Help USA being strong, busted the commies


New Member
Hi there

This thread is to inquire if it would be possible for you guys to help us with our game.
Here's a little about it:

Many American gamers are currently playing a web-browser game called Over 8,000 people log-in daily (over 20,000

citizens world-wide) to this geo-political game that simulates a New World.

Recently, many other countries underwent a huge boost to their active population due to great their biggest forum coverage in

their own countries ( Bulgaria, China and Slovenia, for example).

Fact that The real USA is one of the most populous countries in the world with an expansive internet user population.

Fact :The real USA is mighty superpower in economy and military.

But in this game, USA ranked 16th in the term of population, USA is ranked 17th in term of military power.

Are we strong? No, In the war against Korean communist, we ever lost Western part of USA region. That is not enough, even the Mexicans ever attacked this great country and we ever lost Southern Part of USA to Mexico.

We need to save American dignity, we need more people to play this game. is an online multi player social strategy game. It combines military, political, social, and economic components to create a simulation of real life. Players, called Citizens, have the chance to follow their dreams to lead their nation on the battlefield or in the halls of government. With simple linear mechanics, citizens are rewarded for visiting the website each day, if only for 5 minutes.

The United States has trouble with communist regime in Korea last week. In the future China communist and Russian communist

can be real threat for sovereignty of USA. USA is looking to begin a new offensive push. Be there to experience the excitement from day one, sign up today and give it a try.

Help USA in this game

Sign up, play and join with us, USA gamer community

e-sim dot org/profile.html?id=4167 (change dot to . )

That's all