Especiales (School of S.F.)
-Special Forces Battalion
-Parachute Battalion

1st , 2nd Comando Regiments

6th Comando Regiment (desert ops)
-Parachute Battalion

Yungay (Mountain Infantry Unit) Nº 3
Talca (Mountain Infantry Unit) Nº 16
Los Angeles (Mountain Infantry Unit) Nº 17
Guardia Vieja (Mountain Infantry Unit) Nº 18

Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina (Chilean Marine Corps)
Agrupación de Comandos Infantería de Marina Nº 51 (Marines SOF unit)

Comando de Buzos Tacticos de la Armada (Navy SF commandoes)

Escuadrilla de Paracaidistas de la Frueza Aerea de Chile (FACh) “Bionas Azules†(AF "Blue Beret" Pachute Bn.)

Grupo de Fuerzas Especiales (Air Force SF/Commando unit)
Paracaidistas de Busqueda, Salvamento y Rescate (PARASAR - Air Force SAR unit)
Agrupación Antisecuestros Aéreos de la FACh- (ASA - Air Force anti-hijack unit)

Unidad Anti-Terroristes (UAT) of the National Police Force “Cobraâ€
Grupo de Operaciones de Policia Especiales (GOPE) of the Carabineros

Fuerza de Despliegue Rápido (FUDRA)
Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales (Special Forces Brigade)
Lanceros (Colombian Army "Rangers")

“Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales de Lucha Contra el Narcotraficoâ€/ Brigada Contra el Narcotrafico
- Batallón Contra el Narcotráfico N° 1
- Batallones Especiales Anti-Narcóticos (Special Anti-Narcotics Battalions)?

Agrupación de Fuerzas Especiales Antiterroristas Urbanas (AFEUR) (Urban Antiterrorist Special Forces Group)
Companias Contra Guerrillos Urbanos (CCGU - Urban Counter Guerilla Companies)
GAES (Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping Groups of the Colombian Army)
Cuerpo de Infanteria de Marine (Naval Infantry Corps)
Grupo Operational Contra Extorsion y Secuestros (GOES) (Counter Extortion and Kidnapping Group)
Unidad Nacional Anti Secuestro y Extorsión (UNASE - National Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping Unit)

Grupo de Comandos Anfibios (GCA - SEAL type unit)
Grupo Anti-Secuestro de Aviones (GASDA - (Aircraft Anti-Hijacking Group) (part of Colombian Air Force)

Unidad de Intervencio Especial (UIE) (CT)

Specijalna Policija

Comando de Missiones Especiales (CME)

Greek Cypriot Commandos (LRRP type unit)
Greeh Cypriot OYK (Marine Commandos - SEAL type unit)

601. Skupina Specialnich sily (601.SSS - formally - Speciální Brigáda – “Generála Moravce†6/6th Special Brigade - around 500 members - LRRP type unit) located in Prostejov
Speciální jednotka vojenské policie SOG (Military police SOG - small unit-around 60 members) - like DELTA
102.Průzkumny Prapor - reconnaissance batalion - around 450 members
71 Vysadkovy Prapor - airborne - around 500 members - like 82nd Airborne

Útvar Rychlého Nasazení (URNa - National Police CT unit - around 110 members)

Jaegerkorpset. (SAS type unit)
Froemanskorpset (Frogman Corps – SEAL type unit)
Saerlige Efterretning Patruljer (SEP) (Spec. Intel. Patrols)
Patruljekompagni / Hærens Operative Kommando. (A Home Guard LRRP unit)
Patruljekompagniet/Danske Division
Siriuspatruljen (Sirius Patrol)

Comando Especial Antiterrorista (Army CT unit)
Comandos Anfibios (NavyCombat divers tasked with, among other things, counter-narcotics and hostage-rescue operations

Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales N.- 9 “Patriaâ€
Grupo Especial de Operaciones (GEO/ CT)
Puma Unit (Army SF)
Grupo de Intervencion y Rescate (GIR -Intervention and Rescue Group)
Cuerpo de Infanteria de Marine

Unit 777/`Sa’aga “Thunderbolt Forceâ€
UDT/SEAL-type unit (designation unknown)
`Special Operations Troops' of the Central Security Forces (a branch of the Ministry of the Interior) (VIP protection, SWAT-type etc)
Amphibious Brigade

Comando de Fuerzas Especiales (CFE)
Grupo de Operaciones Especiales (GOE)
- Patrullas de Reconocimiento de Alcance Largo (PRAL - LRRPs)
-Hacha “Hatchet†(SAS type direct action unit)
Comando Especial Antiterrorista (CEAT - “Special Anti-Terrorist Commandâ€)
Battelion de Infateria de Marina
Compania de Comandos Marina (Marine Commando Company)
Batallon de Paracaidistas ( BAPAC - Parachute Battalion)
Grupo de Respuesta Policial (GRP - Police Response Group)

Special Operations Group (SOG)

Army First Meridian Squadron (CI) unit

Laskuvarjojaakarikoulu (Airborne Ranger school)
Laivaston Erikoistoimintayksikko (Navy Special operation unit)
1.Rannikkojaakarikomppania (1st Marine commando company)
Sissikomppaniat (Ranger/Guerilla warfare companies)
Osasto Karhu “Bear Unit†of the Helsinki Police Department (CT)

Commandement des Operations Speciales (Special Operations Command)

Brigade des Forces Speciales Terre (BFST)
-1er Regiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (1er RPI Ma) (Para-Commandoes - nearest French equivalent to SAS/SF)
Détachement Aviation Légère de l’Armée deTterre (ALAT) des Opérations Spéciales (DAOS - Army Light Aviation Special Operations Det) - 1st Escadrille des Operations Speciales , 2nd Escadrille des Operations Speciales
-13eme Regiment Dragoons de Parachutiste (LRRPs)

Force Maritime des Fusiliers Marins Commandos (FORFUSCO)
* Commando de Penfentenyo
* Commando de Montfort
* Commando Jaubert (Assault - includes the "Escouade de Combat en Milieu Clos/ECMC - former Goupement de Combat en Milieu Clos/GCMC- 17 man maritime CT team)
* Commando Trepel

* Commando d'Action Sous-Marine (CASM) Hubert
1st Company
A section - HQ
B section - Maritime Counter-Terrorism (MCT)
C section - Swimmer Deliver Vehicle unit
D section - beach recon/naval commando/HALO/HAHO
E section - Boat support unit
2nd Company -Support, Communications, maintenance

Division des Operations Speciales (DOS) (French Air Force special ops aviation unit)
l'Escadrille des helicopters Speciaux (Special Helicopter Squadron) is controlled by DOS
Commando Parachutiste de l'Air 10 (CPA 10 -CCT, TACP, Airfield Seizure)

Commando Parachutiste de l'Air 20 (CPA 20 - Mesures Actives de Sûreté Aerienne -MASA/Aaviation security)
Groupe de Récupération au Sol (GRS) (Search and Recovery Group)
Commando Parachutiste de l'Air 30 (RESCO - Frecn Air Force CSAR security unit)
Sauveteur-Plongeur RESCO (French Air Force CSAR Rescue-Divers)

*11eme Brigade Parachutiste (11th Parachute Brigade)
-2e Regiment Etranger Parachutiste (2e REP)
-1er Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutistes (1e RCP)
-3e Regiment Parachutiste d’Infanterie de Marine (3e RPIMa)
-8e Regiment Parachutiste d’Infanterie de Marine(8e RPIMa)
-35e Regiment d’Artillerie Parachutiste (35e RAP)
-1e Regiment de Hussards Parachutiste (1e RHP)
-17e Regiment du Genie Parachutiste (17e RGP)
*Section Nautique d’Intervention Offensive (SNIO)
1er Regiment de Transmissions Parachutiste (RTP)
4e Battery, 57th Regiment d’Artillerie (4e Bat/57 RA)
11e Compagnie de Commandement et de Transmissions Parachutiste (11e CCTP)
-Groupement de Commandos Parachutistes (GCP) (Formally CRAP- Commandos de Recherche et d'Action en Profondeur)

Brigade de Renseignement
*2e Regiment de Hussards

27e Brigade d'Infanterie de Montagne
*URH-27 (Unite' de Recherche Humaine)

9e Brigade Legere Blindee d'Infanterie de Marine
*Detachement d'Intervention Operationelle (DIO)

Foreign Legion (regiments are integrated within different brigades):
* 1er Regiment Etranger
* 2er Regiment d'Infanterie
* 3e Regiment d'Infanterie
* 4e Regiment Etranger
* 1er Regiment Etranger De Cavalerie (1e REC)
* 2er Regiment Etranger de Parachutiste (2er REP) (Also a part of 11e BP):
- 1ere CIE (Co) - specialists on night combat, anti-armor and at combat in built up areas.
- 2eme CIE - specialists at mountain warfare.
- 3eme CIE - specialists at amphibious warfare.
- 4eme CIE - specialists at demolition/sabotage, sniping.
- 5eme CIE - Maintenance of equipment
- CEA - Maintenance and recon company, (GCP- Groupment de Commandos Parachutiste, two platoons of MILAN anti-tank missiles, one anti-aircraft artillery platoon, and a mechanized reconnaissance platoon.)
* 5e Regiment Mixte du Pacifique
* Detachment Legion Etranger de Mayotte
* 13 Demi-Brigade Legion Etrangere
*1er Regiment Etranger de Genie (REG)
- DINOPS (Detachement d'Intervention Operationelle Subaquqtique) (parachute and combat diver trained engineers)
* 2e REG

Groupe Plongeurs-Demineurs (GPD -French Navy EOD)

Groupement de Sécurité et d'Intervention Gendarmerie Nationale (GSIGN)
*Groupe de Sécurité de la Présidence de la République (GSPR)
*Groupe d'Intervention Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN- counter-terrorism)
*Escadron Parachutiste d'Intervention Gendarmerie Nationale (EPIGN-counter-terrorism/VIP escort/Special Ops)

Recherche, Assistance, Intervention, et Dissuasion “Black Panthers†(RAID- National Police CT unit)
Groupe d'Intervention Police Nationale (GIPN- National Police SWAT units)

Groupe Aerien Mixte 56 (GAM56 - DGSE special ops aviation unit)

Fallschirmjaeger (Parachutists)
Gebirgsjaeger (Mountain Warfare troops)
Kommando Spezialkraefte (KSK)
- Kampfschwimmer Kompanie (KSK)
- Minentaucherkompanie (MiTaKp - Mine Clearance Company)

Grenzschutzgruppe 9 [GSG 9, Counter-Terrorists]
Spezialeinsatzkommando (SEK - German State Police SWAT units)
ZentralUnterstutzungseinheit Zoll (ZUZ - Customs Central Operation Support Group)

Eidiko Tmima Alexiptotiston (ETA “Special Parachute Unit - Greek Army LRRP type unit)

1st Sintagma Katadromon (1st Commando Regiment)
- B, D, E Commando Squadrons
2nd Sintagma Alexiptotiston (2nd Parahute Regiment)
-1st Parachute Squadron
-2nd parachute Squadron
13th Sintagma Amfivion Katadromon (13th Amphibious Commando Regiment)
- A,C Amphibious Commando Squadrons
32nd Taxiarhia Bezonafton (32nd Marine Brigade)

Monada Ypovrixion Kastrofon (MYK - “Underwater Destruction Unitâ€) now DYK
Dimoria Eidikon Apostolon (DEA - Special Mission Platoon) of the Athens City Police (CT)

Eidikes Katastaltikes Antitromokratikes Monades (EKAM - Police CT unit)

Special Operations Squadron “Achiles†- AF CSAR unit.

Agrupacion Kaibil
Agrupacion Tactica de Seguridad (ATS)
Infanteria de Marina

2nd Airborne Infantry Battalion
Special Forces Battalion
Commando de Operaciones (COE) of the Honduras Army SF Command (CT)

Police Special Duties Unit (SDU) of the Hong Kong Police

Para Commando Battalions (1st, 9th, 10th, 21st Special Forces Battalions)
Marine Commando Force (MCF)
- Quick Reaction Section (QRS- Maritime CT)
National Security Guards "Black Cats"
-Special Action Group (SAG- military personnel assigned to assault squadrons)
-Special Rangers Group (SRG-paramilitary & police personnel who form the perimeter security unit)
Special Frontier Force
Special Services Group of the Special Frontier Force
Special Security Group (Indian Secret Service)
Special Security Bureau (SSB)(2 - battalions)
Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)

JALA MENKARA (Marine Corps)
Gegana (SWAT type under police command)
Special Warfare Command
Satgas Gegania (Counter-Terrorist Task Force of the Indonesian National Police)
Satgas Atbhara (Counter-Terrorist Task Force of the Indonesian Air Force)
Kommando Pasukan Khusus (KOPASSUS) - Army Special Forces
- Detachment 81 (Army Special Forces CT unit)
Kesatuan Gurita of the Indonesian Navy (SEAL type unit)
Taifib (Amphibious recon)
Komando Pasukan Katak (KOPASKA)
Resimen Pelopor Brigade Mobil (BRIMOP)

23rd Special Forces Brigade

Irish Army Ranger Wing (ARW)
Garda (police) Emergency Response Unit

T'zanhanim (Parachute) Brigade
Golani Brigade
Sayeret Golany (PALSAR 95), based in the Shrga army base.
Sayeret Givaty (PALSAR 8234), based in Mishmar HaNegev army base.
Sayeret NAHAL (PALSAR 374), based in the Beit Lead army base.
Sayeret T'zanhanim (PALSAR 5173), based in the Beit Lead army base.
Unit Rotem (LRRP unit stationed along Israeli/Egyptian border)
Sayaret Mat'kal [attached to General Staff] (counter-terrorism & intelligence)
Sayeret Duvdevan (occupied territories undercover unit)

Unit 5101 (Israeli Air Force special missions unit)
Unit 669 (Israeli Air Force CSAR unit)
Unit 5707 (Israeli Air Force TACP unit)

Sayeret Maglan/Unit 212 (Long range missiles warfare unit - attached to Armor)
Palsar 500 (aka Sayeret Sherion, attached to Armor)
Palsar 7 (aka Sayeret Sherion, attached to Armor)
Sayeret Egoz/Unit 621 - (Counter geurilla ops, attached to Golani brigade (Infantry)
Sayeret Yael (Combat Engineers SF demo unit)
Sayeret Yechida Lesiluk Pt'zat'zot (YACHSAP - Combat Engineers EOD unit)
Moran (Artillery Corps)
Meitar (Artillery Corps)
Special Command Teams (IDF Operational Command’s LRRP units)
Shayetet 13(Naval Commandoes)
LOTAR Eilat/Unit 7707 (CT unit based in Eilat, Israel)
Force 100 (MP SERT unit)
Unit Alpinistim (Alpine/extreme weather unit)
Unit Oket'z/ Unit 7142 (SF K-9 unit)
Unit Yechidat Modiyin Matara/Unit Nit'zan (Unit 636) (YACHMAM - Target Intelligence Unit )

Field Intelligence Corps:
-Unit T'ZASAM/Unit 869 (Field Intelligence Corps)

-Unit Gideonim/Unit 33 (National Police undercover unit)
-Unit YAMAM (Border Guard’s CT/hostage rescue unit)
-Unit YAMAS (Border Guard’s undercover unit)
-Modiyin T'azpiyot Yerut VeLohama Needed (MATILAN - Intelligence Observations Interception and Mobile - Warfare Unit/ Border Guard’s counter infiltration unit)

Brigata Paracadutisti "Folgore"
- Reggimrnto Tuscania (Carabinieri Parachute Regiment)

Coordinamento Forze per Operazioni Speciali (COFOS)
9° Regimmento d’' Assalto Incursori Paracadutisti “Col Moschinâ€
-Compagnia LRRP
-Battaglione Alpini Paracadutisti “Monte Cervinoâ€

185° Reggimento Acquisizione Obiettivi (185° RAO)
13 (GRACO) - disbanded

Comando Truppe Alpine
-Brigate Alpine “ Tourineseâ€
-Brigate Alpine “Juliaâ€
-Brigate Alpine “Tridentaâ€

Reggimento Lagunari “Serenissima†(Army amphibious troops)
- Plotone Esploratore Anfibio (Amphibious Exploration/Reconnaissance Platoon)

Reggimento San Marco (Italian Marines)
- Reparto Comando
- Battaglione Assalto “Grado†(Assault Battalion “Gradoâ€)
- Compagnia Operazioni Navali (Naval Operations Company)
- Compagnia Operazioni Speciali (COS - Special Operations Company) former Recon/DOA (Demolitori Ostacoli Antisbarco) (obstacle clearance divers)

15° Stormo
-82nd Centro SAR
-83rd Centro SAR
-84th Centro SAR
- Aerosoccorritori (Italian Air Force’s CSAR specialists - equivalent of USAF PJs)

Raggruppamento Subacquei ed Incursori “Teseo Tesei†(COM.SUB.IN - Italian Navy combat diver/Special Ops unit)
-GOI (Gruppo Operativo Incursori)
-GOS (Gruppo Operativo Subacquei)
-GNS (Gruppo Navale Speciale)

Nucleo Operativo Centrale di Sicurezza (NOCS - National Police CT unit)
Gruppo Operativo Speciale (GOS - National Police SWAT unit)
Gruppo di Interventio Speciale (GIS) (Carabinieri CT unit)
AntiTerrorismo Pronto Impiego (ATPI - Anti-terrorism Quick Intervention) (Finance Guard CT unit)

1st Airborne Brigade
- “Guide Unit†(1st Airborne Bde’s NEO unit)
Western Army Infantry Regiment (GSDF counter SOF unit)
- Ranger Platoon (infantry regiment recon unit)
“S†GSDF CT/Special Ops unit
Special Guard Force - (SGF, MSDF/ Navy special ops unit)
Special Security Team (SST, Japanese Maritime Safety Agency’s -- Coast Guard-- maritime CT unit)
Special Assault Team (SAT, National Police Agency’s CT unit)

Royal Jordanian Special Operation Command (RJSOC)
Special Forces Brigade
-Special Operations Unit 71 (SOU 71)
-81st Ranger Battalion
-91st Airborne Orientation Battalion
-101st Special Forces Battalion
Royal Jordanian Special Operations Aviation Squadron
-Fixed Wing Element
-Helicopter Element (Puma, UH-1, AH-1 Cobras)
-Special Forces Element
Royal Jordanian Navy Frogman Team
Royal Jordanian Navy Special Boat Unit

General Service Unit (GSU) of the Kenya Police

Specialo Uzdevumu Vieniba (SUV) (SF- green beret )
Izlukdesanta Bataljons (IDB) “Lynx Battalion†(Airborne/Parachute Reconnaissance Battalion)
VAP (Latvian Secret Service)
-Special Intervention Group (SIG-SF/CT unit)
-Escort Unit (Body Guards)

Maokataha of the Lebanese Army

ARAS (police CT/SWAT unit)
Gelezinis Vilkas “Iron Wolves†(an Airborne Brigade)

Grup Gerak Khas (GGK - Special Service Group)
-21st Commando Regiment
-22nd Commando Regiment
-11th Special Forces Regiment
Pasukan Khas Laut (Paskal - Special Naval Force)
Pasukan Gerakan Khas (PGK) (Police special ops unit)
Regimen TUDM
- Handau (ABGD)
- CART (Combat Air Rescue Team)

Brigada de Fusileros Paracaidistas
- Precursor de asalto aéreo ( Pathfinder Platoons)
Cuerpo de Fuerzas Especiales
- Grupos Aeromóviles de Fuerzas Specials (GAFE)
Escuela de Fuerzas Especiales
Grupos Anfibios de Fuerzas Specials (GANFE)
Patrullas Operaciones Especiales (POE)
“Agujas Negras†(Black Needles)
“Boinas Verdes†(Green Berets)
Air Force Special Ops unit (UH-60)

Infantería de Marina Mexicano
Fuerzas Anfibias
Fuerza Reacción Anfibia

Grupo Antiterrorista (GAT - Police CT unit)
Grupo Especial de Reaccion e Intervencion (GERI- Special Reaction and Intervention Group).

Gruppe Intervention Gendarme Nationale (GIGN - CT)

11th Luchtmobiele Brigade
Korps Commando Troepen (KCT)
- 104th, 105th, 108th SOC
Koninklijke Nederlandse Corps Mariners (KMARNS) (Royal Netherlands Marine Corps - RNLMC)
Lange Afstand Verkenningscompagnie (LAVERCIE)
- Mountain Leader-Verkenningspeloton (MLVerkPel - Mountian Leaders†Reconnaissance Platoon)
- 7NL Special Boat Squadron (Amfibisch Verkenningspeloton/AmfVerkPel - Amphibian Reconnaissance Platoon)
Bijzondere Bijstands Eenheid (BBE - CT)
BSB (Brigade Speciale Beveilingsopdrachten)

1 New Zealand SAS
Navy Operational Diving Team (ODT)
Armed Offenders Squad (AOS)
New Zealand Police Special Tactics Group (STG)
Specialist Search Group (SSG)
Diplomatic Protection Squad

22x Commando Brigades

Special Operations Forces:
-Marinejegerkommandoen - Naval special forces unit. Based in Ramsund, N.Norway
-Spesialjeger/FSK - Army special forces and counterterror unit. Based in Rena, E.Norway
-(HV-016 - National Guard special unit. Regionally based)

-FIST/H (Forsvarets Innsatsstyrke/Hær
-FJ/Fallskjermjegertroppen(Airborne Pathfinders unit)

-Beredskapstroppen, or Delta - Police counterterror unit. AFAIK has detachments in major cities (Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Stavanger)

Sultan's Special Force
Combat swimmer unit

Special Services Group (SSG)
- Musa Company (CT)
Naval Special Service Group (SSGN)

Special Forces Unit

Dirección Nacional Contra el Terrorismo
Division de Fuerzas Especiales (DIFE) del Ejército - (Army Special Forces Division)
Batallón de Comandos “Comandante Espinar†Nº 19
- “Delta Companyâ€
Fuerza de Operaciones Especiales (FOES - SEAL type unit)
-GOE Norte, GOE Centro, GOE Nororiente
- Salvage unit
Grupo de Fuerzas Especiales (GRUFE Peruvian AF special ops unit)

Fuerza de Infantería de la Marina de Guerra del Perú (FUINMAR - Peruvian Marine Corps)
*Primera Brigada (Anfibia) (5 Battalions)
- Batallón de Infantería de la Marina “Guarnición de Marina†Nº 1
- Batallón de Infantería de la Marina “Guardia Chalaca†Nº 2
- Batallón de Infantería de Marina “Vencedores de Punta Palpelo†Nº 3
- Compañía de Reconocimiento Anfibio
Agrupamiento de Comandos
- Compañía de Comandos Anfibios (CAM) - “Comando Anfibiosâ€/ CONAF (40 - man unit) (Buzos de Combate)
- Unidad Especial de Combate (UEC - 25 man unit)

Philippine Army Special Operations Command (PASOCOM)
- Alpha Two Zero (A-20, CT)
- First Scout Ranger Regiment (FSRR - LRRPs) (3 - battalions)
- Special Forces Regiment (SFR) (7 - battalions)
1st Special Forces (Riverine) Battalion
5th Special Forces Company
-Psychological Operations (Psyops) Group

710th Special Operations Wing (SPOW - ABD, FAC/TACP, EOD, K-9)
-720th Special Operations Group - (Explosive and Ordnance Squadron , & K-9 Squadron)
-740th Combat Group
-Anti-terrorism team
505th Search and Rescue Group (505th SRG)
-5051st Search and Rescue Squadron (5051st SRS), 5052nd SRS, 5053rd SRS

Philippine Marine (PM) Corps
-Force Reconnaissance Battalion -61st, 62nd, 63rd Force Recon Companies
Special Warfare Group (SWAG-Navy SEALs)

Presidential Security Group, Philippine Armed Forces (Philippine Secret Service)

Philippe National Police (PNP) Special Action Group (SAG)
PNP Aviation Security Group
Police Security Protective Office (PNP VIP protection unit)

Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno Mobilnego (GROM)
1 Pułk Specjalny Komandosów (1st Special Commando Regiment)
Grupa Specjalna Płetwonurków MW (FORMOZA - Special Naval Frogman Group)
6 Brygada Desantowo-Szturmowa im. Gen.Sosabowskiego (6th Air Asault Brigade)
1 Lotnicza Grupa Poszukiwawczo-Ratownicza in Bydgoszcz (1st Air Search and Rescue Group - (Polish AF CSAR unit)

Fuzileiros Navais (Naval Rifles-Marines)
Destacamento do Accoes Especiais (DAE) -Marine Commandos

Comando das Tropas Aerotransportadas
- Brigada Aerotransportada Independente (BAI)
Companhia de Precursores (Cprecs - Pathfinders)
- Saltadores de Operacionais de Grande Altitude - SOGA -- HALO/HAHO teams)
Centro de Instrução de Operações Especiais (CIOE)
Patrulhas de Longo Raio de Accao (PLRA - LRRPs)
Comandos “Rangersâ€

Equipa de Resgate de Combate (RESCOM - AF CSAR Teams)

Grupo de Intervençao e Segurança Prisional (Prison Intervention and Security Group)

Guarda Nacional Republicana Pelotão des Operaçoes Especiais (Republican National Guard Special Operations Platoon)

Grupo De Operacoes Especiais (GOE -National PoliceCT unit)

1x Naval Battalion
2x Mountain Infantry Brigades

Naval Infantry

103th, 104th, 105th Airborne Guards Divisions (VDV)
Independent Battalions
Independent Assault Brigades

GRU Spetsnaz:
* `Razvedchiki': 1 batt/division divided into 2 Coys (one for LRRP, one for airborne operations)
* `Rejdoviki': brigade sized: operate in bn. & co sized units in an independent recon role
* `Vysotniki': brigade sized: operate in 11man units and are the closest to US SF/UK SAS

16a Brigada Voyska Spetsial'novo Naznatcheniya
218 Battal'on Spetsial'novo Naznatcheniya
Morskaya Voiska Spetsial'nogo Naznachenia Brigada
Podvodniye Sapyory
Delfin (Dolphin – combat diver unit)
Osobogo Nazacheniya (ONAZ)
Otryad Militsi Spetsial'nogo Naznacheniya (OMSN)

Delta Brigade

Spetsnaz FSB:
Spetsgruppa Al'fa /“Spetsgruppa Aâ€/ Alfa Brigade - (FSB-CT/special ops)
* Spetsgruppa Vympel (“Pennant†or “Banner†- formerly “Zenith†one of two sub-groups within “Al’fa†- disbanded?
Spetsgruppa Beta/ “Spetsgruppa Bâ€
Spetsgruppa Zenit
Spetsgruppa Kaskad (Cascade)

The SVR- (russian CIA) has also its own Spetsnaz unit, called “Zaslonâ€, but nothing is known about them so far.

Spetsnaz MVD :
MVD (Interior Ministry Troops) -
Kondor Division of MVD (Anti-Terrorist)
Spetsgruppa Vega (formerly Vympel - special ops CT)
Otryad Militsii Osobennogo Naznacheniya (OMON - Special Purpose Militsiia Detachments) “Black Beretsâ€
Spetsial'nye Otryady BystrogoReagirovanya (SOBR - Special Rapid Reaction Detachment)
Spetsgruppa Vitjaz
Spetsgruppa Grom (Thunder)

Special Forces (3 Special Forces Companies)
Special Security Force

1 Commando Bn (Airborne)
Special Operations Force (SOF)(CT)
10 Commando Bn (Airborne, Reserve)
Naval Diving Unit (NDU)
-The Clearance Diving Group (CDG)
-Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group (EOD)
-Underwater Demolition Group (UDG)
-Combat Diving Group
Special Tactics and Rescue (STAR) Unit
Police Coast Guard's Special Task Squadron (STS)
Singapore Prisons Emergency and Action Response (SPEAR) Force

5. Pluk Specialneho Urcenia (5. PSU - 5th Special Forces Regiment)
2 Special Forces Companies (one based in Bratislava)
Utvar Osobitneho Urcenia (UOU - police CT unit)

National Reconnaissance and Surveillance Force

Special Forces Brigade
- 1, 2, 4, 5 RECCE, Recconaissance Regiments “Recce Commandos/Recces/Specs Ops†(SAS type unit)
44 Parachute Brigade “Para Batsâ€
-1, 2(CF), 3(CF) PARA, Parachute Battalions
SAN Combat Divers (SEAL-type; although 4 RECCE has similar role)
SAPS Special Task Force (CT)

Republic of Korea Special Warfare Command (ROKA SOCOM) The “Black Beretsâ€
Special Forces Brigades (Airborne): Each brigade has Special Warfare Battalion, Antiterrorism Battalion and Maritime Reconnaissance Battalion.
- 707th Special Mission Battalion (CT and special missions unit)
“Strategic Unitsâ€
- 1st “Golden Eagle†Special Forces Brigade: Kimpo Peninsula - specializes in HALO/HAHO operations.
- 3rd “Flying Tiger†Special Forces Brigade: specializes in land infiltration.
- 5th “Black Dragon†Special Forces Brigade: specializes in SCUBA operations.
“Tactical Unitsâ€
- 7th “Flying Horse†Special Forces Brigade - Iksan, N. Cholla Province
- 35th Special Forces Battalion -Kunsan
- 9th “Ghost†Special Forces Brigade
- 11th “Golden Bat†Special Forces Brigade - Damyong, S. Cholla Province
- 62nd Special Forces Battalion
- 13th “Black Jaguar†Special Forces Brigade - N. Chungchong Province
- Special Warfare Center: Overall training center for ROKA Special Forces.

Special Assault Regiments: Deployed by each Corp. Similar to US Army Rangers.
8th, 701st , 702nd, 703rd , 705th , 706th , 708th Special Assault Regiment
35th Special Assault Battalion for CDC
201st Special Assault Brigade
203rd Special Assault Brigade
205th Special Assault Brigade
Special Missions Co. ?
Special mission units that specialize in counter-infiltration warfare.

Korean National Police SWAT unit (868 Unit- National Police Counter-terrorism)

ROK Marine Corps (ROKMC)
Special Reconnaissance Battalion “The Shark-menâ€
1st Marine Division Amphibious Reconnaissance Co.
2nd Marine Division Amphibious Reconnaissance Co.
6th Marine Brigade Amphibious Reconnaissance Co.

Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN) 56 Special Warfare Squadron/Naval Special Warfare Brigade (Underwater Demolition Team/SEALs)
-EOD, UDT, SEAL, Special Missions Group (SMG)
Swimmer Delivery Vehicle Unit - (KSS-51 [mini-submarines], KSS-52, KSS-53 6 x Dolphin class [mini-submarines])
Small Boat Unit 20 x small hovercraft
SSU (Special Salvage Unit)(55 Squadron)

259 SOS [Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) Special Operations Squadron](S-70C/UH-60P)(Special Operations)
233 Search & Rescue Squadron (UH-60P / UH-1H)
ROKAF Para-Rescue Unit?
ROKAF Combat Control Team
MP Special Guard Team (MPSGT)

Spanish Army:
Mando de Operaciones Especiales (MOE)
-Unidad de Experiencias (Experience Unit)
-Grupos de Operaciones Especiales Valencia III (GOE III)
-Tercio del Ampurdán IV

Fuerza de Acción Rápida (FAR)
Brigada de Infantería Ligera Paracaidista (BRIPAC)
* Reconocimiento/Sección de Desembarco Aéreo (RECO/SADA) Platoons (Pathfinder/recon)
*Unidad de Patrullas de Reconocimiento en Profundidad (UPRP - deep recon patrols/LRRPs)

Brigada de Infantería Aerotransportable (BRILAT)
BRILEG (Brigada Legionaria)
-5th Banderas
-6th Banderas
-10th Banderas
Brigada de Cazadores de Montaña (BRICZM)

Spanish Legion:
- 1 and 2 Tercio: Ceuta and Mellila
- 3 Tercio ] Combine to form basis of RDF
- 4 Tercio ] unit in Spanish Armed Forces with BOEL (infra)
Spanish Air Force:
* Escuadrilla de Zapadores Paracaidistas (EZAPAC -LRRPS, FAC, CT, CSAR etc)
Escuadrilla de Apoyo al Despliegue Aereo (EADA- CCT, ABD/ABGD, NBC defense)

Spanish Navy:
Unidad Especial de Buceadores de Combate (UEBC) (naval commandos)
Unidad Especial de Desactivado de Explosivos (UEDE- naval EOD)
Unidad de Buceadores de Medidas Contra Minas (naval counter mine unit)
Infanteria de Marina- (Naval Infantry)
Brigada de Infantería de Marina (BRIMAR)
Tercio de la Armada (TEAR-Spanish "Fleet Marine Force")
Unidad de Operaciones Especiales (UOE) (Spanish Marines SF)

Guardia Civil:
Unidad Especial de Intervencion (UEI - Civil Guard CT unit)
Grupo de Acción Rápida (GAR - Civil Guard SWAT units)

Grupo Especial de Operaciones (GEO -National Police CT unit)
GEOS (Grupos Especiales de Operaciones) (National Police SWAT teams)

Grup Especial d'Intervencio (GEI) (Catalonia Police SWAT)
Berroci Berezi Talda (BBT- Basque Police tactical unit)

Army Commando Regiment
Special Forces Regiment

144th Conter-Terrorist Unit (CTU)

Amphibious Battalions
KustJagare - Navy Coastal Rangers
Attack Dykarna (Attack Divers)
Rojdykare Division (Mine Clearance Divers)
Säkpluton Sjö (formerly Bassäk-Naval Security Platoon/counter SOF unit)

Flybasjagarna-(Swedish Air Force Rangers /SAFRs- Counter SOF unit)
Fallskärmsjägarskolans Insatskompani (FSJ IK - LRRP type unit)

Fallskärmsjägarskolan (FSJ- trains stundents in LRRP/Ranger type missions)
Särskilda Skydds Gruppen (SSG -Special Protection Group (Delta/SAS type unit)
Livregemente Husarer (ranger type unit)
K4/Norrland Dragoons (ranger type unit)
Militärpolisjägare (MPJ- MP Rangers/hunters counter SOF unit)

Ordningspolisens Nationella Insatsstyrka (ONI - National Rescue Unit - part of the Stockholm Police Dept)

Fallschirmaufklärerkompanie 17 (FSK 17)
Stern Unit (based in Berne) (CT)

Aviation and Special Warfare Command
-601st , 602nd , 603rd Air Cavalry Brigades
-862nd Special Operations Brigade
Army Ranger Training Unit
ROC Army 101st Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion
Republic of China (ROC) Marine Corps (Chinese Marine Corps - CMC)
-Amphibious Reconnaissance Group (ARG - former Amphibious Reconnaissance and Patrol Unit (Amphib Recon Battalion) & CMC Special Service Companie)
-2nd Special Task Squadron (100 man marine unit, part of the ARG)
ROC Military Police Command Special Service Company “Nighthawks†(CT)
ROC Military Police Command SWAT units
ROC Navy Underwater Demolition Units (UDU - -Underwater Demolition &
ROC Navy Fleet Salvage Unit (Navy SAR/salvage unit)

Wei-An (Security Task Force Headquarters):
National Police Administration (Police Corps) SWAT Units
- First Peace Preservation Police Corps Special Services Commando (CT)

*CMC Amphibious Reconnaissance and Patrol Unit “Amphibious Recon Battalion†- deactivated
*CMC Special Service Company (CMC SSC) - deactivated
*ROC Army Airborne and Special Warfare Command Special Service Company/Army Air Special Services Commando? (deactivated)

Royal Thai Army Special Warfare Command
Royal Thai Army (RTA) 1st Special Forces (Airborne) Division:
RTA Second Special Forces Division
* 1,2,3,4,5 Special Forces (Airborne) Regiments
2nd Special Forces Regiment, PsyOps Battalion
* 5th Long Range Reconnaissance Company
Royal Thai Navy SEALS, Royal Thai Navy UDT, Royal Thai Navy EOD
Royal Thai Marine Corps Amphibious Recon Battalion
Special Unit of the Royal Thai Air Force ?
Police Aerial Reinforcement Unit (PARU)

Groupement de Commando of the Garde National (GCGN)

Paracutcu (parachutist)
Paracutcu Komando (Parachute Commando)
1st Commando Brigade
2nd Commando Brigade
3rd Commando Brigade
Mountain Commando Brigade

Genelkurmay Ozel Kuvvetler Komutanligi - (General Staff Special Forces Command - SFC) “Red Beretsâ€
Muharebe Arama Kurtarma (MAK - CSR/Combat Search and Rescue - Joint service Delta type unit)
Ozel Intihar Komando Birligi (OIKB - CT)

Amfibi Deniz Piyade (Amphibious Rifle Brigade)
- Reconnaissance Platoon
Sualty Alti Taaruz (SAT- Under Water Attack)
Sualty Alti Savunma (SAS-Under Water Defense)
Air Force Search And Rescue Group Command

Airmobile Division
Airmobile Brigade
Naval Infantry Brigade
Bars (Snow Leopard)
Yahuar (Jaguar)
Hepard (Leopard).

“Panther†The Panther unit is an anti-terrorist Spetsnaz team operating under the Ministry of the Interior (MOI).
Gboz MBC

16th Air Assault Brigade:
* Brigade HQ and 216 Signals Squadron
* The Parachute Regiment
* Pathfinder Platoon
* 1st Battalion Royal Irish Regiment
* 7th Parachute Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery
* 23rd Engineer Regiment
* 13th Air Assault Support Regiment, RLC
* 16th Close Support Medical Regiment
* 7th Battalion, REME, and 132d Aviation Support Unit, RLC
* 156th Provost Company, RMP
* 89 Intelligence Section Intelligence Corps
* Air Force Liaison Section, RAF
* 1x Armed Recce Regt from Household Cavalry Regt
* 658 Aviation Squadron, Army Air Corps
* 613, 614 Tactical Air Control Parties, RAF
* 10(Para) Field Workshop, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

4/73 (Sphinx) Special Observation Post Battery, 5th Artillery Regiment (Surveillance & Target Acquisition Battery-STA Battery)
The Honourable Artillery Company (HAC), Forward Observation Battery, Royal Artillery (TA equivalent of 148 Battery)

3rd Commando Brigade:
* Brigade HQ and Signals Squadron, RM
* 539 Assault Squadron, RM
* Tactical Air Control Parties, RAF
* Air Defence Troop, Royal Artillery
* 40, 42, 45 Commando RM
* Commando Logistic Regiment
* Commando Air Squadron
* 29 Commando Regiment, Royal Artillery
* 59 Commando Squadron, Royal Engineers
* 845, 846 Naval Air Squadrons, Royal Navy
Brigade Patrol Troop (BPT- former Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre (M&AWC))
148 (Meiktila) Commando, Forward Observation Battery, Royal Artillery (Para, Commando, and diver trained FAC’s -support SAS, SBS, and Parachute Regiment)
Commando Helicopter Force (CHF)
Fleet Protection Group, Royal Marines (formerly Commacchio Group)/-Fleet Standby Rifle Troop (FSRT)

Special Forces Brigade:
* 21(TA)(Artists Rifles) Special Air Service (SAS)
* 63(TA)(SAS) Signals Squadron
* 22 Special Air Service:
- Sabre Squadrons (A, B, D, G, R Squadrons) (Includes Anti-terrorist Team)
- Royal Logistics Corps
- Army Air Corps `S' Flight
- 264 (SAS) Signals Squadron
- Operations Research Wing
- Operations Planning and Intelligence Wing (`The Kremlin')
- Demolitions Wing
- Training Wing
- Counter-Revolutionary Warfare Wing
* 23(VR) Special Air Service
* Special Boat Service, Royal Marines (SBS): “C†Squadron, “S†Squadron, “M†Squadron (Black Troop, Gold Troop, -Purple Troop)

* Special Forces Flights: No. 7 Squadron, RAF (HC.2 Chinook), No. 47 Squadron, RAF (C-130J), “M†Troop 848 Squadron

The Increment
Army’s Special Intelligence Wing (SIW)
-Force Research Unit (FRU)/Joint Services Group
Intelligence & Security Group (N.I) or 14 Intelligence Company

Brigade of Gurkhas
* 1st Bn, The Royal Gurkha Rifles
* 2nd Bn, The Royal Gurkha Rifles
* Gurkha Signal Bn.
* Gurkha Engineer Bn.
* The Queen’s Gurkha Engineers
* Queen’s Gurkha Signals
* Queen’s Own Gurkha Transport Regiment

Central Intelligence Agency:
* Special Activities Division - Special Operations Groups

US Special Operations Command (SOCOM)
- Army Aviation Support Activity (AASE)
- US Special Operations Command Deployment Cell (D-Cell)
US Army Special Operations Command (USASOC)
US Army Special Forces Command (USASFC)
US Army Special Forces “Green Beretsâ€
* 1,3,5,7,10 Special Forces Group (Airborne)
Special Forces Det.-Korea
* 19th , 20th Special Forces Group(Airborne) (Army National Guard)
Chemical Reconnaissance Detachments
75th Ranger Regiment
* 1/75th Infantry, 2/75th Infantry, 3/75th Infantry, Regimental Recon Det. (RRD)
US Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (USACAPOC)
* 4th PSYOPS Group
* 96th Civil Affairs Battalion
Special Operations Support Command (SOSCOM)
112th Special Operations Signal Battalion (with detachments in Germany and Korea)
528th Special Operations Support Battalion
* 160TH SOAR (Special Operations Aviation Regiment) - (2) Battalions at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky ; (1) Battalion at Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia; D/160th in Puerto Rico; E/160th in Korea

10th Mountain Division (Light)
82nd Airborne Division “All Americansâ€
101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) “Screaming Eaglesâ€
173rd Airborne Brigade “The Sky Soldiersâ€

US Army Long-Range Surveillance Units (LRSU):
129th Inf Det. (LRS)
173rd Inf . Det (LRS) Rhode Island Army National Guard (ARNG)
207th Inf Grp (Scout) Lt Recon Det.
F Co. 425th (LRS) Michigan ARNG
143rd Infantry Detachment (LRS) TX ARNG
173rd Infantry Detachment
V Corps LRSC
10th Mountain Div. (Light) LRSD
82nd Abn. Div. LRSD
101st Abn Div. (AA) LRSD
73rd Airborne Brigade LRSD
2nd Infantry Division LRSD

US Army Pathfinders:
* 101st Abn Pathfinder Det
* 17th Avn Bde Pathfinder Section
* “en-route†Tactical Team B/1/58th Avn Regiment (XVII Abn Corps unit, supports 82nd ABN.)

Joint Special Operations Command (JSSOC):
* Joint Communication Unit (JCU)
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)
* US Army 1st SFOD-Delta Force (Also known as “1stCombat Applications Group†or “Combat Development Branch“ )
- A, B, C Squadrons
- Aviation Squadron
- “Funny platoonâ€
- Red, Blue, Gold teams (assault)
- Gray team (special boat unit)
- Green team (training)
- Black (recon/surveillance)
- E&R cell
- Sniper Cell
24th Special Tactics Squadron

US Marines Corps:
Marine Corps Special Operations Command Detachment 1 (MCSOCOM Det 1)
1st ,2nd, 3rd, 4th Force Reconnaissance Companies
Deep Recon Patrol Company, 3rd Recon Battalion
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Marine Recon Battalion
Bravo Company (Radio Recon), 1st Radio Battalion
Radio Recon Platoon, 2nd Radio Battalion
Scout Sniper Platoons (SSP) (one platoon per USMC Regt)
1st , 2nd , 3rd (USMCR), 4th ANGLICO (USMCR) (Air-Naval Gunfire Liaison Company)

11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) - MEU (SOC)
13th MEU (SOC), 15th MEU (SOC), 22nd MEU (SOC), 24th MEU (SOC), 16th MEU (SOC), 31st MEU (SOC)

Special Operations Training Group (SOTG) I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF)
- Special Mission Branch
- Amphibious Raid Branch
- Sniper

US Air Force:
Air Force Special Opertrions Command (AFSOC)
* Special Tactics Teams -Pararescue (PJ) Teams/Combat Controllers -21st, 22nd, 23rd, 320th , 321st Special Tactics Squadrons (STS), 10th Combat Weather Squadron
* 16th Special Operations Wing
* 58th Special Operations Wing
* 193rd Special Operations Group
* 352nd Special Operations Group
* 353rd Special Operations Group
* 427th Special Operations Squadron
* 820th Special Operations Group
* 919th Special Operations Wing
347th Rescue Wing (347th RQW) - 41st Rescue Squadron (HH-60G, CSAR), 71st Rescue Squadron (HC-130P, CSAR)
- 38th Rescue Squadron (pararescue squadron)

Air Mobility Command Units:
16th Airlift SQ.(C-141's)
“Night Riders†(C-5 SOLL II)
421st Ground Combat Readiness Squadron (GCRS)

Air Combat Command Units:
Tactical Air Control Parties (TACP)
Special Operations Forces Tactical Air Control Parties (SOF TACP) -
22nd Air Support Operations Flight (ASOF)
Combat Weathermen - 18th Weather Squadron

Security Forces Units:
Air Combat Command-
820th Security Forces Group: 822nd Security Forces Squadron (SFS), 823rd SFS, 824th SFS
99th Ground Combat Training Squadron (GCTS)
Airbase Defense School (Silver Flag Alpha/Expeditionary Readiness Training - ExpeRT)
204th SFS (Heavy Weapons unit als oconducts FID missions in Spanish speaking countries)

USAF Europe Units-
786th SFS
USAFE Ground Combat Training Flight
USAFE Ground Defense School (Creek Defender)/USAFE Security Forces Training Flight (Creek Defender)
86th Security Forces Group: 568th SFS, 569th SFS
607th Training Flight (TRF)

PACAF Security Forces Regional Training Center (Commando Warrior)

Naval Special Warfare Command (NAVSPECWARCOM)
US Naval Special Warfare Groups (NAVSPECWARGRU)
- SEAL Teams 1,3,5,7
-Training Det
-Logistics and Support Unit
- Combat Support and Service Team
- Naval Special Warfare Unit- ONE (NAVSPECWARUNIT) (1,based in Guam, a Detachment in Kodiak, AK--NAVSPECWARGRU-ONE DET KODIAK and 3 based in Bahrain )
- SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) Team One
- Special Boat Team 12 (SBT-12)
- SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team One ASDS
- SEAL Teams 2,4,8,10
-Training Det
-Logistics and Support Unit
- Combat Support and Service Team
- NAVSPECWARUNIT (2, 4, and 10, located in Panzer Kasrene, Stuttgart, Germany, Naval Station Roosevelt Roads (NSRR), Puerto Rico, and Rota, Spain respectively)
- SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) Team Two
- Special Boat Teams 20, 22 (NR)
USN Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)

42nd Brigada de Infanteria Paracaidistas
Escuela de Operaciones Especiales “G/D Andres Rojas†(EOEAR)
507 Batallon de Fuerzas Especiales
- Buzos de Combate (Army special ops combat divers)
107 Batallon de Operaciones Especiales (107 BOE)

73 Brigada de Cazadores (Hunters/Rangers - Elite light infanty counter guerilla units)
- 232 Battalion de Cazadores “Vicente Campo Eliasâ€
- 233 Battalion de Cazadores “ Juan Jose Rondonâ€

Grupo Aereo de Operaciones Especiales Nº 10 “Cobras†(AF special ops helo unit)
- Escuadrón 101 “Guerreros†(Bell 412, UH-1B, UH-1D, UH-1H)
-cuadrón 102 “ Piaros†(AS332B1, AS532AC, SE3160)
- Escuadrón 103 (AF CSAR unit)
Grupo Aereo de Operaciones Especiales Nº 15 (AF special ops/COIN unit)
- Escuadrón 151 “Los Linces†(OV-10A, OV-10E)
- Escuadrón 152 “ Los Avispones†(AT-27 Tucano)

Infanteria de Marina (Naval Infantry/Marines)
Comando de Operaciones Especiales (COMPEMI -SEAL type unit)
- Buceadores de combate- combat divers
- Incursores Anfibios - amphibious raiders
- Para-Comandos- para-commandos
- Embarcaciones Especiales-special boats)

Brigada Acciones Especiales (BAE - National Police CT unit)

Grupo de Acciones de Comandos (GAC) (Guardia Nacional CT unit)
Grupos de Anti-extorsion y Secuestro (GAES) Nº 1, Nº 3 (Guardia Nacional anti-kidnap units)

"Dac Cong" (Special Forces)

Parachute Brigade

Aussie Digger

That's ah, pretty comprehensive... The only thing I would add to Australia is if you're going to add 3RAR (Para) as a special forces unit then you should include, A Battery, Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery as they are a para qualified Artillery Battery. And the Air Defence Guards and the RFSU's aren't special forces units, in the normal sense. They are simply grunts with a specific role. The RFSU's and most of the ADGIES are only "reserve" soldiers or "airmen"...


New Member
The special forces within the Turkish Armed Forces are one of the finest among their counterparts throughout the world. Despite the fact that there are many other special operations commando units, such as the Mountain Commando Brigades, Gendarmerie Commandos and Marine Corps, within the Turkish Armed Forces, they do not fall under the definition/classification of modern day special forces.

The Turkish special forces units could be classified into the following:


The manpower required for the Special Forces Command (SFC), which is publicly known as Red Berets, is acquired from the selected officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs) of various units operating under the Land Forces Command. In other words, the Army officers and NCOs only are eligible to join this elite unit. This unit directly operates under the command of the General Staff Headquarters. The individuals forming this special unit are selected from their regular army troops on voluntary basis. Not all who volunteer are admitted though since there is a pass/fail written and physical exam. Those who pass the exams become special forces candidates. Adequate linguistic skills in at least one foreign language is a plus for admission. The candidates then have to complete a challenging training period which lasts around 2.5 years. Many drop out during this intense training period. Training encompasses fitness, obstacle, Martial Arts, close quarters combat (CQC), biological/chemical/nuclear warfare, parachuting, diving, sniping, demolition, counter-terrorism, search and rescue, stealth seek and destroy, reconnaissance and survival. Learning foreign languages is a part of the training. During the training, candidates are pushed by their instructors to their limits, both physical and mental. Training schedule includes all aspects of a modern day regular and psychological warfare. 100 kilometer terrain-walking with a 40 kg load is just an example of what the candidates have to go through during training. The size of the SFC stands at a "Division" level. The SFC can be considered as the Turkish counterpart of the US Green Berets.

Within the SFC, there is a top-secret unit which only has 100 members. The name of the unit is Combat Search and Rescue (C.S.R. or M.A.K. in Turkish). However, no further information is available on CSR except for the fact that it is thought to be established and organized like its US counterpart Delta Force. It also differs from the SFC in that its members are selected not only from the Army, but also from the other two main forces, Navy and Air Force. It should not be difficult to conclude that CSR members are the best of the best within the Turkish Armed Forces.

SFC and CSR perform a variety of duties such as:

- Surveillance on enemy structures, facilities, defense systems or strategically relevant buildings.
- Covert sabotage against enemy units and structures.
- Infiltration.
- Reconnaissance.
- Hostage/POW/downed pilot rescue.
- Counter-terrorism missions.
- Close Quarter Combat.
- Organization and training of friendly civilians against the enemy.

SFC and CSR both took part in the accomplishment of several missions. Capture of Abdullah Ocalan, the Chief of the terrorist PKK organization, in Kenya and of Semdin Sakik, PKK's second chief in charge were carried out by the SFC. The SFC acquired vast amount of experience in search and destroy type missions, especially in rural areas and caves in South-East Turkey, during its years long campaign against the PKK. The SFC has also been undertaking missions in Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, Afghanistan and North Iraq. A few SFC teams were sent to Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom and trained the new recruits of the newly-established regular Afghan Army.


The Naval Special Forces of the Turkish Armed Forces are classified under two categories. Although these two categories, publicly known as SAS and SAT, are thought to be the same by many people, in fact they are not. They are two different units with completely different specialization areas and range of duties. The personnel of both units are selected only from the Navy officers and non-commissioned officers, on voluntary basis.


Underwater Defense Teams (UDT), or SAS in Turkish, are the counterparts of the US Underwater Demolition Teams (UDT). Their main tasks are:

- Deactivation or disposal of explosive material, mines and/or unidentified ordinance under the water off the friendly ports and coasts.
- Deactivation or disposal of explosive material, mines and/or unidentified ordinance under the water off the target coasts or ports. That includes clearing of the target beaches of mines, explosives, booby traps and tank traps, prior to the amphibious assault of the friendly forces.
- Deactivation or disposal of explosives and mines that might be present on the course of the friendly troops and/or VIP military personnel.
- Consultancy in defending the strategic facilities against stealth assaults by enemy commandos.

UDT units do not perform assault, counter-terrorism, recon or CQC missions. A real-time duty executed by the SAS has been the clearing of the Girne Beach, Cyprus, prior to the amphibious assault of the Turkish Armed Forces to the island in 1974.


Underwater Assault Teams (UAT), or SAT in Turkish, are the counterparts of the US Navy Seals. Their main tasks are:

- Surveillance on enemy structures, facilities, defense systems or strategically relevant buildings.
- Covert sabotage against naval units and/or enemy structures.
- Covert landing and infiltration.
- Reconnaissance on beaches being considered for amphibious landing operations.
- Determining secure landing paths.
- Underwater recon within 2.5 m deep water/beach corridors.
- Direct action during first wave of landing missions.
- Hostage/POW/downed pilot rescue.
- Counter-terrorism missions.
- Close Quarter Combat.

The training period of the Turkish Naval Special Forces, which lasts 49 weeks, is shorter than that of the SFC. It starts off with a 5-week-long Indoctrination period, followed by three consecutive training phases, and then Airborne Training and Special Ops Training.

Training and Duration:

BUD/S: Indoctrination Period - 5 weeks Phase I (Basic conditioning + Hell Week) - 9 weeks
Phase II (Diving) - 8 weeks
Phase III (Land Warfare) - 9 weeks
Post BUD/S:
Airborne Training - 3 weeks
Special Ops Technical Training - 2 weeks
Medical Training - 30 weeks
Platoon Training - 18 months

SFC, SAS or SAT, every Special Operations mission needs absolute secrecy and stealth. In consequence to these requirements, some peculiarities are expected in all special operations candidates: Total dedication to the motherland and extreme determination; No fear of darkness, altitude, underwater activity or loneliness at all; resistance and effective reaction capability in extreme situations (including torture); capacity and determination to accomplish the tasked mission at any cost; ability to make immediate and effective decisions; capacity to adapt to changing situations or environments.


New Member
The South African SAPS Special task force, is technically a police special forces group than a military group., kinda like SWAT but with more fo a military mandate....or am I mistaking that with the SAP Riot Squad.

Sea Dog

Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
You're missing the Spanish Air Force's EZAPAC Squadron ("Parachute Combat Engineer/Sapper Squadron).

The squadron is a company sized force of approximately 300 troops that is trained in executing several types of missions. These missions include the following:

-Identifying and marking aircraft landing and parachute drop zones (Pathfinder).
-Providing ground visual aid and electronic control to friendly aircraft (CCT).
-Acting as forward air controllers for fighter aircraft.
-Collection and transmission data from enemy territory.
-Identification and destruction of objectives of aeronautical interest.
-Reinforcing the Escuadrilla de Apoyo al Despliegue Aero (EADA) and providing additional security at Air Force facilities.
-Providing Search and Rescue support (CSAR).
-Training Air Force and Navy pilots in survival and evasion techniques.

EZAPAC, which operates under the direct control of the Air Force Reaction Forces, is divided into several sections each of which specialize in conducting a specific type of mission. The unit is completely air transportable and all of its personnel are airborne trained; with many of it's operators attaining HALO/HAHO parachute qualifications.



New Member
@ The Watcher - You can add the Philippine Army Light Reaction Battalion to your list.

[ame=""]Light Reaction Battalion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:LightReactionBn.jpg" class="image"><img alt="LightReactionBn.jpg" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/0/09/LightReactionBn.jpg/150px-LightReactionBn.jpg[/ame]


Banned Member
What constitutes a Commando entity? 60% of the units listed are no more than glorified unfantry and/or support units and don't even represisent recognised tier three asset, never mind tier two or one! More than 50% of listed units don't undertake a selection process above and beyond basic infantry/trade training plus entry 'face-fit'interviews.

If you look at the original 'Commando' concept you are talking about independent thinking, highly motivated soldiers capable of operating under extreme duress behind enemy lines in small raiding parties or as part of larger coordinated action with strategic objectives.

Typically a nation will have two tier one assets, one water (high water mark), one land (high water mark and beyond), supported by dedicated air, sea, intelligence, logistics and sigs etc. Depending on the constitution a spearate police unit will be assigned to mitigate any threats represented by domestic terrorism (US - FBI HRG).


I don't think the Danish Sirius Patrol constitutes a command force. At least not in the traditional sense.
True, the selection process is long and demanding, but they aren't really combat troops, but extreme borderguards.
While their training includes a lot of physical training, most of the training is centred around Arctic survival and mental preparations. After all, they'll be spending the next two years alone with less than a handful of people.